The current situation in the Tianhai City SCP Foundation Branch is naturally within Liu Feng’s perception…

However, he is not paying too much attention to the SCP Foundation now, because in the absence of other people’s intervention… The plot development of the foundation, everything is developing according to the script that has been drawn up for a long time.

Moreover, the SCP Foundation branch of Tianhai City is underground in an area on the outskirts of Tianhai City.

Hidden in such a tight place…

Almost no one will appear to make trouble.

Since no third party stepped in…

Just let the script perform on its own!

There is no need to pay too much attention at all.

After all, what will happen next, what will happen soon, what will not happen… And so on, all in the “script” that has been written long ago, everything is predestined.

Whether it was the D-class personnel who died, or the scp-682 who was out of custody…

Or those conversations between PhDs and researchers…

And the scramble between the SCP-682 and the security guards…

It’s actually all written in the script.

This feeling of manipulating everything… If it is someone else, I am afraid that in less than a few hours, I will be addicted to this manipulation, and even intoxicated.

Obsessed with this kind of manipulation, it is certainly impossible to extricate yourself, after all, you can control the fate of so many people.

I don’t know how many people dream of this kind of thing!

However, Liu Feng’s desire for this so-called manipulation…

There are no special feelings anymore…

Because he’s got used to it too much.

Even a little numb.

It’s like… A person suddenly made a windfall, his first reaction and psychology, estimated … Be chuffed to bits?

And when he gets a windfall again, another windfall, another windfall, another windfall…

Even the moment when he knew he would make an unknown amount of windfall next…

This person will slowly start to get used to this kind of thing.

Eventually it will slowly begin to become numb.

Liu Feng is such a mental process.

Compared to the SCP Foundation where everything is walking according to the plot of the script, Liu Feng is more concerned about the live broadcast program on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire. If I remember correctly, when did this live broadcast start… Seems to be today, right?

The Great Cosmic Empire over there… Liu Feng had already arranged the “chess pieces” before the shock point was almost spent.

In fact, the so-called “chess pieces” are just a few powerful ghosts of one-star rank.

Of course, in order to be more in line with the national conditions of the Great Cosmic Empire…

Liu Feng was also very intimate with those few powerful ghosts.

Become a powerful ghost who can speak the Chinese of the Great Cosmic Emperor.

That is to say, this is the ghost of the cosmic nationality.

Liu Feng opened the laptop, which was an alien computer, but… Not long after he bought it, he regretted it a little, because it was better to buy this thing than to buy a desktop.

The laptop is a bit easy to carry, the problem is that the alien brand is not convenient to carry at all.

This thing is like a few big bricks…

Who has nothing to do with carrying such a heavy computer out?

If it weren’t for the surge in Willow Wind’s strength…

Even possessing the power of the mysterious side…

He wanted to sell it!

Anyway, second-hand is also quite valuable.

Although Liu Feng is not the kind of person who is tens of thousands of yuan away, he also does not like to spend such unjust money!

Alien notebooks…

Just buy an after-sales!

Not to mention… The after-sales service of this thing is still very good, the attitude of after-sales customer service is like licking dogs, it can be said that it is proficient in eighteen licking skills, and can lick the fluttering of customers.

After complaining in his heart about himself who had spent the money wrongly, Liu Feng shook his head slightly.

With a slightly helpless and unsmiling smile on his face.

But soon that smile was covered up by him.

Leave aside those wild thoughts in your head…

Liu Feng opened the software to climb over the wall…

Flip to the side of the Great Cosmic Empire State…

The Great Cosmic Empire this time… Following the trend of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, the live program of the soul detective that rubbed the heat was not broadcast exclusively on the TV station, but was broadcast simultaneously on the TV station and the network.

And the time of broadcast is consistent, as if it is a news broadcast of the same time period.

In terms of time… The Great Cosmic Empire over there.

It should be around 8 o’clock in the evening, right?

That show remembers that it was also a variety show at eight o’clock.

Really…… Liu Feng found a soul detective live broadcast room in a large cosmic empire and a well-known live broadcast webpage!

Moreover…… The popularity of this soul hunting room is actually tens of millions of levels of popularity!

As for those ghostly words of the Great Cosmic Empire.

Liu Feng directly spent a few hundred frightening points to make himself learn instantly.

“Also to … After all, when the program group issued an announcement and publicity, it said that several very famous stars in the big cosmic empire were invited, plus the overwhelming publicity on the Internet these days… In such a situation, it is strange that the popularity does not explode. ”

Liu Feng suddenly muttered like a realization, and the corners of his mouth gently drew a curve.

Those program team members who didn’t know about this live spirit hunting program…

Including those so-called Great Cosmic Empire star guests…

When you meet those real ghosts…

What kind of reaction will there be?

A bad taste arose in his heart for no reason, after all, sometimes his own happiness is based on the pain of others.

Click on this big cosmic empire version of the Spirit Quest Live Room…

Liu Feng found that the picture quality of this live broadcast room was quite strong…

It can be said that it is a Blu-ray level of picture quality!

But after all, people have professional equipment…

The image quality is also very normal.

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