All kinds of changes are quietly taking place all over the world, of course, these changes are expected by Liu Feng… For the various changes and reactions in the world, Liu Feng did not feel anything strange.

Officials in countless countries want to envelop the mysterious circles, but unfortunately…

At present, in addition to the two countries of the Eastern Power and the Eagle Sauce Country…

In other places and other countries, there has not been the slightest trace of any mysterious circle of people.

Not to mention the slightest trace…

Even if it’s a little bit of rumor…

None of them have ever been circulated!

It is as if there are no mysterious circles in other countries, which is very puzzling.

Or is the mysterious side circle too tightly hidden?

Or is it… Looking for people who are not very powerful?

These two possibilities are not without …

And between the Eastern Power and the Eagle Sauce Country, the only one who builds a communication bridge with the mysterious side circle is the Eastern Great Power and one country, and the Eastern Great Power is already preparing to cultivate their own official mysterious side force personnel!

Although the Eagle Sauce countries also want to emulate the great powers of the East, their country’s mysterious side circle…

Doesn’t seem to be very interested in the official of their eagle sauce country?!

Could it be because of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum that time…

Why is Eagle Sauce Country official on the sidelines?

That’s the only reason!

When the next morning’s morning came, Willow Wind with a pen in his hand… It was like waking up from a dream, he hadn’t slept all night, he was conceiving new horror scenes, horrific events.

In general, new terrorist scenes or events must be large-scale, and also large-scale.

Because only this look can make more people feel this sense of terror and fright.

However, now is the era of informatization…

Even if there is no need for a large-scale event…

Just with a little live stream…

It can also make a lot of people…

Feel the horror!

Feel frightened.

Liu Feng lowered his head and stared at the desk of the desk, the blank notebook, the notebook only wrote a few English, and a few Chinese characters… For the whole night, I wrote these words.

Liu Feng’s expression did not change at all, his face was ancient and waveless, and he whispered, “SCP Foundation…”

He put a few English letters on his notebook…

As well as several Chinese characters were read.

It was the result of his one night’s thinking.

At the same time, it also evokes a lot of memories.

Liu Feng used his mobile phone to search on the Internet, the domestic network includes the foreign network, he searched for the keyword “scp foundation”, and the results of the search results are displayed as – none!

That is to say, the famous SCP Foundation in the past life, in this parallel world…

It is completely non-existent, and there is not even the slightest trace of it.

There is no such thing as a worldwide contraction…

That is, Willow Wind can be found from here…

Start making a big fuss!

“Think about it… Before I crossed, I seemed to have played a game about the SCP Foundation…”

Liu Feng recalled what he had seen and heard about the SCP Foundation in his past life.

The SCP Foundation was also a fictional being in a past life.

It is an organization that is in the fantasies of countless netizens.

At the same time, it is a very large mysterious side organization!

Of course…… It’s just in people’s fantasies.

In reality, whether it is a past life or this life…

It doesn’t exist in reality.

The SCP Foundation is a collection of stories with the theme of “supernatural mysterious side phenomenon”, “supernatural mysterious side object”, “supernatural mysterious side creature” and other abnormal stories, including stories that are as long as novels and stories that are short and hundreds of words.

The main body of the story revolves around a supernatural mysterious side organization called the SCP Foundation.

The operation and operation of the SCP Foundation are not subject to the restrictions and jurisdiction of any country or organization.

It is a huge organization that is independent of all groups.

This is similar to the mysterious side circle fabricated by Liu Feng.

The goal of the SCP Foundation is to shelter all kinds of strange phenomena, objects, creatures, etc. in the world… And the items contained are collectively referred to as “containments”, or “scp”!

Each containment has a specific number, such as: scp001, scp002…

Many containments are easy for humans and the world…

Pose a huge threat as well as damage!

Therefore, the SCP Foundation will be committed to the custody and control of these abnormal individuals, if it is too dangerous, even the Foundation will be difficult to contain and control… Then the SCP Foundation will take this containment and destroy it!

It is as if the mysterious side personnel of the mysterious side circle will directly destroy the uncontrolled unjust ghosts.

Under the circumstances that countless people in the outside world do not know…

The SCP Foundation silently protects the world.

Walking on the dark side of this world…

Serve the noble light of the world.

“The impression is… The stories related to the SCP Foundation in the past life have collected nearly 6,000 articles, and the brains of those sand sculpture netizens are still very powerful, and even painstakingly make some relevant documents, pictures, and recordings, so that people who do not understand it feel as if the SCP Foundation is real. ”

Liu Feng smiled helplessly, he pondered for a moment, and drew a pattern on the notebook.

And wrote out a line Chinese Chinese characters out…

– We control!

– We take shelter!

– We protect!

And the one he just drew by hand… The iconic icon of the SCP Foundation!

It was a pattern that was only black and white…

The exterior is roughly a circle with three bumps on each edge, and three arrows pointing at each other on the inside.

“This is a big project…”

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