“The visitor is a little unkind… How does it feel that he looks at our eyes, as if he were looking at three dead people, obviously we have more people than him, but he does not have the slightest look of retreat, but there is a kind of… The feeling of wanting to tear us apart. That said, have we ever messed with him? ”

Liu Xiaoling first muttered a solemn sentence, and then added an inappropriate spit.

She couldn’t understand what these mentally ill prisoners were thinking.

If she can figure it out… Presumably, she was the same kind of people as these people.

To be reasonable, although many wild ghosts have been killed before.

But those wronged souls themselves have died once…

Plus they have no flesh at all…

Can’t even be said to be human!

So…… When killing wild ghosts, Liu Xiaoling did not have any psychological burden.

But the living are different.

Even if the living man is a criminal.

He is a heinous criminal.

There seems to be something wrong with the spirit.

Looking solemnly at the military dagger in the hands of the patient in the hospital gown, Liu Xiaoling tightened the Sanskrit short stick in her hand, if the other party had any strange movements, she could only not hesitate… A slap in the head of this guy.

The Sanskrit stick is made of metal with the power of the Willow Spirit… Smashed on a person’s split head…

No matter how hard the human skull is…

It is estimated that she will have to knock out a pit!

“This guy… I met him on TV a few years ago, a serial murderer in Eagle Sauce Country, where police officers were wounded two or three times before he was able to subdue this guy and imprison him all over the place. This is a… Uncompromising mad criminals. ”

Gerry Conwell explained expressionlessly that he hadn’t taken the patient in his eyes.

Crazy people like this… He can hit ten in one!

Even if the other person has a dagger in his hand…

Even if your gun is out of bullets.

Serial killer? Liu Xiaoling’s eyebrows fluttered, and she did not question Gerry Conwell’s words, because the other party had no need to deceive her in this kind of thing.

Saw…… The patient, who was standing five meters away from several people, had a pair of eyes filled with doves and violence.

Looking at the eyes of Liu Xiaoling’s people, it was like looking at three cold corpses!

This kind of gaze made Liu Xiaoling feel particularly uncomfortable!

At the same time, it also made her suddenly understand…

The dangers inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

Except for the ubiquitous ghosts…

There are also uncontrolled patients!

Li Xiaomo was very skilled in pointing the camera of the mobile phone at the patient, and even pulled the lens closer, so close that he could see almost every beard on the other person’s face.

In addition, inside the Thorn Cliff Madhouse building, because there are lights, the picture taken is very clear.

It’s not as clear as daytime, but… Much better than when it was outside.

It’s sometimes even dark outside.

There is no way to shoot anything.

Li Xiaomo’s eyebrows also rose and he muttered, “If this guy suddenly goes crazy, he will be in trouble…”

She held a spring knife in one hand and had unconsciously pointed the tip of the knife at the other side.

If this patient with a military dagger suddenly goes mad.

She has self-confidence, at a faster pace than the other person… Send the blade of the spring knife into the heart of the other person!

But this is a living person!

Even if you know that you are protecting yourself…

But there is always a hurdle in the heart…

Li Xiaomo was very entangled.

“This is the patient of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum?” I searched outside the wall before, only to learn that this is a prison-like madhouse, and the prisoners inside are all kinds of perverted murderers! ”

“Day… Perverted murderer? Grass, how did this guy get out of his cell? ”

“The ghost knows, could someone have let him go?”

“I feel it should be the reason for the previous thugs…”

“Didn’t those thugs shoot and kill people before, and maybe they accidentally hit the lock of the cell where he was being held?”

“The knife in this guy’s hand is stained with blood, and there is a lot of blood on his body, so he hasn’t just killed someone?”

“Grass … I’m a little disgusted by what you’re saying…”

“This Nyima’s is a murderer!”

“That foreigner’s shotgun seems to be out of bullets, how can this fight with a madman?”

“Doesn’t Mrs. Xiaomo hurry up and run?”

“Don’t you want to kill back?”

“Anti-killing… Terror!! ”


The bullet screen in the live broadcast room did not guess wrong, Li Xiaomo really had this idea, it was not that she was bold and artistic, but that in the case of retreating and not being able to retreat, walking and not walking, a criminal with mental problems suddenly appeared… The only solution, it seems, is to subdue the other side.

As for how to subdue the other party? Li Xiaomo stared closely at the patient’s hands and feet.

The spring knife in her hand had been squeezed tightly by her.

To be honest, she can do mixed martial arts…

And the level is very high…

But she won’t play with daggers.

So much so that the grip of the spring knife is not standard, but this does not prevent … She can use this spring knife to protect herself, and protect her girlfriend… With a sharp weapon in mind, kill your heart!

I don’t know why, Li Xiaomo’s mind, for no reason, came up with a few ancient texts that he had read in the book.

—————– The earth kills, the dragon and snake land; Man kills the machine, and the heavens and the earth repeat itself.

It sounds like there is a little bit of a middle two breath.

But these few words… It is indeed an ancient text.

“Man-hair killers… The world is turned upside down…”

Just when Li Xiaomo finished muttering these words, the patient in front of him suddenly burst into laughter.

Holding a bloody military dagger, he rushed towards this side!

A sharp dagger that gives people an ominous breath!

Coupled with the violent color on the patient’s face…

A chill in the back of the spine.


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