“Is it going to run? Hasn’t it always had an absolute advantage? Why run? Is it to say… Could it be that there are more powerful exorcists in the Heavenly X Sect who are rushing over and sensing that something is wrong… Even if it is clearly dominant now, it will leave? It seems that there is only one explanation that makes sense, right? ”

After watching the various changes in the battle situation, especially seeing the [nun’s evil spirit] who clearly had the intention of retreating, she kept thinking about what would happen next.

She didn’t know if her brain was right, after all, she wasn’t an uncertain prophet.

Truly…… Now [the nun’s evil spirit] has the intention of retreating.

And [the nun’s evil spirit] did the same.

After knocking a more difficult two-star missionary unconscious, the [nun demon] let out a scream, and the terrifying sound wave shook the eardrums of the people.

Even the brain began to send a sharp pain, making people can’t help but cover their heads with severe pain.

It feels like a severe migraine attack.

This also made the missionaries move uncontrollably.

Let their chanting voices stagnate!

[The evil spirit of the nun] also took advantage of this critical time to drill out of the body of the dean!

A thick black mist from the eyes, nose, mouth, ears… Even drilled out of the pores!

All the openings in his body overflowed with a trace of black mist.

The thick black mist seemed to have turned into substance…

The black mist was constantly rolling…

A cloud of black fog swirling…

The cold breath is almost a little breathless, and the depressing feeling is creepy.

Catherine looked horrified… Watch as the black mist rolls over continuously.

She estimated that a housewife like herself…

I’m afraid that I will be killed by the other party’s move!

The kind that has no ashes left!

Suddenly, the body of the [nun demon] slammed into the ground beneath his feet, and a large black mist, as if ignoring the obstruction of the earth, burrowed into the ground beneath his feet.

On the ground, a circular eerie spell array appeared, and the diameter of the spell array was roughly six or seven meters.

Constructed from black sulfur with a strange smell!

And it is also tainted with a little bit of mystery.

There was also a faint black mist lingering…

And the body of the head of the Thorny Cliff Lunatic Asylum, I seem to be momentarily … As if all the strength in his body was emptied, the whole person collapsed to the ground as if he were collapsed.

The not very heavy body collapsed on the ground and made a muffled “boo” sound.

The original owner of this body was already dead and warped.

The head of the Thorny Cliff Lunatic Asylum had long since scattered!

This guy isn’t a good guy anyway…

[Nun demons] kill without pressure.

This body would have become a puppet long ago, and if it weren’t for [the evil spirit of the nun] holding it in this body, this body would have become a smelly corpse long ago!

The rest of the missionaries struggled to their feet, still with the “buzzing” tinnitus in their heads.

That feeling… It makes them feel particularly uncomfortable.

One of the missionaries, dragging a large Western sword, spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered to the corpse of the abbot’s lady, frowning at the corpse that had been lying still.

He crouched down and touched the corpse’s neck, the cold touch and the neck that didn’t beat…

It shows that this is definitely a dead body!

Glancing at the sulfur spell array on the ground…

He reached out and touched the sulfur that made up the spell…

Then a hot tingling sensation…

Suddenly, it came to mind!

“Sizzle… Oh! Chet!! ”

Under the severe pain caused by the heat, he almost instinctively shouted out a foul language, but quickly reacted, hurriedly and sincerely chanted: “I am guilty…”

Only to see him touch those black sulfur fingers, has been burned out of a big blister!

The blisters even faintly show signs of breaking.

The constant pain caused him to inhale a cool breath.

Hearing the fragmentary footsteps coming from the side, he turned his head to look and found that it was his companion, and then he let down his guard.

Enduring the pain in his body and fingers, he said in a deep voice, “It ran, probably sensing the arrival of the cardinal archbishop of the church, a demon with a very sharp sense.” ”

“No… It is not a demon, its existence is very peculiar, although it has a demonic aura, but it is not a demon! ”

A seemingly learned missionary shook his head and said, “It’s like a mixture of demons and ghosts, maybe it was once possessed by a demon before it died, and after it died, it turned into a powerful ghost… Then it becomes this very special existence. ”

The smell of sulfur in the air still makes the sense of oppression in people’s hearts still difficult to disappear.

Even if it is already known that [the nun’s evil spirit] has temporarily fled…

It can only be said that the full acting skills of these missionaries exploded…

If they don’t become missionaries one day…

Go to Hollywood and be an actor…

Let’s not say anything about the Oscars for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, or what Best Newcomer, should be stable.

In the distance, Catherine couldn’t hear what the missionaries were discussing with each other.

After all, she was away from the missionaries…

At least a distance of more than 100 meters!

Seeing that the battle had ended, she muttered to herself, “Is it over?” I…… I am… Survived? Thank God…… I will definitely donate! ”

She had a dreamlike feeling… After all, there have been several times when I have fallen into the most desperate situation.

Several more times he was pulled out of despair.

It’s like this kind of ups and downs in life…

Catherine couldn’t help it!

If it weren’t for the fact that her heart was stronger, she might have been scared unconscious a long time ago.

If only she had any heart disease or anything like that…

I am afraid that I may be scared to have a heart attack…

She rejoiced in her great mother…

Give yourself a strong heart!

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