Although he said that this time the project was not generally large, Liu Feng was still very honest to start arranging all the next affairs, after all, the things needed to be laid by the SCP Foundation were comparable to the Sealed Gate Village and the Thorn Cliff Madhouse… It’s a lot more.

The SCP Foundation is set up as an international, non-national organization.

So of course it has countless divisions.

At least one country has to arrange a branch.

If it is a country with a huge area…

That might require multiple divisions!

For example, a country like a big country in the East can rank among the top in the whole world in terms of land area… Naturally, more branches are needed, such as four or five divisions.

And there are some countries that are too small, have little sense of existence, and even have a land area that is not as large as a prefecture-level city in the East.

That kind of country basically doesn’t need to set up a branch of the SCP Foundation.

Because there is no need to set it up at all…

Pay and gain will not be equal…

This will result in a loss.

According to those memories in his mind, Liu Feng is also gradually perfecting the settings one by one, such as security level settings, personnel rank settings, scp containment danger level settings, and each SCP shelter that Liu Feng has a more famous impression.

Liu Feng could clearly see that the frightening points in his personal panel were like running water.

Crazy passing and plunging as if it were not controlled at all…

Soon from the eight-figure shock point…

It turned into a seven-figure shock point…

And the number that begins…

It also became “7”…

That is to say, Liu Feng’s balance of more than 10 million shock points, in this short period of time, quickly shrunk to more than 7 million shock point balances, and used nearly 10 million shock points at once!

Moreover, after using so many scare points, there are various settings and layings about the SCP Foundation.

Only about two-thirds of the scale is completed!

If Willow Wind is going to complete 100% of the scale…

I’m afraid there are no more than a few children left in my pocket!

But scare something like that… It’s like money, you earn it, don’t spend it, then it’s pointless.

To some extent it costs the scare point…

It would only bring him more and more massive scare points, so Willow Wind anyway.

Basically, he doesn’t lose money.

While planning the blueprint…

He put the loss of this stubble…

It counts into the plan.

And try to avoid it.

Lest you really lose money.

During this time… Liu Feng glanced at the electronic alarm clock hanging on the wall and whispered to himself, “… Time is not waiting for anyone, it feels like it hasn’t been long, but in fact, a full six or seven hours have passed. ”

“Six or seven hours is enough time for an adult to get a good night’s sleep.” However, I have not slept for several days, even if the physical fitness can withstand it, but the body and mind still feel a little tired. ”

In fact, as long as Liu Feng makes his strength rise to the level of infinity…

He didn’t sleep even for a month…

There will also be no trace of so-called exhaustion.

Not even if it is physically and mentally exhausting.

But there is no need to rush into such things as increasing strength… Moreover, if you want to upgrade from four stars to five stars, you can’t stand up without eight or nine million shock points, because the further you go back, the number of shock points needed to promote your strength will become more and more huge and frightening.

As long as the SCP Foundation is established, this will be used to promote the strength of eight or nine million shock points.

It is estimated that it will not take long to earn it.

After all, this is a big era of informatization!

There is no way to hide a lot of information…

Some messages may only take one night…

It can spread throughout the country!

Add another night…

It can spread all over the world!

While Liu Feng was controlling everything in the shadows, the staff of the SCP Foundation, as well as the containment of the SCP Foundation, as well as the branch base and headquarters base of the SCP Foundation, began to appear in this world out of thin air.

And no one knew about their appearance, except Liu Feng, who was behind it.

And in an unremarkable area of Tianhai City…

There’s a branch of the SCP Foundation…

Quietly born!

The branch of this SCP Foundation is located underground in Tianhai City, and the size of the branch… There are several football fields that are generally large, and they are equipped with a group of mobile contingents with live ammunition, as well as researchers, ordinary security personnel, agents, experimenters… Wait a minute.

Just a branch of the SCP Foundation in Tianhai City, at first glance it looks like a huge organization in a dark corner.

Not to mention other branches similar to the TCP Foundation Branch of Tianhai City…

It can already be said that it has blossomed everywhere in this world!

Liu Feng even gave each Foundation branch…

Various containments are arranged!

He even arranged some…

There is no shelter yet!

When all kinds of details, loopholes, are supplemented and improved… It was late at night in the early hours of the morning.

Willow Wind rubbed his eyes, stretched out a lazy waist, and then glanced at his own scare point balance.

Shock Point: 3691!!

“The scare point balance was almost cleared… It’s really dangerous and dangerous, or it has been cleared, but because other channels have been providing a steady stream of scare points, so that the balance is not a very good duck egg. ”

Liu Feng smiled self-deprecatingly, his ability to spend money… Once again, we have a new understanding.

If you look like this, you spend the legacy left by your parents.

I’m afraid that many people will say that they are a loser, right?

After all, it cost more than ten million in one night…

It took nearly twenty million or so…

It’s not an exaggeration!

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