Jin Pulie curiously opened the computer to look at the fishing wheel on the network, and found that several news and tweets released by the program group had a very large response on the network, and the heat was also very high!

This made him secretly breathe a sigh of relief, and a slightly relieved smile appeared on the round face of the fat head and big ears.

It’s just that this smile matches his pair of skull-like eyes.

Whether looking horizontally or vertically, it reveals a kind of…

Extremely obscene breath!

As for those bad reviews… Those who accused what plagiarism, what rub heat, all of them were ignored by Jin Pulie.

Anyway…… Under normal circumstances, it is not legally determined that this is plagiarism!

Moreover, even if you fight a lawsuit, you can drag it out for a long time…

After all, cross-border litigation is too troublesome.

Dragging and dragging may be more than ten years later!

So Kim Pu-yeol is now unafraid.

I am not afraid of being intimidated by people at all.

Finally…… He also made a phone call and instructed the staff below to get the celebrities who had invited them to come and join the live stream of the Spirit Quest, because the show would start in three days.

It may sound rushed, but… In fact, it has been rehearsed many times before.

Otherwise Kim Pu-yeol wouldn’t have put this show …

Directly posted on Twitter…

Everything is prepared early!

What he didn’t know, however, was… Because of his various actions these days, because of the various propaganda in these days, a special existence has set its sights on the reproduction of this great cosmic empire “Spirit Hunt Live Broadcast”.

At this time, Jin Pulie, as if talking to himself, muttered about the events of three days: “This time, I have spent a lot of money to arrange various scenes, and the ghosts are all industry professionals, even if it is live broadcast… They also basically don’t leak any filling. ”

“Moreover… The main thing about live streaming is that the camera will shake, in this case… Even if it is a dew filling, you can blame the fault to the camera, which is perfect! ”

As he spoke, he remembered the next door again… The horror popularity of the two female anchors in the eastern big country when they were live broadcasting.

A sour feeling came to my heart unconsciously.

There was a feeling of eating a lemon.

He doesn’t climb over the wall, though… But he can let people help over the wall, he has also seen the popularity of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo when they live, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is at its peak… However, there are terrible data that are close to reaching one billion popularity!

What is the concept of billions of popularity? Even if the ratio of popularity to number of people is 50:1…

That’s more than 10 million people watching online at the same time!

More than ten million people watch online at the same time…

West Eight! It’s horrible!

In addition, there are still many people who do not like to watch live broadcasts, many people may have time to watch live broadcasts yesterday, but they do not have time to watch today…

There are also many people who prefer to watch the follow-up, edited soul detection videos…

That is to say, the netizens who have watched the two female anchors detective spirits…

At least…… Not less than a hundred million people, right?

After all, they are now demanding influence.

It’s all too big to be in an outrageous situation…

Boom in popularity for any Uranus superstar…

Make people envious to the point of redness!

With their current explosive popularity, I am afraid that they can earn millions of dollars in random advertisements, right? Even…… Maybe an advertisement will earn tens of millions of US knives?

Hiss…… Fantastic!


The more Kim Pu-yeol thinks… The sour smell in his heart became more and more intense, and he was once a well-known director in the Great Cosmic Empire, but after the unspoken rules were exploded, he was in a state of being semi-blocked.

It was hard to make a comeback, but he could only be a director of a variety show.

In order to make his comeback a complete hit.

He wasn’t afraid to put the word “plagiarism” on his back…

I am not afraid to carry the label of “rubbing heat”…

“Assi! I don’t know why there are so many mysterious circles of people in that big eastern country. On the contrary, our great cosmic empire could not find one, so I had to ask a false master to come over, West Eight! Could it be that my great cosmic empire is inferior to that of the great powers of the East? ”

Jin Pulie had just muttered this sentence when he denied his idea: “No, no, no… My great cosmic empire is a developed country, how can it be compared to a developing country? ”

“It must be because the mysterious side circle of the Great Cosmic Empire is too strong, and once it is born, it will definitely cause riots!”

“In order to avoid causing a riot, they chose to wait and see in the dark for the time being…”

“Yes, that’s right! It must be like this! ”

“I’m certainly not wrong with what I thought!”

Just as he was talking to himself nervously, Liu Feng, who was far away in the eastern city of Tianhai, was handing a notebook to his sister.

Under Liu Xiaoling’s puzzled gaze, Liu Feng said, “Give this thing to Xiao Mo… This is the cultivation policy I have laid out for her, and if I continue to cultivate step by step according to this policy, her strength will grow at a very good rate. ”

After listening, Liu Xiaoling, who looked puzzled, suddenly realized something.

She grabbed the notebook that her brother had handed her.

He nodded solemnly and replied, “Rest assured brother, I will definitely hand it over to Xiao Mo!” ”

Look at her serious look, it is like it is in a notebook… What is the same as the Divine Skill Cheats.

Liu Feng smiled helplessly and said, “There is no need to be so serious… Forget it, just give it to her anyway. ”

“Mm-hmm!!” Liu Xiaoling nodded again.

Looking at the back of his sister turning away, Liu Feng gradually thought about the next horror scene.

On the side of the Great Cosmic Empire, he just did it by the hand.

And it doesn’t take much thought over there…

Because of that so-called spirit scouting program group…

Already thoughtfully put the venue, people…

It’s all arranged!

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