Following…… A luxury hotel in Eagle Sauce Country… Liu Xiaoling got up early in the morning, after brushing his teeth and washing, he yawned rather tiredly, and muttered helplessly: “The jet lag is still a little bit over, I can’t sleep almost all night, I only slept for less than three hours, and I was sleepy to death.” ”

Although she would love to sleep a big night’s sleep, there was something wrong with the design of the suites at this hotel.

In broad daylight, sunlight shines through floor-to-ceiling windows into the bed.

Also, the curtains are not very thick of the kind…

She couldn’t sleep.

This feeling… It’s like someone shining a flashlight into your eyes while you’re sleeping, who can sleep in this situation? Even the most sleepy people are awake.

Touching the arms that are still faintly painful, and the Band-Aids attached to the body.

Recall the experience of last night at the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but feel some palpitations.

So far there is a little psychological shadow.

After all, the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… It was the most dangerous experience she had ever encountered in her life!

It’s not just the wrongdoers…

And the masked ghosts…

And a gang of masked thugs…

There are even crazy patients…

Everywhere in the room is a danger that can kill people, replaced by an ordinary person going in.

I don’t know if I can live for an hour.

Maybe thirty minutes of time won’t last?

If only Gerry Conwell had a shot…

And those Day X missionaries…

I guess I have to use the hole card…

And even if you use the hole card.

You may not be able to escape!

That’s the deadliest thing!

It is also the most critical!


Suddenly…… Liu Xiaoling felt her wrist shake slightly, she instinctively looked at the mobile phone she was holding in her hand, but found that the mobile phone did not have any information, and then she set her eyes on… Above the [Mother-Daughter Order Ring] on the wrist, the vibration seems to be coming from the ring.

Is there a new task again? Forehead…… It shouldn’t be so fast, after all, the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum incident has only been a night!

Only one night had passed, and these small wounds on his body had not yet healed.

And then a new mission?

Who can stand this wow?

However, when he saw the text displayed on the [Zimu Ling Ring], Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then finally breathed a sigh of relief and murmured happily: “Fortunately, there is no new task coming, I will say that the predecessors in the circle cannot be so tossed and turned.” ”

[Gerry Conwell has transferred 300 points to your account, which can be used for trading within the circle and is the only “currency” recognized in the circle!] Note that if someone wants to buy points with money, it is best not to sell them, because points are not a measure of their value by money! 】

The words as small as mosquitoes, Liu Xiaoling could see very clearly, and she showed a smile from the heart.

Finally…… I finally earned my first gold!

Though…… 300 points doesn’t sound like a lot.

But before that, I don’t have a point, 300 points for yourself, must be a very considerable amount of money, although the points do not seem to be in the mall ah… Baotao, more spelling ah, these places to use, but it is more special.

Because it is the only designated currency of the mysterious side circle, and more importantly, it seems that the mysterious side circle of the whole world…

All things are “points” as the only designated currency.

It’s like some powerful exorcist…

Or a big guy like a Dao Chief, a mage, or something like that…

Forcibly unified the mysterious side of the currency like.

I don’t know who that big guy is…

Since it can be done to this extent…

Can convince the major mysterious side circles…

I guess it’s a great guy!

“It’s supposed to be night in China now, right?”

Liu Xiaoling wanted to call his elder brother and tell him that he had completed his task and that his beloved sister was about to return to China.

However, when you think of the current eastern powers, it seems to be in the big night time.

She gave up the idea and the idea.

In case the elder brother cultivates at night…

In case the brother is already asleep…

Didn’t I bother him?

And, just in case… What is he doing, unseemly, ashamed… Cough, what about things like that?

After all, inside that villa…

But there is a special existence.

And it’s very pretty.

“But… Will the ghost’s body be very cold? Not…… The elder brother is strong and does not seem to be afraid of the cold… Hiss! He wouldn’t really do anything to the pen fairy, would he? Terrible…… Terrible…… Is this the world of the strong? ”

Liu Xiaoling suddenly shivered, feeling as if he was thinking about something a little too much.

And the direction of your own thinking…

It also seems a little too biased.

Sweeping away the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, Liu Xiaoling looked at the [Zimu Ling Ring] on his wrist.

He muttered to himself, “After returning to the Eastern Power this time, I must work hard to cultivate, at least… Must it be stronger than Uncle Gerry Conwell? ”

At the end, she hesitated for a moment, and then she said to herself… Added the sentence: “Cough… It is the strength of Uncle Gerry Conwell who does not have a shotgun, and the one who has a shotgun counts. ”

Liu Xiaoling felt that his only advantage was that he was more forced to count on his level.

Liu Feng, who was far away in the eastern country, did not know his sister and was thinking about himself.

At this time, although the eastern powers had been shrouded in night.

But Liu Feng did not sleep as Liu Xiaoling imagined.

There was no cultivation, and there was no such thing.

He was counting the gains this time…

“The Thorn Cliff Asylum consumed seven figures of fright… However, the harvest is also very terrifying, mainly because the popularity of the live broadcast room of the little girl is too explosive, plus there is an assist of the tubing up. ”

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