“Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper Sleeper!” Behind! Behind! There’s a ghost in the back!!! ”

“MMP, this leather mask, Nyima looks so disgusting!!”

“I am a medical student and have more than ten years of experience in surgery, the texture of this mask … It looks like it’s human skin! ”

“Sleeper? Human skin mask? Vomit…… Can’t stand it, I’ll throw up for a while! ”

“Aren’t all the teeth on that mask human?” Grass! Disgusting…”

“Mom… This foreigner should not want to take a bento, right? ”

“Didn’t the anchor see that ghost?!”

“Hurry up and remind that foreigner!!”

“Oh day… Labor is eating pig skin jelly, see you say this, almost spit out the overnight meal, this Nima, that mask is actually made of human skin? Grass! ”

“Aaaaa Barrage Protector! Body protection! Body Protector!!! ”

“It feels like there’s going to be bloody pictures next…”

“Wori, the demons are leaving!”



Looking at the blood-stained butcher’s knife held high, the pupils in Liu Xiaoling’s beautiful eyes suddenly contracted, and just as she opened her mouth and was about to hurry to warn her, Gerry Conwell reacted faster than her!

He had already smelled something was wrong, and suddenly he bowed his head, and a blade almost rubbed his shoulder!

If it weren’t for his rapid temporary reflexes…

If it weren’t for his sensitivity to perception…

This knife was enough to make him lose his combat power!

Of course, this knife is not aimed at his head, or his neck, heart, and other critical parts.

Even if he doesn’t react…

Even if he hadn’t dodged it…

Nor will it die!

At best…


Gerry Conwell hurriedly rolled a donkey, and Shunshi took the shotgun leaning in the corner of the wall in his arms, and rolled out a few meters away, before he quickly got up, his eyes full of vigilance.

After he stood firmly, he felt two shotgun shells in one hand and quickly loaded them on the shotgun!

A series of reactions…

It’s like it’s been rehearsed for a long time.

Liu Xiaoling was stunned!

Is this the difference between the predecessors in the circle and the newcomers like themselves? This kind of reaction speed, this kind of on-the-spot reaction, this kind of sophisticated action and experience, is also too unbelievable.

Those who don’t know it may think that Gerry Conwell is a veteran of many years of fighting on the battlefield.

Gerry Conwell did not react like Liu Xiaoling.

After reloading two ammunition in less than two seconds, the double-barreled shotgun in his hand was already aimed at the [Bloodface Killer], and without hesitation, he brazenly pulled the trigger!


The Thorn Cliff Madhouse, which had been silent for a long time, once again heard a fierce gunshot.

This deafening gunshot…

Irritating people’s eardrums…

The [blood-faced killer] who is a two-star powerful ghost must not be able to dodge the speed of the bullet, after all, the speed of the bullet must have exceeded the speed of sound, and the countless scattered projectiles of the shotgun …

Directly into the body of the [blood-faced killer], the powerful kinetic energy carried by each projectile.

Directly put a meter eight tall [blood-faced killer]…

Flew out a distance of one or two meters behind!

Blood was spilling all over the floor!

The sudden gunfire startled Catherine and Li Xiaomo.

Then they saw, a “human” shadow…

Directly blown out by the projectile!

And Li Xiaomo glanced at the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, only to find that the eyes of the water friends were so sharp, and when she had not yet discovered the live broadcast, these water friends actually found out.

It seems that in the future, I will pay more attention to the bullet screen, after all, my own pair of eyes is definitely better than a bunch of eyes in the live broadcast room.

What’s more, her live broadcast is not delayed, as long as the Internet speed is fast enough…

No, watch it in full real-time!

“Unexpectedly, there was actually a ghost sneaking up on the secret, fortunately the uncle reacted relatively quickly, otherwise it would have been possible to be attacked by stealth… Oh, this ghost is not the same as the previous ghosts, who will only be brainless and reckless, it actually knows how to sneak attack…”

Li Xiaomoxiu’s eyebrows rose slightly, this is not good news, if there are still ghosts in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum.

And the rest of the ghosts are like this… If you will sneak up on you.

So…… Their situation…

It’s not so good!

Catherine also reacted, looking at the [blood-faced killer] lying on the ground, blood stained red on the ground, she was shocked and a little confused, and couldn’t help but question: “That… Why didn’t it turn into pieces and then disappear? ”

Catherine’s question made everyone’s pupils shrink again, yes! Why hasn’t it disappeared?

Gerry Conwell though knew that [the Bloodface Killer] was his “colleague.”

But to be honest, he didn’t know the abilities of [the Bloodface Killer]…

And I don’t even know what the other person’s name is…

Just now, he was completely instinctive to fight back, of course, the counterattack did not rush to the “key” of the [blood-faced killer], but hit the lower body below the abdomen of the [blood-faced killer].

No soul-burning black smoke appeared, and the other party did not disappear, but it was lying on the ground…

Unless, right now, lying on the ground…

Is a false ghost!!

As soon as Gerry Conwell thought of this, his sense of danger gave him another hint, and the hair on his body stood up inexplicably, as if he had been pointed at by several people with a gun.

He didn’t have time to think about it too much, and a donkey rolled again, but there was also a chill in his arm!

When he stabilized his body…

The pain came to mind!


Gerry Conwell took a cool breath and looked sideways at his left arm, a wound had been added to it at some point, and the blood had soaked the cloth of his clothes!

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