Tianhai City, a villa area… Looking at the shooting scene on the screen that had become a pot of porridge, Liu Xiaoling’s eyebrows rose slightly, and he couldn’t help but whisper to himself: “These guys… It is not an ordinary death, and it is completely inadmissible to mention half a point of sympathy. ”

She couldn’t feel the slightest sympathy for the suffering of this program group of the Great Cosmic Empire.

There was not even the idea or idea of going to the rescue of the other party.

Because the reason why there are such dangerous encounters…

It’s all because this program group died on its own!

No wonder the population of every foreign country …

It doesn’t seem to be much.

Dare they love to die so much!

Since it was they who died voluntarily…

Then let them do it!

I don’t know if it was the matter of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse that affected Liu Xiaoling’s mentality and emotions, so that she herself didn’t know her own heart, and under the circumstances that her own family didn’t know, she began to become a little harder.

Or maybe she’s now… It’s not as easy to soften as you used to be for all sorts of things.

This may also be a change in growth!

As for whether this growth change is good or bad…

Whether there are more benefits or more disadvantages…

That is to say, the benevolent see the wise.

“It seems that the director of the program group has passed out, right?” The consequences of being frightened by the ghost are not bad, the yang qi will be absorbed by at least half of the ghost, even if it does not die, it will be a serious illness, it is very likely… I will spend a year and a half in the hospital. ”

Liu Xiaoling recalled some of the knowledge that his brother had popularized with him, and tried to analyze the situation on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire.

The odds of that director getting seriously ill are certainly very high.

It is even very likely that the ghosts will suck the yang qi clean!

If the yang in a person is sucked clean…

Gee…… Then this director will probably have to burp!

And it is the kind that the soul cannot condense.

Other words…… A person who dies by a ghost absorbing yang qi cannot be transformed into a ghost!

That kind of funny paragraph on the Internet…

It will not become a reality.

“I don’t know if the mysterious side circle on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire will take action in time, after all, it is good anyway, there are also a few ghosts, and the other party has shown obvious intention to hurt people.”

Liu Xiaoling touched his smooth chin, to tell the truth… She was still looking forward to seeing the people on the mysterious side of the Great Cosmic Empire.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know that there was no mysterious side circle on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire!

Even there are only a handful of ghosts!

Those ghosts were still put in by Liu Feng not long ago.

From the day I put a few ghosts in…

Less than three or four days have passed!

In addition, Liu Feng had never thought about what mysterious side circles in the Great Cosmic Empire had ever made.

So Liu Xiaoling’s idea…

After all, it is impossible.

It was absolutely impossible for her to see any so-called mysterious side circle personnel in the Great Cosmic Empire.

It is even more unlikely that it will be seen in the live broadcast room of this program group.

Because…… There are no mysterious side circles over there.

While looking at the live broadcast screen on his mobile phone, Liu Xiaoling pondered how he would be able to improve his strength faster next, because of the incident in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

It made her obviously feel that her strength was insufficient, and even a ghost wearing a human skin mask could not beat it.

His own strength should be a rookie-like presence in the mysterious side circle.

If only an exorcist had not arrived in time to help…

It is estimated that I am going to die in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

But you can’t expect someone to come to your aid every time, in case there is no one to help?

In case the person who assists encounters something unexpected on the way…

There is no way to rush over in time?

At that time…

On your own!

And if you want to rely on yourself, you must have a strong strength yourself, otherwise you can’t rely on yourself!

“The Gong Fa is definitely something that we must continue to work hard to cultivate… But apart from steady cultivation, what other way can you improve your strength? Ask the old man? Not…… It is estimated that if you can’t ask anything, the elder brother will definitely say that greed is not bad. ”

Liu Xiaoling rubbed her hair in distress, and she also wanted to become as powerful as her brother.

The old brother who can suppress the [White Brow Ghost King] with a blow…

The strength is definitely one of the best in the mysterious side circle!

Obviously, the elder brother is only a year older than himself…

Why is he so much stronger than himself?

Was it because the elder brother cultivated earlier than himself? But before the elder brother said that his cultivation time was not long!

Is this a difference in talent?!

The elder brother is a genius who belongs to the world…

Are you an ordinary genius?

That’s the way it should be…

Alas…… Troubled!

What Liu Xiaoling didn’t know was… The content of what she was talking to herself had all been clearly heard by Liu Feng in the upstairs bedroom, after all, Liu Feng’s strength had been achieved… Trying to hear an ant walk is not a problem.

Not to mention Liu Xiaoling’s self-pity and self-pity.

To this… Liu Feng didn’t say much, just laughed helplessly.

Liu Xiaoling’s talent is generally quite OK.

After all, she only took such a short time…

After being able to control the power of the mysterious side so skillfully, and after eating a [Spotless Ghost Dan], which led to her physique and talent to a higher level, she could definitely be called a genius.

Her current promotion speed is already very fast, if it is fast…

It is highly likely that there will be signs of unstable foundations.

That would be a little bit of a no-brainer.

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