“What was going on over there just now?” How it feels… Faintly hearing someone chanting a scripture? Or did I hear it wrong? It is impossible to put… My hearing should be fine! ”

After coming out of the maze of thorn cliff madhouse building.

Liu Xiaoling’s face couldn’t help but be a little suspicious, a little suspicious of whether there was something wrong with his ears.

But there should be no problem with my ears!

At least listen to everything else and hear it clearly!

Probably…… There won’t be any auditory hallucinations, right?

At this time, Gerry Conwell, who was holding the wall and looked pale and weak, smiled strangely and said, “It seems… It was the reinforcements I had shouted for before. ”

His tone paused, and he quickly continued, “These are all Tianx Sect people who have a very good tradition of exorcism. ”

Day x teach?! After hearing this familiar term, Liu Xiaoling was quite enlightened.

She must have heard of this church, or rather… There are few people in this world who have not heard of this church.

As long as people who have attended 9 years of compulsory education in China can almost all know Tianxjiao in textbooks.

This is a very large church in the world.

Has a relatively long history and cultural heritage…

What she didn’t expect was that…

What Gerry Conwell said about reinforcements… It turned out to be the people of the Tianx Sect, and then again, there were people in the Tianx Sect who could actually exorcise demons?

Why is it that no one in the Shaolin Temple and Wudang Mountains in the Eastern Powers can do Taoism and Buddhism?

Or is it… Those who will exorcise the demons hide very deeply?

Even if the official past search, can not find?

It seems that this is the only explanation!

While being surprised… Liu Xiaoling also couldn’t help but breathe a slight sigh of relief, and both of them had a feeling of relief, as if a huge pressure oppressing on their hearts disappeared in an instant.

After all, with the three of them, they want to kill from the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… It’s also a little too difficult!

If you don’t use the hole card given to her by your brother…

Basically it is unlikely to be killed.

Moreover, Liu Xiaoling is worried… Even if you use the hole card given to you by your brother, what if you can’t kill it? After all…… The water of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, although the naked eye can’t see how deep it is, but… Definitely a lot deeper than anyone could have imagined!

And now… With the reinforcements of the Heavenly X Sect, basically this wave was secure.

After all, the other side was reinforcements invited by Gerry Conwell anyway.

Not to mention how many people there are…

At least the strength should be good…

At least a little better than yourself.

After thinking about this, Liu Xiaoling’s face couldn’t help but hang a trace of a bitter smile, thinking that his strength was enough, if reality gave her a loud slap.

Although this slap did not hit her face firmly, everyone woke up Liu Xiaoling.

Now she can’t swell at all… Or rather, it is not qualified to inflate at all.

Her current strength is placed in the circle of the mysterious side…

It’s still a chicken that can’t be eaten to the core.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Liu Xiaoling to see several people dressed as missionaries.

As soon as the other party saw Gerry Conwell…

A calm expression, suddenly a little moved…

Seems familiar with Gerry Conwell.

“Wandering tough guy exorcist Gerry Conwell, sigh… You’re not an ordinary wretch today. Well? What about your old fellow? I remember you took it with you everywhere you went, right?! ”

A missionary whose robe was somewhat tattered and whose corners of his mouth were stained with blood, who had apparently experienced a battle, suddenly spoke.

“Cough…” Gerry Conwell coughed a few times and replied helplessly: “The old guy is already damaged, the kind that can’t be repaired, I need to find a gunsmith to build a brand new exorcism shotgun.” ”

Hearsay… The missionary was stunned, and after recalling the [nun spirit] he had met before, he did not continue to say anything.

After all, in this place of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, there are indeed many powerful ghosts.

Exorcism items damaged is also very normal…

They also damaged several exorcism items…

After all, [the nun demon] is very powerful!

So powerful that they are a bit hard to match…

If the other party had not been aware that the cardinal of the church was coming, it is estimated that he would not have suddenly fled, if the other party had not fled… Seven or eight of them were missionaries, and it was estimated that they would have to play GG.

At this time, a crisp and pleasant voice interjected: “That… Missionary senior, did you meet a blonde girl? She was probably in her twenties! ”

After listening, the missionary looked at Li Xiaomo, who had a bandage around his head, and he nodded his head and replied, “Well… I did meet a blonde girl, pretty much as you described. ”

At the end, he continued, “However, I don’t know if it’s the person you want to ask. ”

“Whew… It should be her, after all, inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, there should be no one else but us and her. ”

Li Xiaomo finally let go of her hanging heart, she had been worried about what accident Catherine would have.

If something unexpected happens to Catherine…

Then her conscience is a little too careless…

After all, she had implicated Catherine.

She is responsible for the safety of the other person’s life!

What had happened tonight was a little too much, and she didn’t want to do anything now, just to find out about Catherine’s safety, and then go to a hotel and have a good night’s rest.

“That’s right! The ghost inside the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…”

Li Xiaomo suddenly thought of something, but before she could finish speaking, Gerry Conwell’s voice sounded——

“It has already run, and a wise ghost like this can easily detect the imminent danger.”

Run? Li Xiaomo opened his mouth, and finally did not know what to say.

Suffice it to say… This operation was beyond her expectations!

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