As night falls, the Eagle Sauce Country is once again shrouded in darkness, this evening’s night is very bright, there is no cloud in the sky, a round of white Haoyue hangs high in the sky, the brightness of the moonlight is second only to the arrival of the morning light, if there is no insect chirping in the green belt.

The metropolis of the Eagle Sauce Country is full of steel and concrete, if not because the villa is located in the suburbs…

It is estimated that even the slightest bit of insect chirping is difficult to hear…

Well…… Except for mosquitoes and cockroaches!

Both of these pests are outside the wilderness…

Or in a concrete and steel city…

They all belong to the innumerable kind…

A tiresome existence!

It’s hard to give them…

Let’s have a genocide!

After all, I heard that even if mosquitoes are extinct, they will not have any impact on the ecological environment, and I don’t know if there is really such a statement; Or is this just some marketing number, a kind of rumor of civil science pseudoscience?!

Listening to the “buzzing” of mosquitoes in his ears, Charles Fury frowned slightly.

Eyes followed a mosquito flying around in front of him.

Charles Foley saw a good opportunity.

Slap your hands together violently!

Only the crisp sound of “popping” can be heard!

The power of the two-handed clap… It made Charles Fury’s palms tingle, however, the “buzzing” of mosquitoes once again came to the ear, which showed that… He didn’t hit it at all!

Even, may not be hit by the other party, the reaction is not at all as good as when he was young.

If you are a teenager or twenty years younger…

A slap on the face has already killed the mosquito!

Feeling his own body, looking at the wrinkles on the palms of his hands, Charles Fury’s face flashed a trace of reluctance.

He didn’t want to be so old.

Not willing to live only a few tens of years.

But he was very weak…

“If… Plan D executes smoothly, and to be able to leave the Eagle Sauce Country safely, you must contact that mysterious side circle, even if you tie people up to dissect the experiment, you must also study that mysterious power! ”

Charles Fury murmured viciously, for that mysterious side of the power…

Although he only learned it through video after video.

But he didn’t doubt it was true.

After all, the mysterious side circle has long been famous all over the world!

So it absolutely cannot be false!

Scientific research can not come out, how to prolong life… After all, I am already in my fifties, and there are still two years left to be sixty, and perhaps when I am seventy or eighty years old, I may die inexplicably because of physical failure.

Charles Fury squeezed his fist and took a deep breath: “I don’t want to live for such a long time!” ”

Yes, he was not content to live only a few decades.

To tell the truth, he did not pursue immortality…

Because he thinks it’s very unrealistic!

His quest is to live a few hundred more years…

Or even live an extra thousand years!

Live until you get tired of it.

The choice yourself again is to live.

Or choose to die happily.

It’s a luxury that sounds a little unlikely, but the rich can have the ability to dream, and now that something like metaphysics has been confirmed… Charles Fury felt that he was not only capable of dreaming, but even the ability to achieve it!

Relying on science to prolong life and live for hundreds of thousands of years, the chance of success may only be 0.000000100000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

But by this mysterious and hidden metaphysical power…

Maybe that possibility will shrink by a bunch of small digits.

Possibly, the odds of success in the end…

Will it be less than one percent?

Maybe even five percent?

Maybe ten percent?

At the same time as the thoughts in my mind are spreading more and more… Charles Fury’s heart is also getting hotter, he already has a feeling of impatience, he even wants to catch an exorcist with mysterious side power now, and then let a bunch of scientists dissect and study!

But reason told him that now was not the time to do these things… Now the most important.

It’s a big hassle to get rid of what you’re facing now!

A trouble that could wipe out the Fury chaebol!

“Although the implementation of the D plan has given up two hundred years of foundation, I have accumulated a lot of backhands abroad in recent years, and it is only a matter of time before I rely on those backhands to make a comeback… It won’t be a slump unless I leave the Eagle Sauce Country and they won’t stick to it. ”

Just as Charles Fury was pondering, an ominous sense of foreboding crept into his heart!

The ominous premonition that crept into his heart made the whole person sitting on the chair stunned.

This sense of ominous foreboding, though not particularly strong…

But there seems to be a sense of persistence…

This sense of foreboding does not seem to be an illusion…

Charles Fury was instinctively vigilant, he hurriedly took out a pocket silver pistol from the drawer, and then with a skilled and rapid speed, the clip was good, and his wary eyes were the first time… It was placed in the window of the villa’s study!

Without leaving a trace, he opened the safety of the pistol and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the not-so-small window.

Although the window glass is specially made, the value of bulletproof glass.

The kind that can be easily detonated with submachine gun strafing.

But there was an ominous premonition in my heart that had no reason…

And that inexplicable sense of crisis…

It makes him particularly nervous right now!

This valuable and specially made bulletproof glass does not seem to give him a sense of security.

This made Charles Fury’s forehead…

Involuntarily spilled some sweat stains.

He slowly rose from his chair, holding a pistol, and walked step by step to the front window.

Nervously, he opened the thick curtains and looked out…

A black shadow suddenly flashed in front of my eyes!

So frightened he almost didn’t shoot.

“Wait… Is it a wild cat?! ”

Stunned to see a feral cat scurrying away.

Charles Foley was stunned.

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