A pair covered in blood, resentment, despair… When all kinds of negative eyes slowly moved away from the stuntman who was lying on the ground unconscious, the one-star ghost closed his eyes as if he were very satisfied, and then opened them again a few seconds later.

The yin qi and ghost qi on the body of the ghost… All the time it affects the surrounding environment and the temperature.

Originally, the temperature in the haunted house was very high.

After all, this is the hottest stage of the summer!

Even if the time period now is in the big night…

But the heat is still hard to resist.

However, under the influence of the powerful ghost…

This high temperature begins to drop.

Then the persistence declines.

It is as if someone has turned on the cooling switch of the air conditioner, as if the cooling function of the air conditioner has played a role.

The haunted house, which was built by people, now has a temperature from 28 to 29 degrees Celsius.

It began to fall to the range of 20 to 21 degrees Celsius.

Although, it doesn’t make people feel very cold…

But it also gives people a sense of coolness.

This coolness is not a refreshing feeling.

It’s a very cold feeling!

Gives people a creepy feeling!

And close to the area of a star ghost, the temperature is even colder and more landy! In the range of more than two meters of a star ghost, the temperature has even dropped to 12 to 13 degrees Celsius!

It doesn’t sound like the temperature is particularly low, but it’s still wearing short sleeves.

A cold and runny nose is only a matter of minutes.

After all, this is the physical temperature of the human body.

The equivalent of one person under the air conditioner.

Was blown by the air conditioner for a big daytime time!

It’s great to be able to get rid of a cold.

It is a different physique than ordinary people.

At this time… Less than a dozen meters away from the one-star ghost, including the star guests of the four great cosmic empires, as well as the guy who was called “master”, and the director named Jin Pulie, all began to feel inexplicably…

The surrounding temperature seems to have become cooler, and this strange feeling has made many people stunned.

But when I think about it’s eight or nine o’clock in the evening…

They just kind of realized that they didn’t think it was strange.

Isn’t it normal for the temperature to get lower at night?

Although it seems a bit shady too much…

But overall it makes sense!

“West Eight… Is it really inexplicable that it is a bit infiltrative and cold, is it that the scene layout is too good, so that I, the director, involuntarily raise a psychological suggestive emotion in my heart? Although the probability is not very big… But it is not impossible. ”

As a director, Kim Pu-yeol inexplicably shivered, and it was still very hot at the beginning.

Then now it has inexplicably become shady.

This change is only converted in a few minutes.

This sudden change in temperature between hot and cold…

It always feels like something is wrong.

But I don’t know what’s wrong…

While paying attention to the hard performances of the celebrity guests, Jin Pulie also holds a tablet computer in his hand, and the screen displayed on the tablet is the real-time content of the live broadcast.

There is only one way to watch the shooting content while shooting, and the bullet screens above…

Jin Pulie was able to fill some loopholes as quickly as possible.

Lest it be seen through by some people, it is not good.

If you are seen through yourself, you will definitely be discredited.

He even had to compensate his own company, as well as the TV stations of the Great Cosmic Empire, and live broadcast websites, a large amount of liquidated damages that he might not be able to repay in his lifetime!

So he absolutely can’t let people see through it, I have to say… This is also a big gamble.

Once he wins the bet, he is one of the best directors in the Great Cosmic Empire.

There will be plenty of fame even in the whole world!

Even if it is not as good as the two female anchors of the Eastern countries for the time being.

But he believes he can surpass them sooner or later!

After all, I can call for more stars.

Hit the stars with more heat!

I looked at the contents of the bullet screen… Jin Pulie selectively ignored the barrage of accusations in those rice circles, and he even set up several bullet screen blocking words, such as “brother”, “handsome”, “beautiful”, “hard”, “I can”… These words are all blocked.

Then you can see a lot of bullet screens with dry goods, but… At this look, his face darkened.

Because of these barrages that he thinks are very dry…

Nine of the ten barrages are spraying!

Yes…… Many people in the live broadcast room are spraying!

It’s nothing more than spraying live streaming effects are fake.

Not as good as the female anchor of the big eastern country…

Suspect that the program team is lying to people and so on…

This made Jin Pulie involuntarily start to panic a little, the thing he was most worried about was this kind of thing, and now more than one person felt that the live broadcast was fake, which made his forehead involuntarily overflow with some sweat stains.

He knows very well that in this world… Any country has a lot of idle people who are very miserable.

In case those idle eggs hurt people frame by frame analysis loopholes …

And then what if the vulnerability is publicized?!

Especially there are a lot of beaters up Lord…

Those guys are also very tough!

I still don’t think well enough.

Blinded by interests!

Jin Pulie scolded darkly, and then suddenly felt… Those rice circle barrages are really good!

As long as the bullet screen of the rice circle brushes down the questioning barrage…

Then the risk of exposure is greatly reduced!

If the previous exposure risk is 50%…

Then now the risk becomes 20%…

20% of yourself still dare to gamble!

Anyway…… If you don’t gamble, you can’t pay off the gambling debts you owed before.

Yes, the reason why Kim is so adventurous and so bold is entirely because he owes gambling debts.

Maybe only gambling dogs would do such a thing.

I also don’t know if he is convincing the company’s top brass …

Let those executives support the show.

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