Little by little, time passed, and in the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and for several days, Liu Feng was conceiving the next horror scene, and… At the same time, Li Xiaomo, a newcomer in the mysterious side circle, had formulated a cultivation policy that was more suitable for her.

I don’t know if it’s because I came up with the blueprint of the plan a few days ago, and each time I thought of it in too much detail, so that I fell into a habit.

In the cultivation policy formulated by Li Xiaomo… Willow Wind is formulated in particular detail.

So detailed that almost every step helped her calculate!

When a notebook is full of handwriting…

Liu Feng woke up stunned.

Looking at the words on the notebook with a surprised face, Liu Feng was silent for a few seconds, and then he laughed helplessly, and he muttered to himself: “It seems that they have all done occupational diseases, and this is at least fifty or sixty thousand words, right?” ”

With Liu Feng’s current physical fitness, it does not take too long to write fifty or sixty thousand words.

He helped Li Xiaomo formulate his cultivation policy while conceiving the plan.

It took only three days to get the policy in place.

And it’s the kind that can’t be more detailed!

As detailed as 60,000 words!

That’s an average of 20,000 words a day…

And it’s not typing with a keyboard…

It’s all written by hand!

The ink is half a bottle!

Although his hands did not feel tired, Liu Feng still habitually moved his hands and wrists, moved the ten fingers of his hands by the way, and then stretched out a lazy waist, muttering to himself: “The blueprint of the plan for the new horror scene does not have a clue, but the cultivation policy has been worked out in advance… It’s a little bit of a surprise! ”

However, since the cultivation policy has been worked out, let Liu Xiaoling’s little girl …

Send Li Xiaomo over! Anyway……

Li Xiaomo also lives in this area…

Li Xiaomo’s family villa… It is only ten minutes away from Liufeng here, if it is a normal speed to walk, it is only ten minutes away, right?

This is also because the path is full of twists and turns.

If it’s a straight line…

I’m afraid it can be shortened to six or seven minutes.

Turn on the phone that has not been opened all day, and look at the software pop-ups that pop up one after another, most of which are the messages popped up by various news apps.

As for why download so many news apps?

Nature is to find material for horror scenes.

One news after another was directly ignored by Liu Feng…

Because most of this news is what has to do about which star cheated … Which star got married… There is also the haunted place, which is nothing to pay attention to.

After all, Willow Wind does not chase stars, as for haunted news? That would be even less noteworthy.

After all, most of the ghosts in this world…

It’s all a bunch of his employees!

Except for the wild ghosts…

And the news of wild unjust souls is nothing to look at, after all, those wild unjust souls are now at most a bunch of scattered unjust souls, not even a one-star grade can not reach, completely not worthy of his attention.

“…… Hey?!! ”

Just as Liu Feng was brushing some news, he suddenly moved, and his eyes stayed on a pop-up window.

Then he clicked in, glanced at the contents of his eyes, and his face couldn’t help but show a little surprise.

The headlines of the news seem very striking…

——[A TV station of the Great Cosmic Emperor, officially announced that a large-scale supernatural variety show will be launched]

This is the news that the Songya browser pops up.

Psychic Variety? What the hell is this?

Liu Feng Shunshi read the contents inside…

Suddenly, he suddenly realized.

“Is this rubbing heat?!”

The content of the news is that there is a TV station with a large cosmic empire, announcing that three days later, a large-scale new supernatural variety show will be launched, and it will be displayed in front of the audience in a new form of “live broadcast”.

Even the news says… They also invited the mysterious side circle “masters” in the territory of the Great Cosmic Empire.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, it is similar to Liu Xiaoling’s soul detection live broadcast.

Merely…… This time it was broadcast live on TV.

And there are also many stars of the Great Cosmic Empire involved.

Among them is the so-called national goddess…

Well, Liu Feng couldn’t see how beautiful the so-called national goddess was, because he always felt that every female star in this country belonged to the kind carved out of a mold.

He once thought that the Great Cosmic Empire was not some very powerful human cloning technology.

Until he learned about a magic trick called “plastic surgery”.

Only then did I suddenly realize what was going on!

“The master in the mysterious side circle of the Great Cosmic Empire?”

Liu Feng’s expression was unusually strange, he thought about it for a moment, then shook his head and whispered, “I don’t seem to have arranged any mysterious side characters in the Great Cosmic Empire, right?” So…… The master of the so-called Great Cosmic Empire should be a liar? ”

“Or the whole variety show is a hoax, saying what exorcism and extermination, in fact… Are all actors in special effects? After all, I haven’t made a horror scene in the Great Cosmic Empire. ”

“That is to say… Fake from start to finish? This is not as good as the boxing brother! ”

Liu Feng unabashedly showed a look of contempt.

Brother Fist at least dares to go to the ghost village in the middle of the night…

And this so-called variety show group …

It’s all false from start to finish.

However, when Liu Feng glanced at the comment area, which had climbed to five or six hundred thousand comments, a new idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

The global attention of this variety show seems to be quite high!

Even the hot search for the bib neck rushed to the fourth place…

And this thing also says to live stream?

The corner of Liu Feng’s mouth gently drew an arc, played with a pen in his hand, and smiled softly: “It looks like… This time the new plan blueprint has a clue! ”

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