After a series of panics, various electronic devices in the haunted house, including several cameras dedicated to live live shooting, also began to appear strange and strange phenomena!

The camera’s screen fails from time to time, sometimes for a second or two of snowflakes.

Sometimes there is a black screen that inexplicably lasts for a second or two.

Countless electronic devices have failed!

And those dim electric lights inside the haunted house…

It’s even flashing madly!

The constantly flickering lights reflected on the faces of everyone in the program group, and they could clearly see the color of fear that gradually appeared on their faces.

The flickering of the lights made everyone’s eyes feel a little uncomfortable…

It’s like someone dangling a flash in front of you…

The color of fear gradually occupies everyone’s heart…

Including the so-called mysterious side “master”!

Because of this so-called “master”…

Just a fake…

A fake!

Yasuda swallowed a mouthful of spit, and the cold breath around her, the flickering lights, and the mobile phone in her hand that could not open the screen made her whole heart fall into panic.

At first she didn’t believe that ghosts were really that coincidental… It would be in a place like this.

But in a short period of time, I have experienced strange phenomena again and again…

Yasuda now seemed to have to believe it a bit.

After all, the current situation is indeed true…

It’s very weird!

It doesn’t make sense!

Cold sweat involuntarily spilled slowly from her smooth forehead, fortunately the quality of the cosmetics on her face was passed, otherwise the cold sweat alone would be enough to make her face become no different from a ghost.

Although she had no idea how many knives had been used on her face, the necessary makeup was definitely needed.

If the plastic surgery can directly make such a high value out.

That plastic surgery technology is a little bit against the sky!

Current technology can’t do that class yet…

So the necessary makeup is needed.

Due to the constant spread of fear in their hearts, the people in the program group panicked, so that they were originally more scattered, involuntarily… They began to slowly get closer to each other.

It’s like… As long as you get a little closer, you can feel a little bit of security.

“It should… Probably not… Wouldn’t it be okay?! ”

A small fresh meat mumbled in his mouth, and silently began to pray: “Buddha bless… Buddha bless…”

However, at this time, it is not to say that it is to ask the Buddha.

Even if it is even Daozu, God, etc…

All of them together…

They will also not respond.

After all, there are no immortals and Buddhas in this world, unless Liu Feng buys these things from the system’s prop mall, but there is no doubt that … With Liu Feng’s current frightening point, it was simply not enough to buy that powerful existence.

A powerful being of the Immortal Level, even the weakest of them… At least it has to be a six-star grade.

It is even very likely that it will be necessary to reach the level of seven stars…

Only then can they be qualified to have the title of “Immortal God”!

However, the people in the program group did not know this kind of thing, the little fresh meat that was constantly muttering and praying, and they also did not know that there was no immortal existence in this world.

They all naively thought… Since there are such unscientific beings in this world, there are ghosts.

Then the Buddha, God, the Immortal Buddha of the Jade Emperor and the like…

It should also exist in this world, right?

If this idea is known to Liu Feng…

Liu Feng may not be able to help but smile.

In this atmosphere of extreme fear, finally… In addition to the stuntman who fainted in the past to play the ghost, the first program director to see the ghost of the little girl, Jin Pulie, was the first to have a mental breakdown!

Jin Pulie, who is often mentally weak because of his huge gambling debts, is under multiple mental traumas…

Now it made him feel such a depressing and extreme atmosphere.

With that kind of psychological endurance…

He couldn’t stand it at all!

Crashed straight away!!

Jin Pulie’s expression was extremely exaggerated and frightened, his eyes were covered with blood, and he shouted in horror: “I… I saw the female ghost again! That little girl I saw it again! No…… It must have come to ask for my life, it must have wanted my life! ”

“I can’t die… I don’t want to die…… I can’t die… I don’t want to die…… Right! I don’t want to die, I can’t die, I… I want to leave this ghost place, what broken variety show, what broken detective live broadcast, what broken gambling debt, none of Lao Tzu’s life is important! ”

In this strange and repressive atmosphere of fear, Jin Pulie nervously shouted these few words.

It was as if it was out of the control of the intellect and hurried in one direction.

The direction in which he escaped was the exit of the haunted house!

Jin Pulie didn’t want to stay in such a ghost place for a minute!

He didn’t even want to look for such a place to stay for that second!

He almost crawled with a rolling belt, his fat body trembled, and the circle of fat meat was amazing, and he didn’t know why he was so much in debt, why he could still eat so fat.

However…… Just as Jin Pulie was about to approach the exit, his running action suddenly stopped.

With horror on his face, he looked at a rope hanging down in front of him!

The bottom of the rope was tied in the shape of a noose…

If Kim hadn’t stopped just now…

His head will burrow into the noose!

Hang alive by this rope!

This is the kind of noose used for hanging!!

Jin Pu Lie fell into the ice cellar, and a gloomy murmur came from behind him: “Daddy… Why did you strangle me? Why did you strangle me? Why did you strangle me? Why did you strangle me? Why do you…”

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