This time the soul detective live program, their company gave a lot of power, and also invested a lot of money into it, and even spent money to invite a few small fresh meat that is currently popular.

Although the small fresh meat of the Great Cosmic Empire is not worth much, it is also a valuable amount of money!

In addition, there are various scene arrangements and so on…

The most expensive nature is the propaganda at that time…

Yet spent so much money and energy going on…

This program that many people are more optimistic about…

Now it’s like this?

How could this look have been ruined?

West Eight! All of them are stupid pigs!!

All of them are stupid!!

It’s all a bunch of idiots!!

They all grew up eating shi!!

After scolding angrily in his heart for an unknown number of times, the big BOSS of an entertainment company in the Great Cosmic Empire did not slow down the anger in his heart, but became more annoyed.

I already knew… You shouldn’t believe Jin Pulie’s dead fat man, and you shouldn’t sign a risky gambling agreement with the other party.

The result is now good, the East Window incident, the company’s reputation will definitely be affected.

Once the reputation of a public company is as low as a frightening level.

And the listed company also messed up a project…

Then the market cap stock of this company…

It will fall seriously!

Once the market value falls too badly… The major shareholders within the company will definitely be very dissatisfied, and even put pressure on themselves, because he signed the project.

That way, you’ll be in a bit of trouble by then, damn, it’s a bunch of idiots!

This kind of show can be screwed up in this form!

And in front of so many spectators!

If it’s messed up during rehearsals.

Then there is a little possibility of redemption.

At best, it is a loss of investment funds.

But now something went wrong… In the case that the show has been broadcast and the audience does not know how many tens of thousands of people, this is definitely the most deadly, and it is also what makes him feel the most pain and anger of the BOSS.

“Bastards! Jin Pulie, that dead fat man, swore to tell me what! ”

“The result … Drop the chain for me now! ”

“md! You deserve to be chased for debts! ”

“You’d better be hacked to death!”


As the boss of the entertainment company, he can already predict… What kind of degree will the company’s market value fall next, because this scandal has made the whole world know.

In this case, if the company’s market value has not fallen, then it is called a ghost!

After thinking about the word “ghost”…

He couldn’t help but shiver…

Looking at the picture on the computer screen…

He secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit…

md, who could have imagined?

At first, I just wanted to get a fake soul hunting live broadcast to come out, and it turned out that I met a real ghost?

This was completely unexpected!

It also disrupted the plan.

Although he is now eager to kill Jin Pulie’s bastard and fat man, at this juncture, if the staff involved in this show … If one person dies, the trouble is even greater!

The impact on the company is even greater, and the best case scenario is that no one dies.

If the impact on the company now is a damage value of 99…

Once a few staff members died on the other side of the shooting scene…

Then the impact on the company is to hurt 999!!

When the time comes, all kinds of pressures will come from society…

As well as various fishing vessels from all over the globe…

Most likely to crush the company!

Once this happens…

That really hurts!

“And that Yasuda Hui, who is the same company as Kim Pu-yeol… The result was so unreliable that he turned his head and fled! West Eight! Pit goods one after another, this is unstoppable is it? I doubt that the two of them are commercial spies sent by hostile companies! ”


Yasuda did not know the boss of his own company, and at this moment he was scolding her as a person who had escaped from the battlefield.

By this time she had found a window to climb out of.

And trying to open this tightly closed window…

Gritting her teeth, she struggled to use a crowbar she didn’t know where to pick it up, and pried an iron lock on the window.

At the same time, she also cursed with an ugly face: “West Eight… Why do you have to add an iron lock to the window?! ”

She was eager to beat the person who designed the haunted house to death with a crowbar!

And this iron lock is surprisingly hard…

So much so that she has been pried for most of the day…

There is no way to pry the iron lock off!

Yasuda knew that she could not stay in this ghost place for long, and she also knew that there was already a dirty thing in the haunted house, and she did not know for what reason she was eyeing herself.

Although the other party has not harmed herself at present, she cannot bet that the other party will not harm herself all the time.

As for why she didn’t just smash the glass of the window?

Because she was worried that the movement of smashing the glass was too big…

So much so that the other ghosts…

It also provoked it…

Therefore, she did not dare to make too much movement at present, and could only struggle to pry open the iron lock.

Not to mention that the windows are made of tempered glass.

And it is also imported from the big countries of the East…

The strength of the glass on the side of the Eastern powers…

Even if she has an iron crowbar in her hand…

Probably hard to smash it, right?!

“Hurry up and open it!!”

Yasuda gritted her teeth and spat out a sentence, cold sweat on her forehead, and even because of the use of strength, she revealed the green tendons.

It’s just that her strength is really a little too small.

Or this iron lock on the window…

It’s a little too hard!

That’s a bit too good quality!

Bastard! Assi Bar!!!

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