“There are too many ghosts too… The exorcists abroad are so unreliable, they have not yet come! ”

Liu Xiaoling’s arm did not know when there was already an extra bruise, the sharp pain made her can’t help but raise her eyebrows, sweat stains involuntarily spilled from her forehead, and the short stick in her hand was a little unstable!

She didn’t know how many times she had complained, and the foreign exorcists were inefficient.

No wonder the other side needs the assistance of the circle of the great powers in the East…

With their slow and snail-like efficiency, how strong can the circle of exorcists be?

Or as I guessed…

Those so-called exorcists abroad…

When I came halfway through…

Already a landscape?

While piercing the abdomen of a wild ghost, the corners of Liu Xiaoling’s mouth twitched slightly…

Isn’t it true that he has a crow’s mouth?

Isn’t this Nyima a little too coincidental?

It just so happens that this time the crow’s mouth is!

I’m a little bit of bad luck!

Gazing at the wild ghosts that were frantically pouring in, her look couldn’t help but become anxious, although she often practiced with [Divination Pen Immortal] in Tianhai City, but the time for practicing was only half a month, and her combat experience was still very insufficient after all.

Like some of the attacks that were really hard to avoid, she couldn’t avoid them by all her means.

You can only forcibly raise your arms to block the attacks of those wild spirits!

So much bruising had been added to her arms.

The tingling sensation in her arms made her move a lot slower…

Suddenly, a fishy wind came from the side, and out of the corner of Liu Xiaoling’s eyes, she could only see that a vicious-looking ghost was opening its mouth full of fangs, trying to bite at her neck.

Not good! Can’t escape! And…… It’s too late to block it, if it is bitten…

Not only will the flesh be bitten out of a bleeding wound…

Maybe even your own soul will be hurt by this!

My brother had told himself before…

The pain of soul trauma is very painful…

It will hurt so much that you can’t faint if you want to!

And they will also be absorbed by the other party to absorb the yang qi in their own body, once the yang in their body is too weak, it will be finished, because the weaker the yang qi, the less the life expectancy!

However…… Just when Liu Xiaoling wanted to grit her teeth and desperately fight, the ghost that had pounced on her suddenly stopped.

The vicious face stiffened, and the resentment in the ghost’s body began to become chaotic.

At some point in the abdomen, the person behind the stab stabbed him!

This knife just hit the place where Yin Qi and resentment were condensed!

This ghost’s body began to appear one crack after another, and then slowly collapsed and shattered!

Transformed into a little soul fragment…

Eventually disappears!

The moment it disappeared, Liu Xiaoling saw the person behind the ghost, and after seeing the familiar person, her slightly tired face smiled helplessly: “Didn’t you say that you should stay over there?” I also have a lot of hole cards in my hand. ”

Li Xiaomo skillfully played a knife flower, and this kind of stabbing “ghost” operation was the first time she had done it.

Not to mention… This feel, feeling is no different from chopping meat!

For the girlfriend’s words, Li Xiaomo replied: “I am not a drag oil bottle.” ”

With Li Xiaomo’s participation, Liu Xiaoling’s pressure was suddenly reduced by at least half!

Although Li Xiaomo had not practiced any exercises…

But this spring dagger in her hand… It is enough to call it a “magic weapon”!

The lethality of the wronged soul is very great!

Not weaker than the short stick in Liu Xiaoling’s hand!

But…… It is also limited to the use of sporadic ghosts, if they are facing a one-star ghost, the two of them are afraid to plant today, especially when they encounter those one-star ghosts who are very good at fighting.

Of course, if there really is a wild one-star ghost, whether it is [the white-browed ghost king], or [the nun evil spirit], or [the blood-faced killer]… None of them will stand idly by.

After all, if something happens to the young lady here, they will not forgive themselves!

Inside the Dean’s Office of the Thorn Cliff Asylum… [The evil spirit of the nun] glanced at several masked corpses on the ground, and the corners of his mouth flickered slightly, mercilessly sarcastic: “Even with a few broken guns, you want to kill me?” Although I was already dead. ”

With that said, its gaze looked through the window at the “home-like” battle below.

After a slight sigh, it said, “Miss, this girlfriend’s combat consciousness is very strong, obviously she has not cultivated, just by relying on a small dagger, she can kill in and out of the group of unjust souls, and she can play with ease, look at her posture… It seems to have been practiced for a long time, and there is also actual combat experience. ”

[The White Brow Ghost King] said, “It seems that I have learned the path of mixed martial arts, my physical fitness is not weaker than that of men, and my reaction power is also very fast, this talent is very suitable for taking the path of martial artists.” ”

At this point, [the White Brow Ghost King] paused and continued, “According to this time period, the exorcist should come, right?” The emergence of another circle, the master really put the whole general trend, play between the palms. ”

As its voice just dropped, only to hear the sound of a shotgun, it suddenly sounded outside!

Those black-clad “thugs” have actually been cleaned up long ago…

More than a dozen heavily armed black-clad “thugs”…

None of them survived!

And now the sudden sound of gunshots, that is naturally the mouth of the [White Brow Ghost King] now… Exorcist!


There was another deafening gunshot, and a wild ghost that wanted to sneak up on Liu Xiaoling from behind directly turned into a soul fragment and shattered violently, and Liu Xiaoling only felt as if something was contaminated on his back.

She touched it without leaving a trace, and then touched some white powder with a slight smell of gunpowder.

The fox licked suspiciously, a salty taste bud that made her react: “Salt?! ”

“It’s specially made salt, with exorcism powers, or it can’t be called salt anymore.” A hoarse voice came from one direction, followed by a “click” of ammunition loading: “Sorry, the road does not know who blew it up, it is a little late.” ”

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