The big cosmic empire follows the trend of this soul detective live broadcast, the program team is not like other variety shows, it takes dozens of people to take turns to be able to shoot smoothly… Because this is the reason for the live broadcast, only a few photographers, a few medical staff to prevent accidents, a director, an assistant director, a few guests, a few actors who play ghosts only need it.

These add up to basically enough, at most the size of a dozen people.

And the people who appear in the camera are even more so…

In addition to the few invited celebrity guests…

And a couple of ghostly actors…

And the dragon set “to” outside…


There will be no one else.

Live streaming at this time… It seems to have been broadcast for some time, Liu Feng glanced at the title of the live broadcast room, and found that at eight o’clock in the evening of the Great Cosmic Empire time, this cottage version of the Spirit Quest Live Program had started.

Translating the time difference between the two countries, the current Great Cosmic Empire is 8:15 p.m.

Other words…… It’s been fifteen minutes since it aired?

But it seems that there is no dry goods appearing!

Currently there are several guests in a strong commentary.

Say what the atmosphere around is very quirky…

Then the director, named “Kim Pu-yeol”, also popped out a sentence from time to time to aggravate a sense of horror.

After all, if the director team has been silent.

It will definitely be found to have drawbacks.

This may reveal the filling.

Of course…… Most of the time, the voice of the director group is inaudible to the audience.

Unless they want the audience to hear what they’re saying.

They’ll just be in the microphone…

Say a few words that penetrate a little bit out.

Overall it was very… Awkward!

Yes, very awkward!

After watching for less than five minutes, the corners of Liu Feng’s mouth twitched slightly, which was also a little too awkward… Mainly those few star guests, obviously starring in idol dramas, almost no acting skills… I can’t play that horrible atmosphere at all.

Coupled with the fact that Liu Feng already knew that all this was fake, this made him feel even more embarrassed.

The number of viewers who share his ideas is not a large number.

Liu Feng opened the bullet screen function of the live webpage…

I found that some viewers were also talking about embarrassment…

But those bullet screens were quickly covered up by some bullet screens similar to the “rice circle”, anyway, they were brushed by the bullet screens of “brother is so good”, “so handsome”, “really hard”, “so beautiful” and so on.

Can you still control the review in the live broadcast room?! Amazing… It is worthy of being one of the originators of the rice circle culture!

This reminded Liu Feng of those rice circle comments on the bib.

Those barrages that appear all over the screen…

Almost all of them have been criticized by the rice circle.

People look very speechless.

“That’s it? That’s it?? That’s it??? While I don’t want to denigrate my own country’s variety shows, but… That’s it???? West Eight, can you have a little bit of sincerity?! ”

“How come it’s always explained? Ghost stories are told all the time… Does the master cast spells? ”

“Where did you find this haunted house?” I can’t find it on the Internet! ”

“The atmosphere still feels a little crazy…”

“Fark, Lao Tzu took a hard leave of absence to come over, just to watch this show, and you turned out to be so bored?” This is not as good as Liu Xiaoling’s detective live broadcast! ”

“I came over the wall at night… You’re showing me this?! ”

“Aaaaa Brother is awesome!! There are too many male maggots in the barrage, please ignore them. ”

“I think it’s good! I was so scared I didn’t dare to sleep. ”

“Why is my brother dark circles again?” Is it good to not sleep? ”

“My wife’s makeup looks good today!”

“West Eight! That’s my wife! ”

“Draw your sword, you guys!”


Liu Feng roughly glanced at the bullet screen on the screen, and then directly turned off the bullet screen function, because there was no need to see at all, and the entire bullet screen area had been almost controlled by the rice circle comments.

At this time, somewhere far away in the Great Cosmic Empire, it was being broadcast live in real time, nervously filming the program group of the live broadcast of the Spirit Detective.

They don’t know that someone behind it is watching everything they do.

They also don’t know the fake haunted houses they have arranged, the fake ghosts…

Now it has become a real haunted house!

And there are real ghosts in there!

The shooting scene is a very gloomy place, and I don’t know how the program team of the Great Cosmic Empire found this gloomy place and quickly built a haunted house.

As a director, Jin Pulie couldn’t help but stand up his fat belly and frown.

He turned off a microphone on his collar…

Then he said to several guests, “Remember all the lines and movements during the rehearsal!” Don’t have any problems, this is a real-time live broadcast, big problems will be trouble! ”

His voice could reach the ears of the staff present and the guests, but not in the ears of the audience.

After listening to the director’s reprimand, the celebrity guests hurried to recall the situation during the rehearsal.

And then very laboriously sweaty “performance”…

Although these celebrity guests who specialize in idol dramas…

The acting is really a little bit of a hurry…

But because of the various shakings of the lens.

So much so that most of the audience…

None of them see the loophole.

“Really… This real-time live broadcast is also too difficult for people, if it were not for the company’s insistence on letting me participate in this show, how could I not listen to a fat man who keeps on teaching here… And you can’t talk nonsense yet. ”

A female star muttered with dissatisfaction in her heart, that one can be regarded as a beautiful face… I don’t know how many knives there were.

It’s not discrimination against plastic surgery, it’s her facelift… There is no difference with the popular Internet celebrity face.

I don’t know if I thought it was a clone…

She tried to show great fear.

A pair of eyes constantly looked around, observing the surrounding situation, as if they were afraid that some ghost would emerge.

Inside these guests…

Her acting skills are good.

A few other people…

The acting is terrible!

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