The hoarse and crisp voice of the little girl was mixed together, coupled with this cold and crazy feeling, which could not help but give Jin Pulie a sense of immediate vision with extremely sweaty hair upside down!

He inhaled a cool breath for no reason, and cold sweat overflowed almost instantaneously.

It’s as if one foot has stepped on the ghost gate!

Just put the other foot in…

Maybe you will know what death feels like…

Maybe he already knows it now…

What a feeling it is to die.

Jin Pulie’s heart was beating wildly at an unconventional speed, so fast that his entire face was red, like the ass of a monkey.

Coupled with the cold sweat coming out of the body, people who don’t know… You might think he’s been hot-tempered out of this look.

The extreme sense of fear had taken over his brain for an instant.

Squeeze out the only little bit of sanity that Kim Pu-yeol has left!

His brain was completely occupied by fear!

There is no longer the slightest bit of sanity!

“Dad, why are you strangling me?”

“Dad, why are you strangling me?”

“Daddy, why are you strangling me?”

“Daddy, why are you strangling me?”

“Why? Why? ”




The girl’s voice gradually changed from a question at the beginning to a sharp question, and the emotional tone of resentment and confusion can be said to be vividly displayed at this moment!

Jin Pulie’s face was full of horror, his eyes had lost their vitality, and the only remaining emotions were fear.

Under the control of the blessing of no rational emotions…

Jin Pulie’s answer was almost instinctive: “I don’t know… I do not know…… I don’t know…”

His voice was small, muttering to himself.

But that trembling tone of fear…

Enough to hear his panic!

Enough to hear his fear!

“I… I…… I don’t know…”

“I don’t know!!!”

“I don’t know!”


Jin Pulie’s voice also became louder and louder from the beginning, and even issued a terrified scream.

Then all of a sudden his heart seemed to jerk a little.

The expression of fear on his blushing face suddenly stagnated.

The expression on his face froze on his face.

A pair of blank eyes rolled wildly…

Fall weakly to the ground!

Fat to at least two hundred pounds of weight, collapse to the ground movement is not small.

When his body fell, there was a muffled “boo” sound.

The breathing of everyone present could not help but be stagnant…

Panicked eyes stared at the past…

Some of them want to go over and save people…

But I’m afraid I’ll put myself on board…

Some also want to learn to run away…

But I am afraid of falling into the footsteps of Kim Pu-yeol.

Everyone had sweat stains on their foreheads, and it wasn’t hot, because the temperature in the haunted house was now very low, low enough to make people shiver.

The reason why they are sweating cold at this temperature is that they are completely frightened and frightened!

The nervousness, panic, and fear in the heart.

Forcing them to secrete all kinds of hormones in their bodies very much.

Even sweat is constantly being secreted.

Yasuda herself suffers from urticaria, and in general… In the case of strenuous exercise or sweltering heat, urticaria can give her an unbearable itching sensation, which is a skin disease.

But now in this cold temperature, she was shocked to find her hives symptoms…

It seems that at this very appropriate time…

All of a sudden, inexplicably it happened!

All over the body began to itch inexplicably!

It’s an unbearable feeling…

It’s like a little ant biting your skin like crazy, and although this degree doesn’t make you feel much pain, it can make you feel an abnormal itch.

What it’s like to be bitten dozens of big bags by mosquitoes… What is Yasuda Kei feeling now!

And it’s worse than being bitten by dozens of big bags by mosquitoes!

Because mosquitoes give people a strange itching sensation…

And what urticaria gives Yasuda is a kind of…

Unbearable itching sensation!

She couldn’t stand it!

At first, she was inexplicably irritable, and she scratched on her body in a hurry, even because the force was a little too much, so that she scratched a series of reddish scratches on her body.

But it took less than five seconds… The itching sensation once again flooded my body.

Hands, feet, abdomen, chest, back, waist, neck, face…

There was an itching sensation coming from various body parts.

The irritable emotions gradually intersect with the panic in the heart…

These two negative emotions made her very uncomfortable.

The expressions all became gritted teeth.

His face was full of impatience!

However, the surrounding staff, as well as several male small fresh meat guests, their eyes have been attracted to Jin Pulie, who suddenly fell to the ground, and none of them have noticed anything wrong with Yasuda Hui.








All kinds of negative emotions come like a tidal wave…

The fear in the heart and the onset of urticaria…

Add to that the cold, goosebump-inducing temperature, and clothes that are so wet with cold sweat that they’re unusually sticky.

All of this intersects… Let Yasuda’s psychological defense line be weakened step by step!

Her whole being was as if she had been struck by some kind of magic…

Almost uncontrollably backwards…

While scratching the itchy body…

Irritated and panicked, he began to mutter, “I have to leave this ghost place…”

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