The size of the monster is incomparably large… It’s like a little monster, not much smaller than an adult elephant, or even the size of the two… Almost exactly the same huge.

At least compared to humans, the size of this monster… It’s already big enough.

The monster as a whole is like a giant lizard with a genetic mutation.

At first glance, it looks like you ran out of some laboratory.

And it’s the kind of lab with crazy scientists.

But a lot of people at the SCP Foundation know…

This monster did not come from the laboratory.

Because with the current technology of mankind…

You can’t make such a monster!

This monster is beyond common sense.

Even makes a lot of people feel…

It does not belong to this dimension at all, it does not belong to this cosmic dimension!

Of course, this is only the weakest period of this monster.

Because…… A monster of the mighty period, Willow Wind could not afford it

This is the most deadly and heart-wrenching point.

Because this monster was at its most powerful during the period…

Even be able to travel through the universe!

You can even travel through the solar system!

Want to buy monsters of that strength level, without billions of scare points… I’m afraid I can’t afford it.

Liu Feng can buy it in the weak period, which can already be regarded as a “big bleeding”.

“Uh… Whoops, whoops!!! ”

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

One huge bullet hit the huge lizard monster, and the monster was constantly retreated by the powerful kinetic energy of the bullets, and the vicious mouth emitted terrible roars from time to time.

The roar of the sound made people’s eardrums flutter, but it was obvious that the researchers and security personnel in the foundation were there.

I already have a good idea of the monster’s abilities.

They already wore a kind of soundproof earcups…

Lest you be struck by this wave of terror from the other side…

Destroy the body’s already fragile eardrums.

This monster doesn’t have a name, but the researchers of the SCP Foundation have very thoughtfully given it a name: Immortal Lizard! Its containment number is: scp-682!

Its custody level is “Keter”, which means that it is harmful to the personnel of the foundation and the general public.

It takes a lot of effort and measures to contain it.

And the existence that the Foundation cannot currently understand!

This level is generally considered the most dangerous SCP containment, and all research resources are given priority in favor of such containment if the last resort … For example, if the Foundation is unable to accommodate the other party, it must destroy such containment!

If it cannot be destroyed, it can only neutralize its danger, so as not to make its danger expand.

SCP containments also have their own hierarchy!

The first level is “Safe” level, “Safe” level SCP containment, generally the foundation has a very deep understanding of it, analysis, and can also be intact and reliable permanent shelter.

Containments that cannot cause any harm to anyone unless they are deliberately activated are “Safe” level containments.

Such containments… In general, it is a very safe kind.

Even members of the mobile task force in the SCP Foundation…

Among them are the “Safe” level containment mobs!

After all, make the most of this truth…

It is impossible for the Foundation not to understand.

The second level is the “Euclid” level, which is generally a shelter that has not been fully understood by the SCP Foundation and therefore cannot be reliably and permanently contained.

There is a certain uncertainty and danger, but… The danger is not particularly high at this time.

This type of containment will be used by the SCP Foundation…

Naturalized as an “Euclid” class containment!

Third…… It is the “Keter” level shelter just mentioned, which has great uncertainty, great danger, and the difficulty of containment is so heinous that it is difficult for the Foundation to understand it.

Of course, other than that: the other levels of SCP containments are not without … Neutralized, “Explained”, “Thaumiel”, “Decommissioned”, and finally “Install”.

However, these latter levels basically do not need to be remembered, because the “Neutralized” level containment refers to the containment that has been destroyed by the SCP Foundation.

The “Explained” level is the existence that has been understood by the public, such as ordinary ghosts.

However, the “Thaumiel” level is more special, and its danger is no less than that of the “Keter” level.

A “Decommissioned” level is a containment that has been destroyed by the Foundation and is not recognized by the Foundation for its existence.

The “Install” level is a project that has completed the study but needs to be documented.

and not destroying the lizards… That is, scp-682, which is a containment belonging to the “Keter” level.

The only thing that can explain its existence…

Just the following words…

– Very dangerous!!

Countless specially crafted bullets have injured the SCP-682 one after another, but its terrifying self-healing ability has allowed it to heal its wounds in a very short time.

Even the body began to secrete a special kind of mucus, and the mucus began to cool and solidify…

It turns into a very strong layer of white hard armor!!

The reason why scp-682 is so dangerous…

It is so difficult to be successfully contained.

It’s because of its regenerative power!

And its perverted adaptability!

In the most extreme cases, it can even adapt to all kinds of radiation in the universe!

In order to adapt to the trauma caused by bullets…

This hard armor it secretes…

is the best explanation.



ps: The little girl in the picture is scp-053, and the big lizard on the right is scp-682.

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