After this sentence came out of Yasuda’s mouth, it was like a spell that imprisoned her heart, obviously no one said this sentence in her ear, but the sound of this sentence… But it kept reverberating in her brain.

This wonderful feeling made her even more convinced that she would never be able to stay in this broken place any longer!

The irritability that the itch on her body gave her…

It greatly affected her judgment.

So much so that she made the wrong move.

Obviously, there was a lesson from Kim Pu-yeol in front of him, but Yasuda Hui did not learn the lesson.

She stepped back without leaving a trace…

She didn’t call anyone else…

She chose to leave alone.

Leave quietly.

Because only these staff members of the program team have attracted the attention of the dirty things in the haunted house, they can take the opportunity to escape from here and get out of this dangerous state!

As for the safety of those staff? Shut her ass! She didn’t have the ability to save people.

She also didn’t have the ability to get rid of those dirty things.

And she didn’t dare to alarm the dirty things too much.

If you want to escape, you must leave quietly!

Because if you call someone else…

Definitely make a lot of noise…

Once the movement is not small…

That’s a big problem!

It will definitely attract the attention of those dirty things, so that the only chance to escape is wasted.

To avoid something like that…

Yasuda Kei brought everyone present…

All as tool people!

As long as these people attract the attention of the dirty things in the haunted house, they can take the opportunity to leave and run away! Own car… Just parked not far outside the haunted house.

Just leave the haunted house and run for up to fifty meters to get into the car.

Then just start the car and step on the accelerator…

You can leave this place of right and wrong!

Yasuda’s mind was full of the idea of “getting out of here”, and she didn’t even plan to call her agent to leave with her, she just wanted to quietly leave by herself when other people attracted the attention of dirty things.

Only in this way can you safely and completely leave this strange ghost place!

At most, I can just call the police like a humanitarian.

Even the police may already know what’s going on here.

After all, it is still in the process of live broadcasting.

While observing the actions of the people around her, she watched as several staff members who had a good relationship with Jin Pulie, the director, ran over to try to save Jin Pulie.

Yasuda is one of the few people who are indifferent, but unlike the others.

Because she wants to use other people to get herself out of here.

So take advantage of this great opportunity…

Yasuda quietly kept going backwards…

Because there is more than one door to leave the haunted house…

After all being in the haunted house for so long and rehearsing so many times, Yasuda couldn’t have known where there was an exit to leave the haunted house.

She kept retreating, praying in her heart that the dirty things would not notice her.

The so-called “dirty things” she said in her heart…

Nature is a ghost in the haunted house!

Everyone is selfish, the Grand Duke is a selfless person… In this world after all, it is only a minority, at least… Yasuda was not that kind of selfless saint.

“And… I am in the ascendancy of my career, and I have also starred in several TV series that have been on fire, and unlike those few small fresh meat that can only rely on garbage idol dramas, my future future is better, broader, and brighter than theirs…”

“So sacrificing their small future in exchange for my great future is necessary!” Yes, it is necessary! Right! That’s it, that’s right! ”

Yasuda Hui’s heart was constantly murmuring, and those whispers in her heart completely extinguished her last shred of kindness and last shred of conscience!

However, the camera of the program team is still in working condition, and her current actions …

In fact, it has all fallen into the eyes of global audiences!

Although because she turned off the microphone for a reason…

No one knows exactly what she said.

But judging by her face and movements…

She must have retreated!

And ready to leave!

Not ready to call anyone else!

“Grass! This female star wouldn’t want to run away now, right? This Nyima is also too bad, leaving aside other guests and staff? ”

“Do you want to stay if you don’t run?” The goddess will certainly not deal with ghosts! ”

“It’s not… Are you afraid of ghosts you shoot a fart is a spirit detector live? Want to rub the heat in your heart? I want to fart and eat it! ”

“And isn’t she going to call out to the others to run along?!”

“Fark, this kind of Bichi must die!”

“Oh, a bunch of Virgin Biao…”

“Holy you MMP! Learn a word and go around blinding, md at this time should not shout on other people to run together? Or does she want others to die at the hands of powerful ghosts? ”

“Off the barrage to protect IQ…”

“What about the master?” Isn’t there a master who can exorcise ghosts? He should be able to deal with powerful ghosts, right? ”

“Ahhh… That master, isn’t it… Peeing your pants? His pants seemed to be all wet! ”

“Huh? It seems that yes, there is still a pool of water under his feet, is that urine? ”

“The master was scared to pee? Isn’t he an exorcist? ”

“Couldn’t it be a fake?”

“The amount … What’s the situation?! ”


Yasuda’s move made many passers-by in the live broadcast room angry, and only her NC fans would speak and wash the floor for her.

And the so-called master of the mysterious side circle, that is to make people drop their jaws.

Because of the exorcism master of the Great Cosmic Empire…

I’ve been scared to pee my pants!!

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