When Gerry Conwell had a bullet bag wrapped around his waist, the shotgun was half empty.

The incessant gunshots and the roar of the ghosts… It’s finally over!

The barrel of the shotgun in his hand was already very hot and needed to cool down.

Rubbing his slightly sour shoulders, Gerry Conwell placed the shotgun against the wall.

After taking a pack of cigarettes from his arms, and a lighter, and pulling a cigarette out of the cigarette box…

Gerry Conwell sipped his cigarette butt, and swift on, on the lighter… It’s popping! A flame.

Mei Mei took a sip, he spat out a cigarette, and said in a dull voice, “The strength of these ghosts is not very strong, but the number is unexpectedly large, if it does not happen to eliminate them, it will be an absolute disaster for the residents of this city!” ”

He wasn’t being alarmist in his remarks, because… That’s the way it is!

Wild Spirits are not purchased from the System Item Mall.

These wild spirits will not obey Liu Feng’s orders…

They didn’t even know about the existence of Willow Wind…

In the absence of anyone who could control them, once they were released from the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum.

Then they will be a disaster for the world…

Kill an unknown amount!

His tone paused and continued, “I’m sorry for being late this time, thank you for your help, as for the 300 points… I’ll break into your account. ”

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoling’s tired face moved slightly, and his expression was a little surprised, a little surprised.

She also thought that the circle gave her 300 points…

I didn’t expect it to be the whole white uncle gave!

But…… If you think about it, it seems to be right!

The person commissioned to investigate the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum should be this white uncle, since he was assigned a task, so… The reward is also given by him, there should be nothing wrong with it!

What surprised Liu Xiaoling was that the circles of different countries mostly used “currency”…

Are they all exactly the same?

Both use points as currency?

Liu Xiaoling’s gaze involuntarily focused on the shotgun leaning against the wall.

This stuff seems to be a bit useful!

Unfortunately, the big countries of the East are forbidden to shoot guns…

She suddenly found that the circles of the East and the West, although the currency used is the same, but the way of exorcism is somewhat different, the East is more inclined to Taoism, Taoism, magic weapons, etc.; The West, on the other hand, seems to be more inclined to combine modern technology with metaphysical ability.

One respects tradition because tradition is strong enough because tradition does not have bran meal.

One is brave enough to combine because tradition is not strong enough and needs to be combined with modern technology.

Not…… Is this what the system of the two sides means?

These are actually just Liu Xiaoling’s speculations…

Whether that’s the case or not is not clear to her!

Moreover, she was also a little afraid to ask…

After all, she had only been in contact with this Gerry Conwell for less than half an hour, and she did not know what the temperament of this foreign predecessor was, in case the question she asked touched the taboo of the other party, the words of the other party… Well, there may be a little more than worth the loss!

Have to say… The role of exorcism guns is really big!

Particularly…… It was when fighting these creeps.

It’s almost as easy as chopping melons and chopping vegetables!

After all, this speed of bullets…

Ordinary wild ghosts…

Absolutely inescapable!

“Hard to believe… Everything I saw turned out to be real, there were really ghosts in this world, and there were still a lot of them, and there were even exorcists! Moreover…… I was still watching as three exorcists were right in front of me! ”

Catherine, who was hiding in the corner with her mobile phone to help broadcast the live, after seeing that there seemed to be no danger…

She sighed in shock and then walked out.

Worried, she trotted over to Li Xiaomo’s side.

Then hand the phone back to Li Xiaomo.

Feeling the silence, she half-jokingly said, “That… I, an ordinary person, see these things, will I be cursed by you for amnesia? ”

Li Xiaomo immediately lost his voice and smiled, saying, “Maybe it is really possible!” ”

Catherine’s face suddenly froze, and she said, “Ahahaha… Although this memory may not be very beautiful, it should not use this spell, right? Saying…… Is there really a spell that can make people lose their memory? ”

“I don’t know if there is such a spell, but I feel that this place is very special!”

Li Xiaomo did not respond to this question, one of the reasons… Was she really unbeknownst to her.

The second reason is… Yes, she was a little suspicious of the place of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Because the last time she saw so many evil ghosts.

Or in the sealed gate village of xx city in xx province of the eastern country!

However, the number of ghosts in the village of Fengmen …

Several times more than the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

“It’s really special…” Griffier Snuffed out his cigarette, his face heavy, and his tone solemn: “Maybe we shouldn’t let our guard down, whether it’s the thugs who blew up the highway or the exaggerated ghosts that have caused the unjust to show that this place is not simple!” ”

“Maybe what we’re seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg… Here, perhaps, there is a deeper crisis! And, more secrets! Enough suffocating crises and secrets! ”

Gerry Conwell’s voice and the content of his words made the people who had difficulty letting go of their hearts once again hang their hearts.

Liu Xiaoling nodded in agreement, she also felt that this place was very wrong!

And…… The one that first appeared!

They didn’t kill each other just now!

That is to say, the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

There are still ghosts!

Liu Xiaoling suddenly had a stirring spirit, and when she was about to remind her, her pupils suddenly shrank suddenly!

Because, she saw a “person” wearing a blood-faced mask…

I don’t know when, I was already standing behind that Gerry Conwell!

A butcher knife stained with a little blood…

Lifted high!!

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