In the live broadcast room, it all became the screams of Yasuda Hui.

She was lifted up in the air by the ghostly thing, her hand constantly slapping the opposite side, because she was being squeezed by the throat.

Sensing the coming of death, the intense desire to survive made Yasuda’s empty legs flutter.

But none of this has allowed the other party to let go of himself.

The subtle sound seemed even more permeable in the haunted house.

She was already in a situation of exhaling more and breathing less, and even the fluttering movements of her hands and feet had become weaker.

“This woman is devilish, lying in the groove!”

“The ghost is possessed by this.”

“This program group is playing big hair this time, garbage stuff.”

“The people of the Great Cosmic Empire have always been self-centered, and this time playing so big will see how they end.”

The people of the Great Cosmic Empire secretly said that they were really lying guns.

However, for now, many people have chosen to look at this “play” live broadcast with cold eyes.

In fact, those feelings just now were just Yasuda Hui’s own feelings, and the false scene made her lose consciousness and be attached to her by the ghost thing.

In short, these are just illusions.

What the netizens in front of the screen saw was that Yasuda Hui crossed his hands and pinched his neck.

The green tendons of the arms stood out, and the color of the face changed from white pink to blue-purple.

Long, pointy fingernails ruthlessly scratched their faces and even necks.

One by one…

Tick tick.

Blood was on his arms and neck, falling down his neck toward the ground.

Judging from her sinister expression, you can tell how much force she has used against herself.

It took about three minutes for the scary scene to subside.

And Yasuda’s eyes were hollow, like abandoned rag dolls, lying in the corner.

The glare of bright red, like poison unfolding.

Looking at this scene, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

The fierce terror attack was gone, and everyone who stood in front of the live screen wanted to take a break in their eyes and move their bodies.


The offensive is not over yet.

“Why? Why? ”

“Why are you strangling me?”

This ghostly sound seemed to seep through the middle of the night, like venom seeping through the skin, following the place where the blood flowed, and finally reaching the internal organs.

The netizens who just wanted to leave, their hands and feet were like being filled with lead water.

Although I was afraid, I was even more excited about the production of adrenaline.

Hoarse voices kept ringing in his ears.

The coldest yin qi in the haunted house is like a hand passing through one’s body until it reaches one’s heart.

“Bang bang…”

Yasuda was lying crookedly on the ground, her previous delicate makeup and Anfen’s hair now dirty.

Suddenly, Yasuda Kei, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up and smiled evilly in front of him.

The camera was recorded just in her direction.

But just such a moment of laughter, directly hit the cerebral cortex, the feeling of numbness stimulated the heart, as if hanging in the air.

That smile was by no means the color of the city, the cold, the cold that seeped out, the horror of despair.

After that, like a lifeless doll, it fell to the ground.


There is really no breath.

Yasuda is dead.

He was killed by that little ghost.

“Oh, what’s wrong with Yasuda Kei?”

“Don’t scare me, her smile is too penetrating.”

“Nishiba, this laugh scared me to pee.”

Netizens saw Yasuda’s last cold smile, like the feeling of being really stared at by a ghost.

Through the screen, you can feel the cold.

Thousands of bullet screens rushed to this live broadcast, and the bullet screen path of the brush was constantly stuck.


The live screen became black and white.

No one knows what is wrong with this, and in an instant, the netizens who are rising up are no longer doing it.

Exit the live broadcast room, go to Twitter and major web pages, and start talking about it.

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 30 Shock Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 50 Shock Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations…]



Liu Feng sat on the soft single sofa, playing with his fingers, listening to the sound of the system’s report.

It seems that the effect of those little ghosts is good.

Watching his shock point balance rise by more than 10,000 points, I thought that I could soon earn back the shock points consumed by building the SCP fund.

“What happened to Yasuda Kei?”

“Stupid, you can’t see it?” You’ve lived so big in vain. ”

“The sudden shutdown of the live broadcast is definitely the official closure!”

“This dead man, my God.”

“Who let them do it themselves?”

This live tour of the soul is on fire, and it has been commented on the top of the hot search list of various countries.

Subsequently, someone climbed over the wall of the Great Cosmic Empire and dug out the matter

“It was a certain entertainment company behind the variety show “Supernatural Events” that was forcibly closed!”

[West Eight, you can’t understand what people say, Dog Day!] 】

[Silly stuff, let you turn me off, Tsubasa…]

[Death is dead, hurry up and turn off the live broadcast for me, stupid, Fark…]

After a post was sent, it was accompanied by a picture of an entertainment company behind the “Supernatural Adventures” variety show ordering it to close.

“Is it really possible, doesn’t it mean that this Jin Pucan owes a huge debt?”

“Yes yes … That’s him. ”

“Let him learn from the great powers of the East, without the masters of the mysterious side circle, and with a big face to the fat man.”

“Disgusting, spit!!

As long as the major websites are about the “Great Adventure of the Great Cosmic Empire”, the entire comments have exploded.

The sudden closure of major websites because of the live broadcast has made netizens even more determined that it was not a certain entertainment company behind the variety show “Strange Events” that was forcibly closed.

As soon as this idea came out, many netizens continued to dig it up.

It has caused a big wave of rendering on major websites.

Coming to the surface is the shady curtain of an entertainment company, and the director’s black material…

“Wait for the official results!”

“Yes, just wait for the official result!”

“I think this variety show made a big fuss in the Great Cosmic Empire, saying that it was better than the two sisters of the Eastern Empire.

“Haha, it’s a good row, but the real effect is really exciting.”

Soon, the Great Cosmic Empire officially gave the result.

[After certification, in the variety show “Strange Events”, Ms. Yasuda did not die, but was recuperating at home because she was frightened by dirty things. 】

The short text is to insist that Yasuda Hui is not dead.

However, the eyes of netizens are shining.

All kinds of suspicions are that an entertainment company behind the variety show “Supernatural Events” has privately met with the official.

“I’m really hehe, it’s just what it is, what is hidden.”

“Not necessarily, it’s all official, maybe it’s really scared.”

“If you are blind, the official must be true.”

“Really, Yasuda is really dead.”



ps: Broken for too long, almost the characters have forgotten, but also have to make up their own books, this pneumonia incident is too bad, thanks to the country’s positive response.

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