After pondering for a moment, finally… Catherine finally figured it out, figured it out, whether God exists or not for her, actually… It doesn’t matter at all, Liu Xiaoling is more important than God!!

Because…… God will not protect her at this time, and it is Liu Xiaoling who is protecting her now.

This girlfriend friend of foreign netizens is really powerful!

Although Catherine does not understand hierarchical stratification in the circle…

But, her words from the surface seem…

I think Liu Xiaoling is very powerful…

Not inferior to superheroes!

Well…… She is a superhero movie fan, Catherine pondered a little, she feels that Liu Xiaoling’s strength, if placed in the superhero movie, is at least the level of the blade warrior, right?

After all, Blade Warriors kill vampires, and one person can cut dozens of vampires.

Liu Xiaoling, on the other hand, kills ghosts, as if one person can beat dozens of ghosts!

Catherine couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit once more.

The face was full of shock and disbelief…

The pictures that are happening in front of your eyes…

It had a big psychological shock on her!

She felt that if she could live tonight, she would have to move out of the city.

And she also needs to reconstruct her worldview and values!

After all, she was a pure atheist before…

Is a person who will never be superstitious of all kinds!

But all the things I’ve seen and heard tonight…

Catherine was a little confused…

“Xiao Mo, you and your friend named Liu Xiaoling can’t really be the female anchor on the Internet, right?”

Catherine couldn’t help but whisper, she estimated that her experience was very bizarre!

Li Xiaomo was stunned, nodded, and replied, “If there is no one else, it is us.” ”

Her reply made Catherine involuntarily take a cool breath…

Once again, it has contributed to global warming…

“Occasionally! The camera suddenly pulled so close that I thought that Xiaomo’s wife had also rushed up, and… Why is Xiaoling’s wife so fierce? A stick for a kid? ”

“Ma Ya, the anchor is definitely trained, this stick seems to be very fluent!”

“Where are there so many ghosts?”

“Ask somewhere, won’t you use your honorable eyes to see the title of the live broadcast room?”

“Didn’t the anchors all live broadcast at night before?” Now watching the live broadcast in the daytime, it’s a bit weird…”

“After all, the two anchors are now in Eagle Sauce Country, and the time difference is different!”

“My roommate in Eagle Sauce Country told me that after watching the live broadcast, he didn’t dare to return to China during the summer vacation.”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t dare go back!” What a ghost! ”

“Honest adoption of 14-25-year-old eagle sauce country girls requires good figure, money, not much food, long and beautiful, and long shelf life.”

“Sand sculpture netizens are really talented!”

“Sleeper! What is the popularity of this live room? 311 million popularity? Fake it!! ”

“How long has the brother not been online?!”

“Probably a cave man at the top of a mountain!”

“The cave man at the top of the mountain can be OK…”

“Please ask where you can learn Taoism!” I went to the Shaolin Temple and the Wudang Sect in the past few days, and they all said that they wouldn’t do these things! So where did the anchor learn it? ”

“Heirloom, huh?” The live broadcast of the old tomato, the ghost king hit the head of the rat, is the anchor’s brother! ”

“Sleeper… That Raptor is the anchor’s brother? Both brothers and sisters slammed their hands together! ”

“The legendary exorcist family? The horror! ”

“The horror is so terrible that it must not be left behind!”

“Fight the gasification horse, drive!!”


I have to say that when the sand sculpture netizens encounter the horror picture, they can still play with various stems…

Not because they are not afraid, but because they are afraid, they also need to frantically brush the bullet screen to achieve the effect of “bullet screen protection”!

Catherine took a moment to glance at the mobile phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand, and she suddenly asked a question: “Aren’t you live on the YouTube?” I heard that your video on YouTube has also exceeded 100 million views! ”

Vitta? Li Xiaomo shook his head and said: “We are generally shooting alone, if we broadcast live on the YouTube, the domestic netizens who will not climb over the wall will not be able to see it.” ”

Hearing this, Catherine reacted, and she remembered that there was a wall on the Internet of the Eastern powers.

Although the technical content of the wall is not very high…

But there will always be a lot of people who won’t…

“Would you like to hire a staff?” Hire a… Can you help your employees live stream on YouTube? ”

Catherine’s words made Li Xiaomo, who was worried about Liu Xiaoling’s safety, a little confused.

Employees? Live on YouTube? This…… a proposal?

It seems like…… There’s a little bit of merit!

After all, there are many netizens on the tubing!?

“You want to be an employee?!”

“I want to try!”


Looking at Catherine, who was eager to try, the corners of Li Xiaomo’s mouth twitched slightly, how could anyone want to be a migrant boy for them as soon as they came up? And looking at Catherine’s valuable clothes, she should not be a person who lacks money!

And she had introduced herself before… Said she was a YouTube millionaire fan uplord.

A YouTube million fan uplord…

Want to come over and work here?

Be a tool man for shooting?

Li Xiaomo looked at Liu Xiaoling, who was caught in a fierce battle, she touched the spring knife in her palm, and said solemnly: “Then give you a chance to test, you hold your mobile phone to continue shooting, if you are broadcasting live in YouTube at the same time, it doesn’t matter, I want to go over and help Xiao Lingzi!” ”

Stunned to take the mobile phone handed by Li Xiaomo, Catherine was a little confused… Is that a promise?

In fact, the reason why she was eager to try it just now…

It is because after being frightened, the adventurous spirit in the heart is inexplicably triggered!

She suddenly wanted to see the world…

Want to see how “big” the world is!

Then she asked…

But what Catherine didn’t expect was that she said it so casually, and Li Xiaomo suddenly gave herself a chance!

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