[Host: Liu Feng (22 years old)

Rank: Four stars

Items: Seven Seals, Broken Yin Spiritual Pulses

Balance: 11.4 million

Scene: Bus No. 375, Hanging Ghost Asking for Life, Complaining Ghost Asking for Life, Sealing Gate Village, Thorn Cliff Madhouse… ]

Looking at the balance of the frightening points on the personal panel, Liu Feng said that he was not surprised, that he was not happy… That’s impossible!

Because this is his scare point balance…

The first time to break through the 10 million level!

Get the “Terror Advent System” so far… Liu Feng also forgot how long it was, because he didn’t deliberately remember the day the system was activated, anyway, two months had passed, right?

In two months, from having nothing to the balance of the shock point is more than 11.4 million…

It has to be said that this progress is really surprising.

The main reason for this is naturally the sister’s live broadcast room.

The proportion of the Spirit Detector Live Room in it…

It’s hard to ignore!

Saying…… Before a broken up lord called “Old Tomatoes”, it seemed that he also contributed a wave of shock points.

And when in the closed door village…

The guy named “Brother Punch”…

But a pity…

It’s “Brother Fist” cool…

Only the ashes remained.

It should be cremation, right?

It can only be said that human beings are too good at death, plus the “fist brother” of the shark fighting platform, the brother who was once the fighting shark platform, was also blinded by red eyes and lemons.

In this case, nature is faster and easier to die, so it is cold.

Liu Feng swore that he did not let [the White Brow Ghost King] kill this boxing brother.

Because, before the death of the boxer…

He didn’t even know the man!

And the [White Brow Ghost King] at that time… In fact, I didn’t want to kill anyone, but unfortunately, Brother Boxer’s body was too weak.

The body was so weak that it could not resist even that level of resentment.

So much so that the resentment emanated by the [White Brow Ghost King] …

Directly to the death… It’s really not the usual drama.

Liu Feng shook his head, a dead man who had burped, he would not go to pity.

He didn’t bother to remember the guy either.

“This time the accident … It should be that Charles Fury, sigh… That place in the Eagle Sauce Country is really not an ordinary chaos! He actually wanted to send a group of heavily armed killers to wipe out the little girl of the little spirit. Then wait to wash your neck! ”

Liu Feng’s eyes flashed a trace of coldness, although at that time, there were powerful ghosts such as [Nun Evil Spirits] and [White Brow Ghost King] in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Those heavily armed and armed killer thugs were basically unlikely to kill Liu Xiaoling.

But this does not mean that Liu Feng will not be angry because of this.

But his anger did not show on his face.

But that doesn’t mean Charles Fury…

You won’t get away with it!

Instead, they will be subject to real sanctions!

Because now, [the White Brow Ghost King] is less than five hundred kilometers away from the Six Stars Building of the Eagle Sauce Country, and I have to say… The speed of [the White Brow Ghost King] is really terrifying, especially in the case of not knowing what tiredness is.

Unfortunately, during the day, it cannot be active in the sun for a long time.

It just so happens that these days the Eagle Sauce Country is a sunny day.

This greatly limits the speed of [the White Brow Ghost King]…

If these days are very groggy and cloudy…

Maybe [the White-browed Ghost King] now…

It’s time to get to Dunshenghua!

However, Charles Fury is not the kind of person who likes to sit back and wait, especially when the secrets of the Thorn Cliff Asylum are made public, and he feels countless crises coming!

In addition, Catherine said the name “Charles Fury” directly in the live broadcast room, in front of a group of water friends.

This made Charles Fury feel very uneasy!

There are also their own enemies in the official Eagle Sauce Country…

Their tight grip made him feel very tricky!

When he left work last night, Charles Fury left the Six-Pointed Star Building without saying a word, and destroyed all the incriminating evidence he could find in his home, and in this short night, every person in the know was killed.

Only inside the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

There’s a bunch of evidence that can’t be erased!

The Fury chaebol is also running wildly.

The purpose is to transfer assets!

And transfer insiders!

The senior personnel within the Frie Chaebol, including or not limited to Charles Forey, are well aware that this inhumane research practice, once exposed, is a devastating blow to every member of the Charles Fry Chaebol!

In a suburban villa in Eagle Sauce Guodun Shenghua, he is the helmsman of the former Forry chaebol.

Even if you live in a villa worth tens of millions of dollars…

No one will say anything more, after all, there is money.

But Charles Fury now, not like other people with his money, has almost lost most of his troubles, and now he… There were more troubles than anyone, and the eye bags even hung with a faint dark circle, which was enough to show that he hadn’t slept much last night.

“Your Excellency Charles… Your application to leave the country has been rejected, and the people in Congress seem to have prepared for it. ”

A staff member suddenly walked over and hurriedly reported.

Charles Fury, smoking a cigar, with a somber face, lost in thought… After hearing these words, the gloomy expression was even more ugly, and his face was almost as black as the bottom of the pot!

He gritted his teeth and slammed his cigar against the ashtray, and wisps of green smoke rose up.

Taking a deep breath, Charles Fred suppressed the anger in his heart.

His tone was very cold, with disdain and anger: “Hmm… Those guys must have been ready to take me as a victim, and this kind of research is not only the participation of the Frie chaebol? Oh, if it weren’t for the fear of blowing those guys out, the Fury chaebol really wouldn’t have any way out… Those guys can’t escape one by one! ”

Of course, he could only say that there were too many forces involved.

Charles Fury, if he dared to put out the list…

Maybe his bastards out there have to burp!

Not to mention… It was the biological children.

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