“They… Who is it? Missionary?! Those exorcism scriptures of the Heavenly X Sect were recited by them? Don’t…… Are they also exorcists? And there were seven or eight of them! Seven or eight exorcists, should be able to deal with that dean, right? Big…… Probably? ”

Catherine’s tone was a little uncertain, and she regretted a little that she hadn’t charged her phone when she was in the shower and ready to go out.

If your phone is full of power, now, you can put the picture in front of you…

Presented in front of the eyes of tubing users all over the world!

Let the power of the mysterious side be revealed in reality!

Of course, this can only be regarded as a luxury.

After all, her current phone is out of battery.

You can’t even turn it on.

Not to mention continuing to stream.

Do the missionaries of the Celestial X Sect also exorcise demons? Forehead…… Why had I never heard of it before?

Or is it because they are hiding very deeply?

It seems that there is only one such explanation, right?

At the same time as she was very confused in her heart, Catherine also felt a trace of happiness, she never expected that she could actually survive, and that someone had actually rescued herself at a critical time.

Although I don’t believe in religion, after tonight is over, I will go to the church to donate money!

Not…… Donate a few hundred dollars, and no more will be enough.

Because, she herself is very poor.

Although she is the up-and-down lord on the tubing…

And there are millions of fans…

But there are many aspects of her expenses, such as usually having to repay a large loan, so that the money sent to her by YouTube has not yet been heated, and basically it has been spent.

Being able to take out a few hundred dollars for donations, it has been time for Catherine to pull out the private money!

If these hundreds of dollars were donated…

Then he will have to live a poor life for a while, and he is also a fan of millions of uplords.

Why are others able to live so well?

And your life is so bad?

Can’t she be born to die?

Catherine couldn’t help but feel a pang of heartache…

But she still looked ahead, only to see… One by one, the members of the Heavenly X Sect who fell to the ground all struggled to get up, and one by one, their eyes vigilantly locked on a figure covered in black mist, and they surrounded the [nun evil spirit]!

However, their appearance at first glance looks quite awkward, after all, the [nun evil spirit] just now was not covered.

Even the trees were shattered by this terrifying invisible force!

Even Catherine was swept away by this power and flew no matter how far!

Not to mention the first to bear the brunt of the Day X Sect missionaries.

Several of them were even injured!

[The evil spirit of the nun] was covered in a black mist, and the pure black eyes swept around, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, feeling the troubled pain in his head, and his voice sounded: “Do you know what the most hated person in my life is?” ”

Its tone paused, the corners of its mouth grinned even bigger, and it gritted its teeth and said, “It’s you X Sect members these days!” ”

“In 1960, I died at the hands of a Cardinal of the Celestial X…”

“I still can’t forget this memory!”

Sen Leng’s tone fell, [Nun Evil Spirit] grabbed it with a blank hand, and a Tianx Sect missionary who was at least ten meters away from it was still picked up by the air when he had a defensive situation!

The body of one meter and seven meters was lifted up, and the missionary’s expression also changed suddenly.

Under this power… He was almost immobile!

The powerful mind force was constantly squeezing his body!

His blood vessels all over his body began to bulge.

My face couldn’t help but turn red…

The whites of his eyes are covered with blood!

However, the other missionaries reacted as quickly, a tall missionary who seemed to be nearly two meters tall, carrying a silver Western sword in his hand, roared angrily, and directly slashed at the air where there was nothing!

The Western Great Sword slashed the ground, and the sword body was more than a meter long, and it was more than thirty centimeters deep into the ground.

This sword seemed to cut off the “manipulation line” of [the nun’s evil spirit]’s mind.

The missionary who had been lifted up fell straight down.

Fall straight from a height of three or four meters…

The pain made him snort.

The remaining missionaries hurried to chant the scriptures, and the ethereal scriptures seemed to come from all directions.

The mind of the [nun’s evil spirit] swept through, closing the mouths of the missionaries.

The sound of chanting the scriptures suddenly stopped and stopped.

The missionary holding the Great Western Sword roared again, carrying the heavy Western Great Sword, stepping on the solid dirt step by step, and rushing towards the [Nun Evil Spirit], and even faintly saw a faint white light lingering on the Western Great Sword.

This faint white light seems to carry a holy breath, as if it can dispel all evil and evil.

Seeing this, [the nun’s evil spirit] frowned and held his hand empty.

Powerful thoughts burst out of the air!

The missionary armed with the Great Western Sword stopped his steps less than five meters away from the [nun’s evil spirit]!

Of course, it’s not that he wants to stop…

Instead, he was stopped by [the evil spirit of the nun]!

“What an annoying swarm of flies…”

[The nun evil spirit] sneered, and with a little force, the missionary holding the Western sword flew out uncontrollably, until it flew out more than ten meters away and crashed into a stout tree, and was forced to stop.

The tree trembled as it was struck, the branches kept falling, and the missionary spat out blood.

For a moment there was no way to get up again…

I don’t know if the bones are broken.

The huge Western Sword plunged straight into the ground.

He gritted his teeth in pain, looked solemn, and scolded darkly: “Fark… Cough, Conwell that bastard didn’t say that this is such a difficult demon to deal with…”



ps: The cold confused my brain, before the title was more than one hundred and forty chapters, and then I inexplicably typed it into more than one hundred and thirty chapters. This chapter is one hundred and fifty chapters, and there is nothing wrong with it, and the previous title cannot be changed.

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