The Internet then spread the location where Yasuda Hui’s body was stored, the bruise’s face, and the clothes were still the ones worn in the live broadcast room.


Instantly punched the face of the official face of the Great Cosmic Empire.

This time it was in front of the whole world that the facts swollen the face.

Denounced by netizens, this time the voice is high, exceeding the previous heat.

The Great Cosmic Empire had not dared to speak again.

Instead, it is a gesture of goodwill to the great powers of the East.

Because the Great Cosmic Empire had even appeared a powerful ghost, the entire Great Cosmic Empire fell into a panic.

“Attack fast, don’t let it go out.”

“Hey, I want to, too, but this guy is hiding too fast.”

Such a powerful and dangerous strange thing, even the SCP Foundation’s proprietary firearms are not afraid.

The straggler hit the body of the scp-682 immortal lizard, and there was no hesitation.

It was slightly tingling, but it did not affect the progress of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The white hard armor secreted by the scp-682 immortal lizard constantly washed away the marks of bullets on its body.

Thick white hard armor that protects the body of the scp-682 immortal lizard from the Foundation’s firearms.

Since the scp-682 immortal lizard has escaped from the shelter, the foundation has gone all out to track down the scp-682 immortal lizard and arrest it.

The anger of the scp-682 immortal lizard is very likely to harm humans outside.

If there is …

The consequences will be dire.

The guns in the hands of the Foundation were used more frequently, but the scattered bullets were always blocked out by the white hard armor on the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“What to do?”

“Doctor, what to do?” Seven of our D-class members have died. ”

The doctor looked at the surveillance screen with a sad look on his face as the scp-682 immortal lizard was being destroyed.

The entire laboratory was filled with the roar of the scp-682 immortal lizard and the sound of bullets hitting guns.


The sound of pig iron being attacked and completely exploded, even a powerful attack could not withstand the scp-682 immortal lizard’s sturdy hard armor.

In addition, it is still constantly secreting and reinforcing the scp-682 immortal lizard on its body.

“Roar: Whoops..”

The scp-682 immortal lizard grows up with a large mouth that constantly spouts water secretions.

Its head was constantly shaking, and secretions flowed down its large mouth.

Dripping on the floor of the foundation.

“Cough: How does it stink, cough. ”

“It should be the stench released by the secretions in the mouth of the scp-682 immortal lizard.”

“Cough cough..”

A strong fishy smell pervaded the entire foundation.

The members of the entire foundation smelled fishy and choked and coughed.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard was unaware of it, and the whole grumpy eyes stared at the members of the Foundation who were still attacking them.

The fierce eyes, the big mouth dripping with secretions or roaring.

The strong body ran toward the pile of guns, squeezing at them all.


With a loud bang, the pile of guns became a pair of scrap iron, and the squeeze had completely changed its original shape.

“Roar: Whoops..”

All Foundation members no longer rush directly up to attack the behemoth in front of them.

Apparently, it was already in a state of rage.

It must be because it has just been attacked by the eye and stimulated the grumpy factor in it.

Crimson eyes stared at the Foundation security guards not far from him.

Foundation security personnel look at the eyes of the scp-682 non-extinguishing lizard rushing into the fire.

The legs were trembling constantly, and the whole body began to shrink back continuously.

Before, even if the scp-682 Immortal Lizard was annoyed again, it had never directly shown a crimson look.

A pair of eyes like Satan descending, staring coldly at this group of attackers.


The scp-682 immortal lizard lifts its thick hind legs.

Step by step, step by step, closer to the Foundation security personnel who are constantly retreating backwards.

Security personnel watched as the scp-682 immortal lizard came in their direction.

Pull up your legs and turn around and head for the near corner.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard sped up, and its entire massive body crashed into the corner where the security guards had fled.


The whole corner was shattered.

There was no sign of the security guard.

The scp-682 immortal lizard moved its body, and its entire tail swept in the opposite direction.

“Attack fast.”

“Click, click, click..”

The sound of firearms firing, dense bullets shooting towards the eyes of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The scp-682 immortal lizard braved a dense rain of bullets.

It didn’t turn into a sieve and it didn’t hurt.

The whole thing is a feeling of no pain or itch.

As the scp-682 immortal lizard moved, security guards who had just escaped appeared.

See the corner of his coat.

The accomplice hurried over and saw his entire body trapped in the ground.

Face down, no piercing blood pierced out.

After dragging it out, the whole front has been completely unrecognizable.

The skin and flesh on his face had fallen off layer by layer.

The mouth was wide open, piercing the throat with a piece of iron, completely embedded in the body of the dead security guard.

The scp—682 Immortal Lizard continued to run towards the other members.

The thick soles of the feet supported the entire body, and the whole ground trembled when stepping on it.

The equipment in the SCP Foundation was shaking, and even the advanced instruments were all smashed to the ground.

All Foundation members together with the Ph.D. of the Research Laboratory…

With this shaking, the east swayed and swayed.

“Help, help..”


All the howls filled the entire SCP Foundation.

The Scp Foundation is set deep underground, and the running of the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard shakes the entire ground.

“Oh, my car, my car.”

“Sleeper, my car.”

“Get up and go, hurry up.”

“Whoops, my house, this is the house I just bought.”

“There was an earthquake, an earthquake.”

“Quick: Go southwest to the open space, fast. ”


The entire upper echelons of the SCP Foundation have completely lost the harmonious voices of the past.

Vehicles traveling quickly on the road, the whole drift out of place.

Pass the high bridge, rush through the high bar to the right of the high bridge, and fall into the raging deep river.


The sound of heavy objects falling into the deep river, the vehicle that fell into the deep river was rushed all the way down the rushing river.

There is no shadow.

Throughout the highway, successive vehicles, one after another, the sound of pig iron colliding with pig iron.

Towering buildings, slightly inferior in quality, the whole building suddenly broke from the middle.

The building cracked from all sides, and the pressure on the top came down from top to bottom.


A cloud of dust surged up.

Along with the surrounding buildings, all submerged in this dust.

All into the dirty world, screams, scolding.

After nearly an hour, the whole swing returned to calm.

“It’s not an earthquake.”

“Huh? Such a big shock. ”

“It scared me to death, I thought I was going to die here.”

“Baby, thankfully we’re still alive, Amen!”

“Sleeper, your car hit my car, losing money.”

“Sleeper, it’s him..”

The strong tremor has disappeared.

The crowd did not dare to move casually, for fear that there would be a shock like this next.



ps: Damn, even the system panel data has forgotten which chapter it is, and I haven’t found it for most of the day…

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