Looking through the comment area of this news, Liu Feng found that the comments were basically accounted for by the stars invited by this variety show, as well as the netizens of the Great Cosmic Empire, or … The comment was criticized by the netizens of the Great Cosmic Empire!

“The Great Quest for Supernatural Events!” After waiting for a long time, I finally waited for this variety show, and praised Smecta !!! ”

“Let the people of the Eastern Powers and the Eagle Sauce Countries see what a true exorcist is!”

“Aaa Jin xx actually participated in this variety show!!! ”

“A new form of live streaming? Is this a job of stealing live streaming? ”

“With this show, I don’t need to go over the wall to see those two female anchors in the big eastern countries.”

“Isn’t this plagiarizing the Spirit Detector Live Room of the Eastern Powers?!”

“Brother Park Hye! I can!!! ”

“It’s a pity xxx is in military service, otherwise … This show invites him to be better, right? ”

“What does it mean to plagiarize other people’s variety shows?” Sure enough, the Great Cosmic Empire is shameless. ”

“Ideas are not within the scope of intellectual property protection!”

“The people who sprayed are all aunts of the country, and the great cosmic empire netizens should ignore them.”

“There is my goddess!!!”


Sure enough, in addition to being afraid of being commented, there are many sneers at this variety show in the comments, believing that this variety show is completely copying Liu Xiaoling’s detective live broadcast room.

In fact, this is indeed plagiarism, because from the details revealed by the program team…

Almost live with Liu Xiaoling’s detective…

There is eighty percent similarity.

The only difference… It could be broadcast on TV and there are stars involved.

Oh, and there’s another difference…

That’s all fake!

In that small place of the Great Cosmic Empire, there wasn’t even a single unjust soul, and they probed a Mao spirit?

For this kind of thing, Liu Feng knew it best.

The so-called soul detective, the so-called master…

But it’s all fake gimmicks…

It’s all show effects!

However, Liu Feng also had to admire this program group, with a variety of fake things live broadcast, is not afraid of revealing the filling? After all, live broadcasting is the easiest form of playback.

If it is a recording, it is fine, the recording can be edited, and even some powerful special effects can be added.

However, live streaming is different…

So Liu Feng admired the program group.

The other party is really confident!

Not afraid of revealing a full of infamy? Tut…… It is estimated that the program team is the same as the boxing brother, frightened by Liu Xiaoling’s popularity, and his eyes are so red that he does not know what reason is, or … They are really confident that they can broadcast the fake.

Liu Feng pondered this matter while looking at these comments, and pondered for several minutes.

Finally, his leisurely voice sounded in the bedroom: “I don’t know how the mysterious side circle master of the so-called Great Cosmic Empire will react after seeing the true and true ghost?” ”

“The most important thing is that this thing… The cost is low! It may only take tens of thousands of shock points, and at most it may cost hundreds of thousands of shock points to benefit millions of shock points. ”

It is not impossible to even harvest tens of millions of shock points, after all, the influence of the variety show of the Great Cosmic Empire is quite large in the world.

After all…… I have to admit that the other party has done a very good job in this regard.

Of course, this does not deny the fact that the right rubbing heat is true.


Far away in the great cosmic empire opposite the coast of a great eastern power… Although the country is jokingly called the “Great Cosmic Empire”, in fact, the land area of this country is not as large as a province of the Eastern powers.

In a building of the Great Cosmic Empire, Jin Pulie, who is the director of the variety show group of “Supernatural Events”…

At this time, I was watching a video, and from time to time I was still recording something in my notebook.

The mouth is chanting the language of their country…

“Well, the atmosphere renders very well…”

“I can borrow a little bit from this paragraph…”

“West Eight, it scared Lao Tzu!”

“This can, remember…”


If someone is next to him, he will know that the video he is watching now is the live video of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s soul search!

Because Liu Xiaoling does not have a live broadcast now, he can only watch these videos.

Just as Liu Feng and many international netizens thought.

This variety show is really copied directly!

In the eyes of the program team of the Great Cosmic Empire… Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are two network anchors, and the things they broadcast live are not intellectual property rights at all, so there is no psychological pressure at all to copy them.

Plus… Just add a little of their own stuff on the premise of copying.

For example, adding a “star” gimmick is very good!

“Assi! Finally done!!! ”

The director of the program group named Jin Pulie, threw away the pen in his hand, and then breathed a heavy sigh of relief, haha smiled: “The supernatural heat is now very terrifying in the whole world, and when I make this variety show, I will eat the first cake in this industry!” ”

“But…” His expression became cautious again, muttering to himself: “But the most important thing is that both ghosts and masters are fake, and this is still a variety show in the form of live broadcasting.” ”

“You have to be in control of the details, otherwise… Once the filling is revealed, the trouble is big. ”


After so many years of mixing in the entertainment circle of the Great Cosmic Empire, Jin Pulie knows very well what fate he will face once he reveals his stuffing, but… If you don’t show the stuffing, then you will get all the benefits that you couldn’t think of before!

Wealth is moving, and this sentence is placed on the people of which country… All applicable!

In fact, this so-called variety show…

It’s not so much a variety show…

It’s better to say outdoor live streaming!

Broadcast on television…

An outdoor live!

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