This is not the first time that Li Xiaomo has… She had seen the power and strangeness of the mysterious side force, but every time she saw a variety of new tricks, she still felt very surprised, after all, this was still a knowledge blind spot for her.

Looking at the large living room on the first floor, Li Xiaomo froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Because she just happened to see a willow spirit planted on the sofa.

Immediately, she saw the willow wind next to Liu Xiaoling!

This big guy with a mysterious side circle!

Or rather, the recognized big guy!

Because of a live broadcast of the old tomato at Tianhai International Airport before, almost let the people of the whole country know the horror of the mysterious side circle, and also know that there is a very powerful young man in this circle.

Of course, most people don’t know what the identity of this powerful young man is.

Most people didn’t know what the young man’s name was.

I don’t even know which province or city the other person lives in.

But there are a small number of people who know!

Thereinto…… Including Li Xiaomo!

As Liu Xiaoling’s green plum bamboo horse + twenty-one years girlfriend + colleague + opposite sex sister… How could Li Xiaomo not recognize Liu Feng?

When I first watched the live broadcast of the old tomato, Li Xiaomo instantly recognized the willow wind on the screen.

Even more watched as Liu Feng put [White Brow Ghost King]…

It can be said that it is hanging up and fighting!

Isn’t this the big guy in the circle?

If that’s not the big guy in the circle… So what is the strength of the real big guys in the circle? Aren’t all those really big guys humanoid nuclear weapons?

Burst…… How is this possible!

Humanoid nuclear weapons are too exaggerated…

If there really is such a strong …

No, there should be no if…

It is impossible to exaggerate so much.

Yes, it can’t!

Li Xiaomo shook her head, she felt that she had overdone her brain, if the big guys in the circle were really humanoid nuclear weapons, then why didn’t these big guys go to bomb their aunts when they were invaded?

Compared with the terrorist destructive power of those modern weapons, the circle should be slightly inferior.

Of course…… If it is about exorcising demons and exterminating demons…

That circle can hang all modern weapons!

Because most of those modern weapons…

It doesn’t do anything to ghosts…

Unless, exactly, it is specially made…

For example, in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum in the Eagle Sauce Country, the foreign exorcist Gerry Conwell, the shotgun in the other party’s hand, is the only modern weapon that Li Xiaomo has ever seen that harms ghosts, but that is also because of special reasons.

Liu Feng swept his eyes at Li Xiaomo, then looked at Liu Xiaoling, and helplessly complained: “You are already old and not small, this pounce must not want your brother and my half life?” ”

Liu Xiaoling turned over, sat on the sofa, stammered, and she muttered, “Brother, you are so powerful, even if a truck comes over, you have nothing to do…”

“That’s right, brother! Xiao Mo’s wound has not yet healed, can you help her heal? ”

Liu Xiaoling did not bend the corner, because they were all family members, there was no need to bend the corner.

She said directly: “Xiao Mo, she was injured to deal with ghosts, which can also be regarded as a work injury, right?” The circle should be reimbursed for work injuries, right? ”

Liu Feng looked at the bandage wrapped around Li Xiaomo’s head, and there were still some conspicuous bruises on his elbow.

Plus bruises on some invisible places on the body…

Suddenly, he nodded his head.

He smiled and said, “Naturally, work injuries will be reimbursed, but… Xiao Mo She is not a person in the mysterious side circle, how to reimburse? For example, the mysterious side circle is a moving company, and a person who is not this company is injured because of moving, and then can he find this company to reimburse the work injury? ”

His half-joking words made Liu Xiaoling’s face stagnate, and he just wanted to say something to refute it.

But Liu Xiaoling was suddenly shocked to find that the elder brother said it seemed…

It seems that there is a little bit of truth in it!

I couldn’t think of any reason to refute it!

“But… But…… But…… Forehead…… But Xiao Mo, she is trying to help me! Should…… Count the work injury… Right? Probably?! ”

The more Liu Xiaoling spoke, the more vague his tone became, and when he finally said it, his voice became a little smaller.

“Just kidding…” Liu Feng smiled softly, touched Liu Xiaoling’s dog head, and expertly rubbed her hair.

As if in some contemplation, Willow Wind pulled out a bracelet-like object from his pocket.

Then gently throw it in the direction of Li Xiaomo.

And Li Xiaomo instinctively reached out to pick it up.

After catching this object… Li Xiaomo was stunned and looked down at the strange object in her hand, she felt that this thing… Like, there is a little bit of familiarity.

It was as if I had seen it somewhere.

Wait a minute…… Isn’t this exactly the same as the strange bracelet on Xiao Lingzi’s wrist?

It looks like even the colors are exactly the same…

There is no difference at all!

“Big Brother Liu… This is?! ”

Li Xiaomo was a little confused about what the situation was, her white pretty face involuntarily floated a touch of crimson, but it was quickly covered up by her, and it seemed that she seemed to be thinking of something unhealthy.

And Liu Feng naturally noticed the change in her expression, and she was quite helpless in her heart, why do girls like to think so much?

But then again, I am a single handsome man, send a bracelet to a girl…

As long as you are a normal person, you may want to be crooked!

In Li Xiaomo’s somewhat evasive gaze, Liu Fengfeng explained lightly: “Welcome to join the mysterious side circle, after all, you have always been with Xiao Ling, and we have known each other since childhood, you are also my sister, the necessary protection measures still need to be done.” ”

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