Li Xiaomo’s mobile phone camera did not know when it had been pointed in that direction, and the move of the [blood-faced killer] was clearly filmed by her, but what she did not hear was the other party’s words, after all, the distance was very far, and the voice of the other party was not loud.

There was no panic on her face, after all… In the Eastern Kingdom, she had already seen more than one ghost!

She was even near the village of Fengmen, watching [the White Brow Ghost King] fight with the circle!

Although Li Xiaomo will not leave any mysterious side for the time being…

But her psychological quality is higher than anyone!

At least not much worse than Liu Xiaoling…

And Liu Xiaoling, as the only person among all the people present who would have mysterious side power, was naturally even more unlikely to be too panicked, even if she wanted to panic, she couldn’t let herself panic!

If even she panicked, then… It could be the real big trouble!

“…… This guy is definitely better than me!! ”

Zoom in on the camera of your phone and watch the [Bloodface Killer] operation.

Liu Xiaoling knew that the other party was stronger than himself!

This ghost is really strong!

Still, don’t worry…

I also have a hole card…

On the side, Catherine, who is also paying attention to the screen, is beautiful and wide-eyed, full of disbelief, full of disbelief, and even a little white face, because this is a killing!

But the crux of the matter is why… Behind that “thug”, there will be someone who appears inexplicably?

Yes, when the “thug” “popped” the [blood-faced killer] with the gun in his hand…

To a “new” [blood-faced killer], suddenly appear behind the “thug” in an instant…

And also after smearing the neck of the “thug” with a knife…

That picture, all by Catherine…

It’s all in the eyes!!

Surpass…… Superpowers?

Fen Shen?


Catherine was a little confused, she wondered if she was watching a movie, but the problem was… This is not a movie at all, but a fact!

This is the fact that happened in front of her!

And because of this…

She couldn’t believe it.

It’s unbelievable.

Catherine’s look was incredibly stunned, as if the ancient people of a primitive society suddenly saw a car running on the road.

Everything that happened in front of my eyes… Already in her intellectual blind spot!

She couldn’t figure out how the other person did it…

Wrong…… Wait a minute! Is it to say…

Catherine suddenly remembered that Liu Xiaoling had inexplicably said the word “ghost” before, and then linked to the words that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had said before, as well as their reactions.

Catherine ghosted the god and whispered, “… So, is that a ghost? ”

Liu Xiaoling looked at her expression, nodded, and responded: “The possibility is very large, or rather… It is a ghost, but it is not known how strong it is. ”

Her expression was very dignified, and she continued: “But what is certain is that it is not afraid of guns, and there is something similar to… Doppelganger? Or is it the ability to teleport? Or, what was shot before was just a prop. The real ghost has always been behind that mob!! ”

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xiaoling used the spring knife in his hand to pierce a wound in his fingertip.

Blood followed the lines on the blade of the spring knife…

Directly spread the whole spring knife!

Make this spring knife look…

There is a glamorous texture!

Liu Xiaoling’s tone was solemn, and she continued: “The direction that [Ghost Seeker] is pointing is not the direction where the ghost wearing the blood-faced mask is located, that is to say… The real power of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse has not yet appeared! ”

At the same time, her heart is also quite bitter, these 300 points, it is also a little too difficult to earn!

300 points mission difficulty coefficient…

Maybe it’s a little too high, right?

Encountering a “thug” may just be a coincidence, in the final analysis, that is, bad luck.

In addition, the national conditions of the Eagle Sauce Country are relatively special…

There are so many kinds of landscapes!

I also met myself!

But…… It should not be a coincidence that the Thorn Cliff Madhouse has appeared, a ghost that may be difficult to match itself, right?

Although I don’t know how the other party compares to the [White Brow Ghost King].

But even if it’s only a little bit worse than [the White Brow Ghost King]…

It’s not something you can handle on your own!

This is not the usual danger!

Did the brother give himself the hole card…

Is it going to be used up tonight?

Isn’t it faster?

Listening to Liu Xiaoling’s head and methodical analysis, Catherine was stunned to hear it.

She was a little difficult to sort out the chaotic thoughts in her mind, and she couldn’t help but whisper, “You… How can it be so professional?! ”

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoling replied, “We… I was supposed to do this job! ”

With that, Liu Xiaoling suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

Her whole person inexplicably hit a spirit!

As if something was looming!

Followed by…… A fierce explosion came from inside the building of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

It turned out that the “thugs” had already entered the inside of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum!

And it also detonated something that shouldn’t exist…

Or something that shouldn’t be seen!

Wrong…… Not only did they detonate those things, they also disturbed certain special beings!

Feel the sudden drop in temperature in the air.

Feel the different yin qi…

Liu Xiaoling inhaled a cool breath!

A classic national curse, directly by the instinctive she blurted out: “I grass … How come there are so many wronged souls in this place? ”

From her Liu Xiaoling’s point of view, she saw…

One, two, three… Fifteen, sixteen… Thirty-six, thirty-seven… Forty-one……

It’s dense, it’s all wronged souls!!!

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