In the villa area of Tianhai City, in addition to the two brothers and sisters of Liu Feng and Liu Xiaoling, there is also Li Xiaomo, who has just joined the mysterious side circle. As a new person in the mysterious side circle, Li Xiaomo is very concerned about various movements on the mysterious side circle on the Internet.

For example, this variety show of the Great Cosmic Empire, she has also heard a little, and she has also seen the publicity of the program group.

After all, she can also be regarded as one of the main masters of this incident.

After all, this one soul detective live program of the Great Cosmic Empire…

It was simply a copy of her and Liu Xiaoling’s live detective live.

Except that the other party can broadcast on TV stations…

There’s hardly anything different about it…

As for the celebrity guests invited by the other party?

Famous for Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Isn’t it a star?

Even if you can’t call it a star…

But there are also two celebrities.

Especially now that this general trend has been unveiled, the two of them have also played a role in enlightening on the surface, in the eyes of outsiders… They are equivalent to opening a new era!

Maybe they are not the hipsters of this new era, but they are definitely the two people who open the door.

Two people with this aura are not as famous as stars?

That’s absolutely impossible, the fame of two people…

There is almost no one who can compare!

Li Xiaomo was not practicing martial arts at this time, because she was watching the live broadcast of the Spirit Detective on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire, but… When she saw the present, she could only shake her head helplessly and regretfully.

She was not sorry for the lives of those Great Cosmic Empire staff, but she was sorry that she had misbelieved a false news.

Because of this false news, I have wasted more than an hour of time.

Say good to explore the mysterious side circle of the Great Cosmic Empire…

Why now tell her these are fake?

The people on the other side of the Great Cosmic Empire…

What a pain in the ass!

Li Xiaomo rolled his eyes and muttered, “If these bastards were standing in front of me, I guess I would be able to bear the grumble and beat up all these guys!” ”

“Wasted more than an hour of my time, this more than an hour of time… Wouldn’t it be better for me to use it for martial arts? ”

“I didn’t expect these guys to be so shameless!”

After Li Xiaomo muttered a few words, he no longer paid attention to this so-called spirit hunting live broadcast.

This hugely expensive so-called Detective Live …

It’s just a scam!

It’s a complete waste of her expression!

Also a waste of her precious time!

In the case that the mysterious side circle is almost always disconnected, they rush to contact those ghosts, and I have to say that these people of the Great Cosmic Empire are really too “courageous”.

Of course, this courage refers to the courage to die…

After all, their actions were too much to be done.

Li Xiaomo began to be a little blind…

So she simply didn’t watch the so-called live broadcast.

Directly closed the laptop and shook his head… I rubbed my beautiful eyes that were a little sour.

She turned her head to look at the wall clock next to her…

I couldn’t help but mutter, “It’s already this time, then again, I haven’t eaten dinner yet… It is now 9:00 p.m. on the side of the Great Cosmic Empire, and 8:00 p.m. on the Eastern Powers, which is an hour slower than that! ”

The ghost knew how she watched this boring Detective live, watching it for an hour!

I have participated in so many live visits to the soul…

And have encountered that kind of ghost so many times…

I didn’t see through this scam at the beginning, and it seems that I was a little relaxed.

Li Xiaomo casually pulled something out of the refrigerator…

When she finished eating the food…

Start cultivating hard!

Now she can also be regarded as a member of the mysterious side circle, but she is the new Meng in the mysterious side circle, and she has just joined the mysterious side circle… It’s only been a day or two.

Li Xiaomo turned out a notebook, which was a paper notebook filled with vigorous and powerful fonts.

These fonts are all covered with all the blank areas of the notebook.

There was something about her cultivation direction, cultivation plan, cultivation method… Wait a minute.

In Li Xiaomo’s view, the value of this notebook… Can’t estimate!

Even if you give her a billion dollars…

She won’t sell it either!

After all, this involves the cultivation of the Fa, involving the power of the mysterious side circle!

This kind of thing is put outside…

It’s going to be scrambled!

It may even cause coveting and prying eyes of those big countries, how can such a thing be measured by money in terms of its value? A billion dollars? Scold…… Even if you give her a hundred billion, she will not sell!

Moreover, this was a cultivation policy that Elder Brother Liu had worked out for himself for several days all night.

As a super big guy in the mysterious side circle…

Big Brother Liu for his own cute new…

Stayed up all night for days…

Li Xiaomo breathed a slight sigh of relief and silently remembered this kindness in his heart.

She is a person who has the courage to repay the favor, she is not the kind of white-eyed wolf who gets the benefits of others and does not reciprocate.

It’s just that I really don’t have anything to return to now…

After all, for the big guy of the mysterious side circle of Big Brother Liu…

Those rewards are simply insignificant.

It is simply incomparable to the kindness of Big Brother Liu!

I can only slowly become stronger, and when I am one day, I have also become a big guy in the mysterious side circle, maybe at that time, my own return… It is comparable to the kindness of Brother Liu.

Who would have thought that he would be an “ordinary”, “ordinary”, “nothing special” rich second generation…

One day there will be such an opportunity?!

I can only say that I have met a good friend!

Meet a really good friend!

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