For the news of Charles Fury’s death… Liu Feng did not have any fluctuations in his heart, neither joy nor regret, because if it were not for the death of the other party, it would basically be impossible to have anything to do with Liu Feng.

If it weren’t for Charles Frey’s men sending people to the Thorn Cliff Asylum to carry out indiscriminate killings.

The name is “cleaning” the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

It is estimated that Liu Feng is too lazy to attack this guy!

After all, he didn’t know this guy before!

But since Charles Fury is dying…

Since this guy wants to die so badly…

Liu Feng didn’t mind giving him a ride!

The kind that flies away!

So…… For the news of Charles Fury’s death, Liu Feng just smiled, and then stopped paying attention to that kind of passerby, even if the other party was the so-called Fury chaebol front helmsman.

But in Liu Feng’s eyes, the other party still belonged to that kind… Insignificant passerby A.

He couldn’t even compare to the Fighting Shark Fist Brother who was also burping for death!

At least Brother Fighting Shark gave Liu Feng a good startle point gain.

And Charlton Fury gives Willow Wind a shock point gain…

How many? Is there five hundred? Doesn’t seem to exist!

It seems that there are only one or two hundred?

Anyway…… The income is very small!!

Of course…… Liu Feng could also predict how much shaking the Eagle Sauce Country would occur in the next few days, and it was estimated that the entire Eagle Sauce Country would fall into a whirlpool.

After all, Charles Fury’s identity in the Eagle Sauce Country is still a little bit special.

Plus… There are also dozens of wild ghosts who have escaped from the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum.

These wild spirits can stir up the whirlpool of the Eagle Sauce Country!

Let the whole Eagle Sauce country fall into a panic!!

Don’t think that there are not many superstitious people in Western countries.

Otherwise all kinds of churches, churches…

There will be no more than nine figures of believers.

“It looks like… Charles Fury’s body is about to be discovered by his neighbors… Tut! Once this kind of thing is known to other giants, it is estimated that those giants will feel that no matter how many security personnel are arranged, they will not be able to truly ensure the safety of their lives. ”

Liu Feng is also barely a rich man, although his inheritance of several hundred million is not as good as those of the giants.

But many times his way of thinking is similar to the other party.

If he were the one at the helm of those chaebol giants of the Eagle Sauce Country…

After learning the cause of death of Charles Fury…

I am afraid that I am more eager to contact the mysterious side circle, because only the people of the mysterious side circle can deal with that kind of ghost and protect the safety of these rich people.

People are afraid of death, especially those who enjoy people, they are even more afraid of death.

It’s just that Liu Feng is arranged in the mysterious side circle of the Eagle Sauce Country…

There are only a few people.

If those giants can be in the vast sea of people.

Find the missionaries of the Day X Sect, and the words of Gerry Conwell, and they are great.

It is estimated that when the time comes, these missionaries…

And Gerry Conwell…

It will become the guest of the capital!

Of course, the better the development of his subordinates in the Eagle Sauce Country, the greater the benefits of Liu Feng.

So he didn’t have to meddle in it.

Just let things unfold.


The next day, in an international airport in Eagle Sauce Country, Liu Xiaoling touched the bandage wrapped around Li Xiaomo’s head, curiously wanted to touch the location of the wound, and then Li Xiaomo slapped her evil claws open.

Li Xiaomo rolled his eyes and helplessly complained: “Don’t touch it, other people who are engaged in look at us are full of ambiguity.” ”

Liu Xiaoling didn’t care about this, she giggled and said, “That’s their rotten eyes looking at Ren Ji, but we are a pair of pure sisters.” ”

It is said that Li Xiaomo is a little helpless, but her girlfriend personality is like this, she has long been used to it.

In the airport lounge, she pulled out her phone and opened her phone’s chat app.

Then it clicked into a chat box…

Then a message was sent out by typing.

xiaomowudi: [Catherine, don’t you want to be a full-time photographer?] How did you suddenly change your mind? 】

Katherine: [That… Cough, just a little joke, hahaha…”

Katherine: All right! I confessed, mainly… I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous…]

xiaomowudi: [That’s it! Also to … It’s a bit dangerous. 】


Li Xiaomo agreed with Catherine’s point of view, because every recent soul exploration live broadcast with her girlfriend was not generally difficult, and the danger was not generally large.

Especially the Thorn Cliff Madhouse the night before, several times almost lost his life.

If it weren’t for the fact that I had learned mixed martial arts…

And the level is also very high in the industry…

If it weren’t for the mysterious side power of Xiao Lingzi, if it wasn’t for the appearance of a Gerry Conwell halfway, if it wasn’t for the last group of Tianx Sect missionaries, it is estimated that he would really have to confess to the inside of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum!

It can be said that there have been several dangers in the world, and several times I have rubbed shoulders with the god of death!

Not…… Rubbing, will Death get frozen shoulder?

Li Xiaomo’s thinking couldn’t help but diverge a little.

The main thing is that there is no danger now.

So much so that her mind relaxed a lot.

At this moment, the browser suddenly popped up a message, Li Xiaomo inadvertently glanced at it, the whole person was stunned, and could not help but wonder: “Yu… Charles Fury… Assassinated?! Saying…… Who is Charles Fury??? ”

Obviously, Li Xiaomo didn’t know anything about Charles Fury.

She didn’t even know who this figure was.

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