Although this has a popular face, I don’t know how many knives have been passive, but the acting skills, line skills, on-the-spot adaptability, etc., are still barely passable women, and they are the stars of the Great Cosmic Empire in recent years.

Appeared in a lot of big cosmic empire romance dramas, well… It’s the kind of soap opera that loves to die and come back to life.

There is also a dog blood plot such as what a love triangle.

This kind of dog blood plot is still quite watched by many people…

Especially in housewives.

So much so that she was in the Great Cosmic Empire…

Even in Asia…

Both are quite famous.

Yasuda Hui can still be regarded as a delicate face, revealing a slightly “frightened” look.

She secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and her eyes were constantly looking around and watching, and she seemed to be very “nervous”.

She recalled her lines from the rehearsal, and then said in a trembling voice, “Big… Master, this haunted house seems to be a little wrong, isn’t it… Is there really something dirty? ”

Yasuda Hui is what I just said, the big cosmic empire female star whose face does not know how many knives have been passive.

As for the “master” in her mouth, it is naturally an actor that the program team has painstakingly found.

An actor who is proficient in magic and juggling.

Of course, the other party has not participated in any film and television dramas.

Otherwise…… It will definitely be revealed.

The three guests next to them are also actively cooperating.

It’s just these three guests…

The acting is not very good.

The “master” is a middle-aged man, about fifty years old, who looks energetic and has a different temperament, making people think that he really has some great skills.

I have to say that the program team will really pick people, and can pick out people with this temperament in the vast sea of people.

And it also requires the other party to do magic tricks…

You also need each other’s acting to pass the level…

This is not generally difficult.

No doubt a needle in a haystack!

The acting skills of the “master” are also online, he faces the camera shooting, faces the live broadcast room does not know how many tens of thousands of viewers, did not show any timidity, of course, it may also be because the rehearsal does not know how many times.

Only to hear the “Master” cough and answer with a solemn face, “If it weren’t for the strangeness of this place, we wouldn’t have appeared in this place.” ”

His tone paused, and all kinds of unclear professional terms were uttered by him: “This mansion is located above a dangerous earth vein, and here is the source of that earth vein, and the earth vein condenses the yin and yang gossip and the five elements!” But because the earth vein is generally yin, it disturbs the yin and yang Bagua Five Elements Qi into a chaotic mess. ”

“Once the qi of the five elements of yin and yang gossip is disturbed, evil things will appear, such as monsters… Ghost! This is a haunted mansion, and my heavenly eyes can clearly see that the surrounding area of this haunted mansion… All haunted by a ghost aura of nothingness! ”

“And it is rumored that the former owner of this house was hanged in his own home, before hanging himself… He strangled his wife, his three-year-old son, and his seven-year-old daughter to death. ”

“A family of four was tragically wiped out, and resentment was mixed with the disturbed yin and yang gossip and five elements…”

“Sizzle! This murderous mansion… It was already over my budget!! ”

This “master” of the “Immortal Wind Dao Bone” said at this moment that a head head is the Tao.

Those who have not studied feng shui may really be frightened by him.

In fact, what he said about the earth, what is yin and so on.

It was completely made up by the blind chickens of the program team!

But…… Then again, even people who have studied feng shui don’t necessarily have any doubts.

After all, the feng shui that the public can learn…

It is not a true and true mysterious force.

Ghosts know the contents of those feng shui books…

Will it be related to the feng shui in the circle…

Is there a slight difference!?

So no one is sure.

Most of them don’t dare to doubt.

So as not to be except for foreign appearances.

Hearing the solemn tone of the “master”, Yasuda Hui became even more nervous, she secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and forced some cold sweat on her forehead… Well, it was hot sweat, and now it was summer, and she was wearing a thick storm jacket again.

In this case… If you don’t sweat hot, that might be a strange thing!

“Beyond your expectations?! That…… Master, we… Do you want to keep exploring? ”

Yasuda is very cooperative with the “master” so mysterious performance.

Another guest was also very careful, saying: “Although this is recording a show, I think … Or everyone’s life safety is more important. ”

Obviously, it is very hot now, but the guest still shivered with trepidation: “I feel that it is very cold here…”

At this time, the guest took out his mobile phone again, and let the camera inadvertently capture the temperature displayed on the mobile phone screen.

He said in shock: “Obviously today’s temperature is more than thirty, why is it so cold?!” ”

At this point, the “master” waved his hand to tell them not to continue talking, and then said, “Rest assured… You don’t have to worry! ”

After a pause, the “Master” continued, “Although it was a little unexpected to me, it was still under my control in general, and although this murderous mansion was dangerous, I could still deal with it.” ”

“It’s just… It won’t be so easy, and the next thing is a fierce battle! ”


At the same time as these people are performing very hard, in a dark corner of this haunted house, the actors of the Great Cosmic Empire who play the role of “ghost” are silently complaining: “Why can’t it come over?” It’s so hot, there are so many mosquitoes, and I want to go to the toilet…”

However, as time passed minute by minute, the actor who played the role of “ghost”.

Suddenly, his expression was stunned, and he rubbed his arm suspiciously: “No… How does it feel cold again? ”

He looked left and right in confusion…

He remembered inside this haunted house…

Doesn’t seem to have air conditioning?

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