Among the two groups organized by the program group and the water army, which one is the pig teammate naturally does not need to say more, the key time is exposed, and the loopholes are frequent, and the accident is frequent… Without a doubt, it is the most speechless and painful pig teammate between the two!

This kind of silent pig teammates has made the water army organization that has been hired and even collected money.

I was eager to return all the money one by one.

No way…… Who made the show group this damn pig teammate.

At the critical time, it is completely impossible to move?

In this case, this key chain was dropped!

This is just a trick to play, right?

However, the water army of the Great Cosmic Empire is exceptionally professional… Although the program team of this pig teammate seems to be very likely to be cold.

But the sailors are still carrying the rhythm…

Still madly washing the floor in the bullet screen…

This professionalism is really touching…

It’s just their profession…

It’s not very glamorous…

This profession is not only not glorious enough…

It’s even a shout from everyone.

However, as soon as these water army organizations washed the ground and washed the white bullet screen, they were brushed down by the elegant and easy-going, spitting and fragrant netizens, and were submerged in a large number of bullet screen oceans.

In the face of this phenomenon… The water army organization also said that there was no choice, who let the netizens in the live broadcast room are too many.

And these netizens from all over the world…

Now everyone is in a very angry state.

One by one, they all incarnated as the King of Zuan…

I can’t wash the floor at all!

“Wait a minute, I suddenly realized… Do the star guests of the program group also know that this is just a scam? They must have known that this Spirit Quest Live was just a fake show! ”

“Yes! Surely know, if not, ordinary people who dare to participate in such a show? ”

“md, anyway, even if I give me a hundred million, I don’t dare to participate, and I don’t have the life to spend it!”

“A hundred million? If I really give me a hundred million, how about I don’t want to die? For this money I can give to my wife and son! ”

“Then your wife took this money to find the cowherd, to soak in the small fresh meat, and to make a beautiful zizi…”

“Grass … Are you the devil upstairs? But this sentence, a real stroke! ”

“That means those celebrity guests are also involved in this scam?”

“Even if it is hot, it still deceives the audience? Sand Coin Program Group! And sand coin guests! ”

“Thanks to the fact that I still liked that star so much before, I took off the powder!”

“Powder Turnaround … Since the character is not good, it is time to take the off. ”

“Directly powder to black, don’t say, I’m going to go to those celebrities’ Twitter to spit out the fragrance.”

“Take me one, and I’ll spit out the fragrance!”

“The culprit is @belt master brother!”

“There are many big countries in the East in the barrage!”

“After all, the population is large… And this year, the basic people who will not climb over the wall are basically no culture. ”

“+1, went to college only to find that climbing over the wall is actually very simple.”

“A few upstairs, open the door, check the water meter!”

“The community sends warmth, get to know it.”


If Jin Pulie, who fainted in the past, saw these bullet screens now, would he be angry enough to directly spit out a mouthful of old blood, after all, this was the last big gamble in his life, but this big gamble…

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that… Kim Pu-yeol has already lost the bet.

It is really a variety of accidents that have happened in the show so far.

It’s just too much to count.

This also means the money that Kim Pu-yeol owes, as well as the liquidated damages of the VAM agreement signed with the company.

All of it is gone!

Even if it was his life…

There is no way to pay it back!

But now Jin Pulie has been unconscious, and even his mouth is still spitting white foam, his face is blue, and he doesn’t know if it is because the stimulation he has just received is too serious.

Unbeknownst to the people in the program group, Yasuda Hui had quietly come to the back door of the haunted house.

Listen to the movements coming from the direction of Jin Pulie’s coma not far away.

Then I looked at an ordinary wooden door that was already close at hand.

Yasuda couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and muttered to himself, “While those guys attract the attention of dirty things, I can get out of here unharmed, haha!” ”

In the end, her face was involuntary… A slightly relieved but relieved smile emerged.

As long as you leave this haunted haunted place safely…

You can live on your own…

You don’t have to die!

Yasuda Hui hurriedly pushed open the wooden door in front of her, because it was not locked, the wooden door was pushed open by her, and she did not hesitate to step out and “leave” the haunted house!

However, when she wants to breathe in the fresh air outside, wants to feel the warm temperature outside.

Yasuda was suddenly shocked to find out…

I didn’t breathe any fresh air…

Didn’t feel any warm temperatures either…

That extremely cold temperature…

Still haunting you!

Yasuda Hui’s face suddenly appeared with an expression of disbelief, consternation, disbelief, and horror.

Because she saw a scene that made her unbelievable—

In front of her eyes… It turned out to be a haunted house!!!

She pushed open the wooden door just now…

Didn’t even leave this place?

In Yasuda’s mind now, a word involuntarily flashed through – ghost hits the wall!

Have you encountered this situation yourself?

How can this be good?

Yasuda was confused…

She panicked…

In disbelief, she pushed open the wooden door in front of her again, and then ran over in two or three steps.

But soon she reappeared in the same place!

It’s like a ghost hitting a wall in a psychic novel!

This strange situation made her breathe a little…

The whole person’s expression is not very good.

It can even be said to be very ugly.

The expression is even a little distorted…

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