Bullets hit the white hard armor secreted by the scp-682 immortal lizard… There was a continuous sound of metal colliding with each other!

The not too thick layer of hard armor is like a special steel plate, and the terrifying kinetic energy of bullets hits on it…

Only a small pit can be left behind, which can only cause a little pain to the scp-682.

There is no way to even cause too much damage to it!

The incessant sound of metal colliding at this moment…

It’s like a symphony played by the god of death…

It made the hearts of all security personnel sink.

Cold sweat spilled from his forehead…

Thereinto…… A security officer of obviously relatively high rank, while trying to attack the vulnerable parts of the eyes of the SCP-682 with a firearm, muttered anxiously: “Depend, how come the people of the mobile task force have not yet arrived, we alone can’t stand up to the scp-682 for how long… Hold on for a minute at most, and you’ll have to play GG. ”

The CPP Foundation is a behemoth that can contain powerful dangers like scp-682.

Nature has its own quite good combat effectiveness…

Among them, the department called the Mobile Task Force …

It is one of the main forces of the foundation!

Extremely advanced equipment…

And relatively strong strength.

Even some SCP containments, which have a favorable attitude towards humans, have joined the mobile task force!

And that’s why.

The SCP Foundation is capable of…

Take in those strange creatures!

Suddenly…… Scp-682, who has been in a passive state of being beaten, flashed a fierce light in a pair of violent eyes, the strong hind limbs suddenly bent, and the terrifying power exploded to an extreme in an instant, and the huge body popped out like a cunning rabbit!

Everyone saw the appearance of scp-682 in front of them blur for a moment, and then the next second…

The scp-682, which was originally a hundred meters away from these security personnel…

They were already less than ten meters away!

The roar even with the soundproof earcups…

You can still faintly hear it!

An invisible sense of oppression hangs over the mind!

“It’s over”… One such thought slowly appeared in the minds of these security personnel.

As soon as the thought fell, a sharp claw swept in!

The claws collide with the protective clothing of the security personnel…

A dazzling spark erupted…

Several SCP Foundation security personnel, like tennis balls thrown out, screamed and flew out of the back, their bones were broken, and the guns in their hands were destroyed!

In the violent eyes of the scp-682 lies wisdom that is not inferior to any human being.

Its gaze quickly swept around…

It wasn’t in a hurry to kill everyone…

And I saw a passageway…

Rush over there!

What it wants is “jailbreak”!

However…… When the scp-682 turned to a corner, an invisible sense of crisis hung over its heart, and a rocket-piercing shell dragged a long tail of flames, hitting the head of the scp-682 with lightning speed, sending its entire lizard flying out.

The explosion of the rocket caused it to suffer some damage, and the pain made it roar a few times.

But the terrifying almost incredible ability to heal itself…

The wounds that appeared on its body were healing rapidly.

“Hmmm… Person…… Kind…… All deserve… Die…”

A vague voice came out of the mouth of the scp-682, and the sound was so urn that it was not clear what it was saying.

It is not surprising that SCP-682 speaks human language.

Because its wisdom is enough to make it learn human language!

It’s not the kind of monster without IQ…

On the contrary, its wisdom is very high!

But it hates all life…

Or even it itself…

But it simply can’t kill itself!

Others can’t kill it!

The body of scp-682 is an invisible high-dimension, trapped in a three-dimensional shell, and it cannot be killed at all, even if it is itself… There is no way to kill yourself!

Scp-738, which is also a containment of 682, once pointed out that if it were not for the destruction of the universe, the scp-682 could not be killed.

And scp-343 also told the researchers of the SCP Foundation that he bluntly said that he could not see scp-682, and scp-343 said that scp-682 was not his creation.

All sorts of SCP containments have come into contact with SCPs-682, but there’s no doubt …

No single SCP containment can kill 682!

That’s why it’s nicknamed Uncle 682.

After all, your uncle is still your uncle after all…

A violent glance glanced not far away, and the security guard with the bazooka, the scp-682 grinned viciously, and the terrifying sharp roar filled the entire metal corridor.

Even security guards wearing soundproof ear cups couldn’t help but cover their ears in pain.

Take this opportunity… The scp-682 exhibits unmatched speed.

It’s like a high-powered sports car swooping out!

Each security guard had almost no resistance at all…

Or be knocked out by the SCP-682.

Or be trampled half to death…

The SCP Foundation branch base in Tianhai City suddenly made a pot of porridge, although the SCP-682 was not the first time to break away from the shelter, but each time it would cause great damage to the base.

And because of the special characteristics of the scp-682, it is almost impossible for the SCP Foundation to have a plan to use it.

And at this time, the scp-682… is destroying the metal wall!

Because the outside of the metal wall is the loose soil!

Once it touches the soil outside…

Then it can definitely escape!

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