The trouble isn’t just with people with guns? This…… Shouldn’t it be these gunmen who are in the most trouble right now? If there is a bigger trouble, then what is that trouble? Is it difficult to find out what kind of explosives have been installed underground?

While Catherine was worried about safety, she was a little confused, not understanding what the situation was.

In fact, she didn’t even know why the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum was attacked by thugs.

Such a blatant attack is not afraid of the official attack of the Eagle Sauce State?

Or is there any way they can make the official people of the Eagle Sauce Country not be able to come so quickly for the time being?

For example, the road to and from the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum was blown up by them?

Or are they put down without knowing how many triangular nails?

Or maybe they are in Eagle Sauce Country officially…

Someone inside should be outside?!

While conspiring and theorizing, Catherine set her eyes on the [ghost seeker] in Liu Xiaoling’s hand, and she recognized that this was the brush of the Eastern powers, after all, the brush was still quite famous.

But how is this brush shaking?

What is this and that?

But, it can’t be so fine…

As Catherine wondered, Liu Xiaoling lowered her voice, and she said in English: “Sure enough, the circle did not guess wrongly, there is indeed something in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, and… It was probably more troublesome than expected, and I wondered if the mob would disturb those things. ”

“What?” Catherine asked almost instinctively, and also suppressed her voice particularly low.

Liu Xiaoling took a deep breath and said calmly, “Ghost!! ”

“Ghosts… Ghost…… Well? Ghost??! ”

Catherine was a little sluggish.

For a moment, her brain was a little blank, she couldn’t understand the meaning of these words, what was the situation of ghosts?

Although she has also heard that these days, rumors of ghosts and the like are raging on the Internet.

But when it really happens to you…

Catherine’s first reaction was…

Can’t believe it, it’s unbelievable!

“Yes, ghosts!”

Liu Xiaoling’s tone intensified confirmedly, but her voice was still very small, she said: “The purpose of Xiao Mo and I coming to the Eagle Sauce Country this time is for the ghosts in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, but I didn’t expect to be so unlucky today and encounter this kind of thing.” ”

With that, she took out a spring knife from her arms, and with a slight movement of her fingertips, the blade bounced straight out!

The spring knife is illegal in the Eagle Sauce Country, and it is funny to say…

Civilian firearms in this place are not illegal supplies …

On the contrary, a small spring knife is…

However, Liu Xiaoling’s identity is more special, and there is nothing with a spring knife on his body, and the Eagle Sauce Country will naturally give the green light. It is as if in her circle of spokespersons, want to apply for a gun use permit from the official of the big eastern country, maybe… You can really apply for it!

Strangely, the spring knife is covered with strange and mysterious lines, which makes people look a little uncomfortable.

Because this stuff is not just for people…

It can also have a damage effect on ghosts!

The premise is that you can poke it…

In the open space about a hundred meters away from them, several “thugs” with their faces covered, wearing black combat uniforms without marks, heavily armed and armed with live ammunition, were carefully searching for the living people nearby.

As for the other companions, they went to destroy the current evidence of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum!

“Strange… Steven, do you feel that this place is very cold? Even if you wear a combat suit, you feel very cool, and you feel that it is… Next to it there is an air conditioner like. ”

One of the “thugs” frowned and reminded his partner next to him that he felt something was wrong.

However, the partner next to him did not respond, which made him can’t help but be stunned.

“Steven? …… Steven??! ”

Suddenly realizing that something was not quite right, the “mob” hurriedly turned his head, followed by a sudden contraction of his pupils!

Only to see a man wearing a blood-faced mask, I don’t know when, has been standing next to him!

On the ground, a black-clad “thug” was lying on the ground.

A blood stain on his neck… Clearly visible!

Blood from the opening in the neck…

Crazy gush out!

Seeing the blood-faced mask man raise the butcher knife in his hand, he was so frightened that he almost instinctively pulled the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun spewed out a cloud of flames, and bullets drilled into the blood-faced mask man’s body!

The other party’s burly figure suddenly staggered, and the whole person kept retreating backwards.

A cloud of blood appeared on his body, and then he lay on his back and fell to the ground.

Looked at…… The black-clad “thug” breathed a sigh of relief, and this sudden appearance of the strange man frightened him not lightly.

And Steven was actually by this guy!

The neck was smeared by this bastard!

Damn it…… Where did it come from?

The black-clad “thug” frowned, with a look of palpitation on his face, looking at the strange blood-faced mask worn on the other side’s head, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and with the muzzle of the gun, he gently lifted the mask.

The texture of the mask, it feels strange, as if… It’s like a real human skin!

And when the mask was lifted, the black-clad “thugs” were confused…

Because he didn’t see anything at all!

This is the most critical thing!!

There’s nothing under the mask!

No human face at all…

No heads!!

Suddenly…… A strong, powerful and unusually cold arm tightly wrapped around one of the arms of the black-clad “thug”.

Then, the black-clad “thug” only felt a chill in his neck.

Blood doesn’t want money… Spurt out!

A man wearing a blood-faced mask…

Just stand behind him!

Obviously there is a …

Man wearing a blood-faced mask!

Under the mask of the bloody face, a pair of eyes full of death were full of excitement: “Ho ho Although it is a man, your skin bag is unexpectedly good…”

[Name: Bloodface Killer (2 stars)

Description: A serial murderer who was active in the Velvet Hill area of Louis West Village in the Eagle Sauce Country in 1960, after his death, his strong resentment combined with his anger and temper was directly transformed into a two-star ghost!

Skills: Peeling surgery, infinite strength

Price: 5680 Shock Points]

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