Watching the patient rush over with a sly smile, Liu Xiaoling was just about to make a dodging action, but just at this moment, her exquisite facial features couldn’t help but be filled with surprise… She listened in amazement as the sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood sounded.

Then I saw a scarlet blood flower flying…

There were even a few drops of blood splashed on her face…

This is the blood in that patient!

Gerry Conwell picked up his eyebrows, lowered the machete of the dog’s leg he had raised, and let out a “sigh” and looked at it with admiration.

After less than a few seconds of silence, Gerry Conwell’s voice rang out: “Believe me, you will definitely be a qualified exorcist in the future, and I will never tell a lie.” ”

Then, his tone was comforting: “Rest assured, he is a damn criminal.” ”

Sniffing the sour smell of the patient’s body that had not been bathed for a long time, Li Xiaomo kicked the heavy patient away, and a military dagger fell to the ground, making a crisp crashing sound.

The spring knife in Li Xiaomo’s hand was also drawn out in the same direction, and the blood stained her jade-like white palm red.

The viscous blood made her brow wrinkle again.

An indescribable nausea of nausea rushed to the brain.

But she couldn’t help it…

Go back ten seconds to a time… When the patient’s dagger was about to stab over, Li Xiaomo held the left hand of the mobile phone and suddenly blocked it, pushing the other party’s arm holding the dagger away.

Then the spring knife pinched in the right hand was firmly sent into the patient’s heart!

Impartial, not stabbed in the bone…

Straight into the other’s heart!

The action is like having been rehearsed at least dozens of times, it seems to be very smooth, and the movement of the clouds and the flow of the water is very pleasing to the eye.

It’s just that this kind of flowing action is in just a few seconds…

It took away a living life!

No, it’s too early to say take it away.

Because after being stabbed through the heart…

The patient did not die immediately.

Instead, it was the scum-covered face… With a bloodthirsty, sinister smile.

Obviously, the breath of life is constantly flowing.

Obviously, blood is gushing out of the mouth and nose.

Mingming’s chest was stained red with blood.

But just don’t cry out in pain…

Gerry Conwell stepped forward, and the dog-legged machete fell violently, and a head rolled out.

He explained expressionlessly, “If you don’t… After he dies, he will turn into a very troublesome ghost. ”

There was silence, and no one spoke.

Taking a deep breath and sniffing the smell of blood in the air, Liu Xiaoling’s face was a little complicated.

Although she knew that there would definitely be such a day.

After all, when you enter the circle, you can’t help yourself.

But I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly…

And it is also the hand of his girlfriend…

She patted Li Xiaomo, swept away the complexity of her face, and smiled: “Is it all right?” ”

Li Xiaomo shook his head and said, “It’s a very strange feeling, but it’s okay.” ”

Although the mouth says that nothing happens…

But how complicated the mind really is…

Then only she herself knows.

Estimate…… In the next month, Li Xiaomo may not be able to sleep, after all, this is not a simple thing, she personally stabbed a living person to death.

In a sense, she’s a murderer, but… From a legal point of view.

She’s just defending herself!

If someone wants to stab you to death with a knife…

Can you still sit still?

Can you still be indifferent?

Anyway, Li Xiaomo can’t.

She said she couldn’t.

So she shot!

Human-hair killers…

One hit kills!

Gerry Conwell did not have such a complicated mind, he was a qualified exorcist, who had dropped out of school to become an exorcist from the age of twenty, until now he had been an exorcist for more than twenty years, in which he had encountered an unknown number of stupid forks looking for death.

And he has never been soft-hearted, let alone a criminal who should have died.

Plus, this guy took the lead.

Just now, even if Li Xiaomo didn’t shoot…

Gerry Conwell will also strike.

And it will also kill you in one hit!

He’ll slash his head!

“Woj… Kill…… Killed? Sleeper, to… Do you want to be so exciting? Little Mo’s wife killed? This and this… Will this be caught by the police and held for decades? ”

“Shut you up with a hammer!” Is this self-defense? If someone else stabs you, don’t you resist? ”

“Brother Long said in the spirit of heaven: People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed.”

“At such times… Or don’t fool Jill playing with the terrier! ”

“Sizzle… This Nyima shot is also simply clean, I seriously doubt that the anchor has been a soldier? ”

“I feel that the anchor’s previous career may be a killer…”

“When Xiao Mo’s wife stabbed those ghosts before, she felt that she was particularly fierce… I didn’t expect this to be even more cruel, and the madman didn’t seem to react yet, and he was stabbed in the heart! ”

“Professionals tell you that this is legitimate defense and there is no criminal responsibility.”

“Whew… This was reassuring, and I thought that Xiao Mo’s wife was going to jail. ”

“Suddenly I didn’t dare to marry the anchor, and this married back… If you can’t beat it, what can you do? ”

“I was a scout, and all I can say is … The knife that the anchor just now, give me a quick reaction, I can’t dodge, not that the brain can’t react, it’s that the body can’t react! It made me feel like a natural killer! ”

“I’m sorry, I made a mistake, not a natural killer, but a natural soldier!”

“If Xiao Mo’s wife goes to be a soldier, can she become a soldier king?”

“Then the Soldier King returns to the city, followed by the Overbearing Soldier King, the Wall-Walled Little Spirit Wife?”

“Sizzle… Tangerine in orange!! ”


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