Since there is no such thing as air conditioning, why has it only been a few minutes… It was as if the temperature had suddenly cooled down.

It’s like… Someone turned on the refrigeration function of the air conditioner.

It’s like there’s a refrigerator next to it with an open door.

Let this actor pretend to be a “ghost” in a haunted house…

Can’t help but shiver again…

Goosebumps are rising!

But nearby, whether it is an air conditioner or a refrigerator, these two appliances are all in the haunted house.

So what is the temperature?

Is it your own problem?

Is your constitution too weak?

It’s even more impossible!

Although he is a stuntman, he also attaches great importance to physical exercise, almost every day he goes to the gym, and even has practiced the taekwondo of the Great Cosmic Empire, and the level is also quite good.

Will you be in poor health in this situation? Feeling cold in the middle of the summer? How can it be!

No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen…

Or is this coldness just an illusion of one’s own?

Or maybe it’s because the haunted house is built in the suburbs…

Are the temperatures in the suburbs already low?

Well…… This is a big possibility.

More reliable than the previous guess!

However…… When the time passed a few more minutes, he obviously felt that something was very wrong.

Because this cold feeling is getting stronger and stronger…

It feels like there’s a ghost…

It’s blowing yin qi behind his back…

Get goosebumps on the back of his neck…

They couldn’t help but rise.

I almost sneezed.

But this sneeze was stubbornly held back by him, and you didn’t sneeze loudly in this situation… Although it will not be revealed, it will definitely be deducted by the director’s salary, after all, the actors of the Great Cosmic Empire basically have no cards.

Only those stars in the big eastern countries do not know why there is such a row of noodles.

I don’t know why, when the idea of “a ghost blowing in the back of his neck” arose in his mind…

The idea was as if it was completely unstoppable…

Madness echoed in his brain…

It made him a little creepy.

Coupled with the haunted house arranged and built by the program team, it looks already very gloomy.

This made him feel even more bad.

The actor who played the “ghost” turned his head mechanically, and his twisting of his neck was very stiff, although in his heart… I didn’t believe that I would be so coincidental, that I would rob a grave like this, that I really encountered some ghost.

But the big eastern country next door has a saying – don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Where is it that you often walk by the river and don’t get your shoes wet one day?!

In case there is really something dirty behind your back… Otherwise it couldn’t be so cold!

The moment he turned his head completely…

His breathing was momentarily stagnant!

The pupils shrink rapidly like pinholes!

Cold sweat overflows like crazy!

“West Eight… West Eight… West Eight… West Eight West Eight West Eight… Assi VIII!!! Why is this happening? Why me? West Eight! Is it just acting? And why is there a real ghost in the temporary haunted house that has only been built in recent days?!! ”

The stuntman who played the “ghost” was shouting madly in his heart, but he couldn’t hold out a word on his mouth.

Not because his mouth was blocked by something…

It’s because his mood now is too much fear…

As a result, I couldn’t hold out a word for a while.

Not even a word, not a word!

Cold sweat wet his clothes at this moment, a drop of sweat slid down his face, his whole body became very stiff, and reason told him… You should shout now, then turn your head and run.

But what made him a little desperate was that… I don’t seem to be able to control my body now.

It’s like being alone in a situation of extreme fear…

Even making a simple move is very difficult.

Now that’s how the stunt actor is…

He really didn’t think about it… A stuntman who plays the role of a “ghost” in a haunted house that he has built in recent days will actually encounter a real ghost!

Yes, he saw it clearly… Behind him, there is a ghost with a bruised face!

The kind of cold breath that emanated from the other person’s body…

And that weird temperament on the other side…

Plus the other person is not breathing at all!

Convinced him once and for all…

This is definitely a ghost!

How can it be so unlucky?

Assi VIII!!!

Li Ghost is a male, standard big cosmic empire pie face… The complexion is very bruised and somewhat red.

A few green tendons burst out on his forehead, as if there was no way to dissipate.

There is a strangulation mark on the neck that has been strangled with bleeding…

But it’s not [hanging ghosts]…

[Hanging ghost] is not here.

Its pair of eyes full of bitterness, despair, and violence were red, and strands of blood covered the whites of the eyes

The vicious face makes people look at it, and their hearts can’t help but rise in fear.

After seeing this scene… The stuntman’s mood is like falling into an ice cellar.

A hanging heart began to gradually immerse itself in the bottom of the ice cellar…

Then, a strong feeling of vertigo rushed to his brain!

It made him feel like he wanted to vomit.

But before he could spit out his dinner…

His whole being rolled his eyes.

And then it was as if I was out of strength…

Slowly collapsed in the corner.

If a Daoist priest who really possessed the power of the mysterious side came and took a look, he would find that the yang qi in this stuntman actor had disappeared for a full half or more!

Half of the yang qi is missing, although it can’t die… But wait until tonight is over.

He estimated that he would have to lie in the hospital for a year and a half!

Of course, the program team must pay the medical expenses in advance.

After all, this is a “work injury”.

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