What was different from Xie Zhengang’s situation was that the two chiefs of the Ichiki Dao and the two of them were busy cleaning up the wild ghosts in the territory of the eastern powers, and the two people were running around the country… If you are staying at the airport or train station in any city, you can probably meet them.

As time slowly passed, the territory of the great eastern powers… It also gave birth to those wild spirits who had no order, no good or evil to speak of.

Although those wild ghosts are not powerful, ordinary people do not have the ability to deal with them.

Once ordinary people are targeted by these wild ghosts…

It may be that it will suddenly become a serious illness…

Heavy may hit the GG on the spot!

Coupled with the number of wild ghosts, it is not a small number… It’s a staggering amount.

At present, there are two brothers, Ichiki Michijo and Nigi Michiko…

Kill or surrender wild spirits…

Has reached a dozen!

Modern society is simply a hotbed for wronged souls! After all, some people are too full to eat, any thoughts will come out, and if they die with such evil thoughts, there is a high probability that they will become wild ghosts.

So far, the number of wild ghosts that have been discovered is already as many as a dozen.

If you add the Eagle Sauce Country over there…

That’s even bigger!

A train to a certain city, Niki Michiko shrunk his neck, shivered, and muttered, “This plateau is a little cold… I didn’t expect that such a remote plateau has the appearance of suspected wild ghosts, and the world is really slowly changing. ”

Nigi Daoist was not wearing his Maoshan Daoist robe, because it was a bright yellow Daoist robe…

At first glance, it seems too conspicuous…

The return rate can be said to be 100%!

In order to low-key to exorcise ghosts and demons…

He can only reluctantly …

Wear plain clothes.

This makes it a lot more low-key.

There won’t be too much of a return rate.

“Brother… If in the future, a three-star level ghost is born in the wild unjust soul, it seems that the two of us alone cannot beat it! ”

Michio Nigi raised his concerns.

After all, he was only a two-star rank…

Ichiki is also a two-star rank…

If, the enemy is Samsung …

That’s horrible!

Sitting next to him, Ichiki Michigo, also dressed in the costume of an ordinary person, he had been looking at the scenery outside the window, and when he listened to what Niki Michiren said, he said in a very calm tone: “It has been less than a month since the birth of the wild ghost of the wild wronged, and it will not appear so quickly as a three-star wild ghost.” ”

“After the wild ghosts of Samsung appear… We may already be three-starred, after all, we are not standing still, unless… You guy is lazy and doesn’t cultivate every day. ”


After listening, Niki Dao smiled and smiled, although he did not fail to cultivate, but occasionally he would still sneak lazy.

If one day his brother is promoted to the rank of three stars.

And if you are still on the two-star level…

That’s a little embarrassing!

Thanks… Wrong!

The brother is already much stronger than himself, and the brother is promoted to three stars faster than himself, isn’t it normal?

Well, yes… Very normal!

Very normal!


Far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum has been completely blocked by the Eagle Sauce Country officially, and even forbids anyone to approach the area within one kilometer of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, so as to avoid any accidents.

The living prisoners in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum were transferred to other prisons one by one.

The guards who were killed by the “mob”…

The family also received a large pension…

The Fury chaebol was thrown into chaos because Charles Fury, the main skeleton, died.

Various disputes within the chaebol are continuing…

In addition, the Forre chaebol has been exposed to a variety of black history these days, so that the whole country does not trust the Forre chaebol’s industry, and the market value of the chaebol has fallen all the way.

There are even other giant chaebols that have begun to encroach on the industries of the Fury chaebols.

All kinds of predators have their eyes on this chaebol.

Let the Fury chaebol get bogged down…

It’s really hard to get out!

And the same is being targeted…

And Day X Teaching!

But what disappointed everyone, including the officials of the Eagle Sauce Country, was that no matter how they came into contact with the Heavenly X Sect, there was no way to obtain the power of the mysterious side circle, mainly the actual Heavenly X Sect, as if… It is just an ordinary big religion.

Other than that, it always feels… It seems, there is no particular mysterious side force present.

The few Celestial Sect missionaries who had appeared in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Monastery before.

It was as if it had evaporated straight away…

But some people say that in xx state, or xx state…

I have seen their figures…

Each one is mysterious!

At this point… It was still night, in a bar in a western town, and Gerry Conwell pushed open the door of the bar and walked in, listening to the manic music inside, and his brow frowned slightly.

Gerry Conwell was a very old-school man who didn’t like this type of music

But he also didn’t bother to let the staff change the music…

After all…… He wasn’t here to drink.

Coming to the counter of the bar, Gerry Conwell looked at an elderly bartender who had placed a cloth bag on the counter and sat down in a chair in front of the counter.

Immediately after, Gerry Conwell said, “I need your help to fix my old fellow.” ”

Hearsay… The old bartender glanced at him and smiled.

He opened the cloth bag and looked at it, and sighed: “This thing is almost in a state of obsolescence!” ”

“But… I can fix it! ”

After saying that, the old bartender put up three fingers and then spat out a number: “3,000 US knives!” ”

The corners of Gerry Conwell twitched and he said helplessly, “… Are there any people like you who pit your colleagues? ”

Sighing, he continued, “Forget it… Give me a few days. ”

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