“Whew… Call…… Shouldn’t it be thrown away? Li Xiaomo gasped slightly, her pretty face did not know when a few drops of sweat had been hanging, she did not know how long she had been running, anyway, when she was almost tired and a little unbearable, she paused slightly.

Nearby, although Liu Xiaoling was not particularly tired, he was also a little tired, after all, he had only fought with a group of unjust spirits before.

She shook her head and said, “I don’t know if I threw it away… But one thing is for sure, we seem to be lost. ”

Liu Xiaoling’s tone was not of a joking nature, they were indeed lost, and the Thorny Cliff Lunatic Asylum was too big.

Now, at some point, they have broken into the interior of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse building!

Various floor structures inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum building…

They almost knocked them unconscious.

I don’t know who designed it…

It’s like a maze…

And it’s also a big maze!

I heard that the Thorn Cliff Madhouse existed for more than a hundred years, more than a hundred years ago… That was 1900s, right? Or maybe even 189? The designers of that period of time would have designed such complex structural buildings, as if they were not very special.

Because that era was a period of the Industrial Revolution, various ideas began to collide.

Countless big guys rose in that time period and became famous all over the world.

Wait a minute…… Am I thinking a little too far?

Liu Xiaoling spat out her small tongue and threw away the thoughts in her mind, she straightened out her expression and solemnly looked at the surrounding situation.

None of the staff inside the Thorn Cliff Madhouse building saw it.

I don’t know if I was killed by the previous “thugs”…

There was a faint smell of blood in the air…

This is absolutely dead!

Inside the gloomy building, there are only a few old electric lights, and there is a dim electric light, as if something is wrong with the line… It’s constantly flashing.

This scene makes people feel a slight chill on their backs, because according to the normal logic of horror movies…

As long as the lights are constantly flickering wildly…

That means there’s a good chance there are ghosts there!

Of course, horror movies naturally can’t be taken seriously…

But I can’t help but think about that aspect!

Although Liu Xiaoling has the ability to exorcise ghosts, he has the power of the mysterious side… But it doesn’t mean that she is not afraid of ghosts, it is like in a war, a soldier heroically killed a bunch of enemies, but does this mean that soldiers are not afraid of those fierce enemies?

“We seemed to have stepped into a wrong place, this place… It feels more dangerous to me than outside! ”

Gerry Conwell’s shotgun had been hung on his back.

In his hand now was a dog-legged machete coated with an unidentified green liquid.

The green liquid is haunted by a brilliance that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

It seems to be a very special kind of witch medicine.

It should have the effect of exorcising ghosts.

His tone was very wary and cautious, and his expression was a little unpleasant, and he continued: “We have to go back the same way!” My hunch tells me that there are more powerful ghosts in this place, which is not something we can deal with… Fark, I already knew that I would call a few more people over, and this time we will most likely be planted in this place. ”

Gerry Conwell is like an Oscar possessed at the moment, and the atmosphere is extremely tense with just a few words.

His eyes looked around, and he suddenly frowned and asked, “Wait a minute… What about that woman?! ”

“Woman? Which woman?! When Liu Xiaoling, who was extremely nervous, heard this, he couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

She looked curiously, here are herself, Gerry Conwell, Li Xiaomo, and Kai… Well? What about Catherine?!

Liu Xiaolington reacted, and the pupils in her eyes shrank involuntarily, and she exhaled: “Catherine is gone!” Shouldn’t she have kept up? Lost halfway through?! ”

Li Xiaomo also reacted, and his eyes looked around anxiously, but Catherine’s shadow was not seen.

This…… Did Catherine really lose it? No…… No way?

Li Xiaomo was a little anxious, after all, she pulled this netizen in, if the other party had an accident, then she definitely had to carry this pot, even if she did not need to carry the pot, she could not forgive herself.

After all, one of his own actions harmed an innocent person, with Li Xiaomo’s three views…

She doesn’t allow this to happen, but…

What can I do now but be in a hurry?

She is a very sensible person…

She is also very concerned about the overall situation now.

If you go back now to find Catherine, what if the little spirit and the white uncle are also put in? At this time, no one can have the slightest willfulness!

Li Xiaomo knew this very well, so even if she was particularly anxious in her heart.

But on the surface, she still maintained her original look.

So that she can think more calmly…

Think about whether there are other countermeasures.

However, before Li Xiaomo could speak, a series of eager footsteps suddenly came from one direction.

Success attracted the attention of several people.

“Ghosts?! …… Well? Yes people!! ”

Liu Xiaoling fixed his eyes on it, and suddenly found that the direction of the footsteps was not a ghost, but a person!

It was a white foreigner, with hooded hair, a full beard, and clothes like hospital clothes.

The other party paused when there were still five or six meters left from Liu Xiaoling’s people.

The other person’s low-hanging head slowly lifted up.

Revealing a pair of eyes full of doves…

The chapped lips grinned slightly…

The palm of his hand was stained with blood!

In his hand was a blood-stained military dagger, obviously… He is a patient of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse!

Although I don’t know how I came out of the ward.

But what is certain is that this is a madman.

And he is a madman who has killed people!

The patients inside the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

Almost none of them are innocent!

The dagger in his hand is presumably picked up from the “thug”, as for why not pick up the gun?

Can you expect yourself to be able to understand the thoughts of a criminals with mental illness?

So Liu Xiaoling didn’t know why the other party didn’t pick up the gun.

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