Push open the door, escape and return to your original position; Push open the door, escape, and return to your original position…

Push open the door, escape and return to your original position; Push open the door, escape, and return to your original position…

The continuous repetition of scenes and experiences made Yasuda Hui’s heart constantly rise with despair.

A feeling of powerlessness came to mind at some point.

The irritability in my heart grew stronger.

So much so that her expression is a little twisted and grumpy…

“West Eight! Why is this happening?! ”

Yasuda Hui couldn’t take care of any so-called ladylike demeanor at all, and his current life was almost impossible to save.

There was nothing else she couldn’t care about!

Especially the ethereal stuff of demeanor.

All sorts of profanity, coming out of her mouth, and she kept whispering, “Damn it… I blame the dead fat woman who is almost two hundred pounds, if it were not for her as an agent to help me take this single show, I would not have fallen into this dangerous situation now. ”

“And that damn fat pig director, that gambler wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t done this broken show!”

“Those pig heads in the company also grew up eating shi!” West Eight! West Eight! West Eight! ”

“It’s all a bunch of pigs that grow up eating shi!!”

“It’s all a bunch of stinky pig heads!!”


The continuous cursing seemed to be able to relieve the irritability and depression in her heart.

It seemed to be able to alleviate the fear and despair in her heart…

At least after scolding out these rude words…

She seemed to be in a much better mood.

Yasuda’s clothes were already wet with cold sweat, and she stared around in horror.

This backdoor doesn’t seem to be able to interpret…

Ask questions here with the legendary ghost hitting the wall!

I don’t know any feng shui mysteries…

I had no idea that in this situation…

What exactly should I do…

Only to be able to get rid of this ghost hitting the wall!

In the case of not knowing how to be good, without knowing how to crack the phenomenon of “ghosts hitting the wall”, the only way Yasuda can think of is… Find another exit!

Although there are only front and back doors in this haunted house, there are two wooden doors that can be accessed in total.

But those open windows are also a few exits!

The main thing is that the size of the windows is spacious enough…

Drilling out on your own is not a problem at all!

Just when Yasuda was ready to look for that… When she could escape from the window, the afterglow of her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure, frightening her so much that she almost did not let out a scream.

Her eyes hurried to look in that direction, and it turned out to be a little confused and stunned to her.

She didn’t seem to see anything now…

It was as if there was nothing over there.

But I just saw it…

What is this situation again?

“Wait! Shouldn’t it be… Wouldn’t it be… The figure I saw when I was recording the scene?! ”

Yasuda Hui suddenly thought of something, and her whole body couldn’t help but start trembling.

This shudder is not due to excitement and excitement.

It’s because of fear and fright!

The extreme fear made her shudder!

Even the heartbeat accelerated a lot out of thin air.

Both feet can’t help but feel a little weak.

She…… No, it should be!

Is it already eyeing me?

Has it already been eyeing me?

Was my previous countermeasure of trying to get other people to get the attention of dirty stuff and then take the opportunity to leave on my own not really do any use at all? In fact, these dirty things in the haunted house have long been… Already eyeing me?

Why…… Why are you eyeing me? I…… I didn’t do anything to hurt nature!

Most…… At most, it was only when I was in middle school.

Accidentally put the ear of a female classmate…

It was just a perforation of the eardrum…

But school violence is not a heinous crime, right? Probably…… Probably not really?

Yasuda was suddenly a little unsure.

After all, the wind of school violence…

It’s a little bit of a bad thing.

She secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and her frightened eyes kept circling around, afraid that the figure would appear again, and once the other party wanted to harm herself, she would not have any strength to resist at all!

As a female artist that the company focuses on cultivating, she is now in the rising period of her career!

I have a very bright and spacious future in the future!

Is it really necessary to die in such a ghost place?

I…… I don’t want to die here!”

Yasuda folded her hands in an attempt to convince the dirty stuff in the haunted house, and her voice trembled and whispered, “Please… No…… Don’t kill me, I can… I can burn paper, incense you, and worship you every year on your day of sacrifice…”

She didn’t know if such a plea was useful, anyway… There’s always a good idea to give it a try.

Because there is nothing she can do anymore…

She had a feeling of helplessness…

A feeling of despair.


At the same time, in a certain mansion in the capital of the Great Cosmic Empire, this is an entertainment company owned by Yasuda Hui, and this company is also one of the best in the entire Cosmic Empire.

However, the boss of this company is in a very bad mood now, because he is now…

It can already be expected that the company’s shares will plummet next!

And this extreme negative impact ghosts know how much it will fall…

This time the Spirit Detective Live Fake Incident has been made …

It can definitely be said that the whole world knows!

At this point… As the boss of the company, he is paying attention to the speech on the Internet all the time.

Looking at the insults in the company’s Twitter account posts…

His expression was as if he had swallowed a fly.

That expression can be as ugly as it is ugly!

He’s in a very bad mood right now!

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