“Huh… This kind of research is simply difficult to maintain with the influence of the Frie chaebol, and only in the case of multi-party alliances, the underground research institute of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse can smoothly and smoothly study for more than ten years, and no drawbacks have been discovered. ”

Charles Fury did not care that there was another staff member in the room, he had a somber face and an old face, and coldly hummed: “Those guys are not inferior to the Fury chaebol, even… There is no shortage of behemoths more powerful than the Fury chaebol! ”

“But now after the incident, these so-called allies who rely on, support, and unite with the Fury chaebol have all become mute one by one, obviously trying to block the gun with the Fury chaebol!”

“Obviously I want to use Charles Fury as a shield to block this incident!”

“Fark… A bunch of dog-bred capitalists!! ”

“Dirty dog shih all over my blood!!”

“Fark! Fark!! Fark!!! ”

“Whew… A group of blue pools!!! ”

After fiercely scolding these inner words, Charles Fury, whose emotions fluctuated, seemed to have finally felt much better, and the amount of information in these words was not generally large.

And he is not afraid of these words being listened to, because… What if someone from the FBI is listening?

Do they dare to touch the giants after listening?

They just want to move a Charles Fury…

It all needs to be carefully considered countless times…

Need to be backed by a vote of giants!

to be able to deal with Charles Fury.

Let the FBI be such a department… Going against a bunch of giants? In a capital country like Eagle Sauce Country? Think about it a lot!

Charles as a member of the capital.

Nature knows this very well.

Beside…… The staff member wanted to stop talking, and he wanted to remind Charles Fury that he had just scolded himself, after all, Charles Fury himself was a former capitalist.

In other words, Charles Fury’s scolding words are nothing more than his own scolding of himself.

But once you consider yourself BOSS is now emotionally unstable

Out of the strong desire to survive in my heart…

This staff think tank stubbornly resisted…

It is better to decide or not to remind.

So as not to be angered by the boss.

However…… After venting, Charles Fury was much calmer than anyone had imagined, and if he were the kind of moody man, he would not be able to sit in his current position.

Seeing that Charles Fury’s face had eased up a lot, the staff think tank dared to speak out: “Your Excellency, Charles, in this form, do we want to directly use Plan B?” ”

Charles Fury listened, and his brow frowned, which made the staff think tank secretly swallow the spit, and thought that the BOSS was still angry.

But Charles Frey, after pondering for a few seconds, said in a calm tone: “In this form, Plan B is no longer working… Those jackal-like guys will definitely stare at the Fury chaebol, and the movement of the B plan is too great. ”

Stroking the corner of his desk, he continued, “Just abandon Plan b and c and enable Plan D!” ”

As the words fell, the staff member’s eyes widened, and his expression couldn’t help but feel a little incredulous.

The staff think tank hurriedly persuaded: “Your Excellency, the foundation of the Fourry chaebol for two hundred years is in the Eagle Sauce Country!” If you give up the foundation of the Eagle Sauce Country, the Fury chaebol will not only be seriously injured, but also… It is even very likely that it will be devastated at all! ”

“And the plan of d, which is used as a last resort, should be convened at a high-level meeting, at least … At least the current helmsman must know that you are determined to activate the D plan! ”

“Otherwise, otherwise…”

Before he could finish his exhortation, Charles Fury’s questioning voice reached the ear of the staff think-tank: “What else?” What I say is absolute command, do you have an opinion? Or is it… Do you think the Fury chaebol is run by my son? ”

The staff think tank was suddenly stunned and suddenly gagged, and for a moment he could not think of any words to refute it.

And even if he wanted to come up with it, he didn’t dare to say it now.

Because Charles Fury’s words have shown a resolute attitude that he is now!

Although the current helmsman of the Fury chaebol on the surface…

It was Charles Fury’s eldest son…

But in fact, the real rulers…

It’s still Charles Fury!

This “ex” helmsman!

“That… Your Excellency Charles, the girls of the two great eastern powers, and the two YouTube Lords, and the Celestial Missionaries, and the guy who called himself an exorcist… What to do? ”

The staff think tank suddenly thought of the key point, because it is because of these people…

The secrets of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse will be leaked out.

It can be said that those above are the real original sin!

Equally…… Charles Foley knew this too.

So when he heard these words, the expression that had been hard to soften became gloomy again.

To be honest, those people mentioned above…

He desperately wanted to kill them all!

But reality told him it was impossible!

Or rather… No!!

Especially those who have the power of the mysterious side, once they are moved… Charles Fury felt that when the time came, he might not know how to die!

They hadn’t been killed quietly in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum before.

It’s impossible to kill these people now!

And it’s not something you can’t do!

Now if he dares to move Liu Xiaoling… As long as he is not a fool, he will be suspicious of him.

“…… Ignore them!! ”

Charles Fury’s words were almost uttered with gritted teeth, or rather suppressed.

So it shows that his heart is now…

Very unpeaceful!

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