As time passes by day by day… Within a few days, a Didi car drove to the outside of the villa area.

However, because the villa area of Tianhai City does not allow outsiders to enter, the Didi car can only stop at the front door of the community.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo… Drilled out of the Didi car.

Then walk step by step in the direction where the villa is located.

The current eastern powers are the time of daylight.

The sun shines on every inch of the earth beneath your feet.

Feel this warm feeling…

Liu Xiaoling walked on the scenic path while stretching out a lazy waist with a comfortable face, and then yawned, and involuntarily hung a long-lost smile on her face, and her voice immediately sounded: “It still feels better at home!” ”

It has to be admitted that the Eagle Sauce Country is currently the world’s number one power, both military and economic.

But when it comes to comfort… Liu Xiaoling actually feels…

The big country of the East is simply much better than the Eagle Sauce country!

At least, when walking outside…

Don’t worry about being shot!

The most criticized thing about the Eagle Sauce Country is nothing more than that piece of landscape, and it is still a shootout every day, and every year because of the gunfight, I am injured and killed… Tens of thousands of people!

This is still registered: those who are not registered, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands, right?

The number of dead and wounded is comparable to a war!

And it’s a relatively big war!

And the big country of the East, a country that prohibits guns…

Basically, there will be no such worries…

Because I want to get a gun in this place…

The difficulty is like fishing for the moon in the water!

It can be said that it is as difficult as ascending to the sky!

Immediately, she turned her head, looked at Li Xiaomo, who was parallel to herself, and stared at the new bandage wrapped around Li Xiaomo’s head, and she asked in surprise: “Xiaomo, is your wound still not good?” ”

Li Xiaomo shook his head and replied, “Stitching, where is it healed so quickly?” ”

Although the wound on her head does not affect her daily life.

But a bandage wrapped around the head…

It’s a really uncomfortable feeling.

It’s also a little funny to watch.

To be honest… Li Xiaomo was a little envious of his girlfriend’s ability to recover, because the injuries that Liu Xiaoling had suffered in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum had basically healed now.

At least on the surface… I couldn’t see any signs of injury to Liu Xiaoling!

Is it because of the mysterious side power?

It’s a pity that I don’t have this magical power.

To say that you are not envious is certainly a lie!

But Li Xiaomo will not be jealous, after all, Liu Xiaoling is his girlfriend, and that is also Xiao Lingzi’s opportunity, why should he be jealous of being a good sister?

When she reached a fork in the road, seeing that Li Xiaomo was going to go to the road on the right, Liu Xiaoling suddenly called out to her: “Xiao Mo, if you don’t come to my house to sit down, old brother he should be able to help you recover from the wound.” At least…… The recovery speed may be a little faster. ”

The reason why Li Xiaomo was injured was because he fought side by side with Liu Xiaoling in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

Looking at the circle of bandages on the girlfriend’s head, Liu Xiaoling still felt that he was a little sorry for the other party.

That’s why she said what she just said.

After listening, Li Xiaomo was stunned, and then asked with a smile: “Aren’t you afraid of trouble your brother?” ”

Liu Xiaoling chuckled, “This is a work injury!” Isn’t it normal to deal with work injuries? ”

Li Xiaomo thought for a moment… Like, a little bit of a truism!

Strictly speaking, the injuries on my body are really work injuries!

The question is what does the work injury have to do with Big Brother Liu?

As if she could see her doubts, Liu Xiaoling patted a place that was not very high and not very low, and explained: “Rest assured! You were injured to deal with ghosts, and the elder brother is a big guy in the circle, won’t he still treat you? ”

“The amount … Your reason is not generally far-fetched…” The corners of Li Xiaomo’s mouth twitched slightly.

“It’s all right, come and come!” Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but pull Li Xiaomo’s arm.

In desperation, Li Xiaomo could only follow her.

The two men walked for about three or four minutes or so.

I saw a very familiar villa.

Liu Xiaoling pushed open the door outside…

Into the courtyard of the big …

Then he pushed open the villa door and shouted with excitement: “Brother! Your favorite sister is back!! ”

“…… Huh? What about the old brothers?! ”

I didn’t hear the slightest response, and when I pushed open the door, I didn’t see any figures in the living room on the first floor.

Liu Xiaoling winced slightly, wondering about the left and right looks, but still did not see anyone.

However, just as she stepped into the villa.

Liu Xiaoling’s face suddenly changed in shock!

However…… Before she could panic, a familiar voice came into her ear: “This is just a very simple illusion array, you take four steps backwards, move one step to the left, and then read a [solution] word, you can ignore this illusion array.” ”

The familiar voice made Liu Xiaoling react instantly, and at the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at a strange “graveyard” in front of her…

Sighed and muttered, “So real! ”

Then, according to his brother’s words, he first took four steps backwards, and then moved one step to the left, and Liu Xiaoling drank softly: “Solution! ”

The scene in front of me changed again, back to the large living room on the first floor of the villa.

But now there is one more person in the living room.

After meeting the very familiar person.

The corner of Liu Xiaoling’s mouth was lightly tickled, and then he directly pounced on it, like a face-hugging insect.

However, because of the perfect hiding place of the willow wind…

She just pounced.

One head planted on the couch.

Outside…… Li Xiaomo also learned Liu Xiaoling’s movements and did it again, and also pronounced a “solution” word.

And was surprised and muttered: “If this phantom array is used to make a movie, it is definitely comparable to hundreds of millions of special effects.” ”

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