The dust in the air, with the intrusion of the fierce wind, swirled into a nest of sand, skipping the ground from top to bottom, and confusing the eyes of everyone present who was trembling.

Afraid! This is everyone’s first reaction!

The fierce wind was like a vicious beast with teeth and claws, swirling a huge vortex towards the upper floor of the SCP Foundation that had just been shaken strongly.


The sound of iron being hit, the sound of sharp friction.

It completely stimulates people’s brains, paralyzes the brains, and the whole body is like being cursed and has not moved.

The entire iron plate structure covers an extremely large area of pawnshops, and the suspension is pulled up by this evil wind.

“Sleeper, my shop.”

“Shit, Fark.”

“Fake, my money, whine.. My money. ”

The pawnshop owner could only watch his pawnshop being swept away by this vicious wind.

I also want to open my mouth and scold the sky, the smell of the nouveau riche is vivid in men.

The thick lips were cracked, revealing what was a disgusting yellow-black tooth.

The gold chains of his whole body stretched and shrank with each stretch of his huge body, and the gold chains on his body hung on him like dog chains.


Trying to release the irritability in his heart, his whole face was turned purple with anger.

Before he could finish his next scolding.


Between the towering buildings, in that instant, a white behemoth appeared.

Moving and moving.

It is alive.

The thought spread in the hearts of all men.

A torrent of water went from the soles of his feet to his head, and the whole thing was the feeling of the death ghost approaching.

No one shouted for help.

The behemoth’s body was constantly twitching, trying to break through the oppression of the hard soil.

The hard armor on the body, along with its secretions, is constantly filled with layers of armor.


The entire precarious soil layer was broken, and the central point unfolded into the shape of a malicious smiley face towards the surroundings.



All kinds of emotions come to mind.

The upstart completely ignored his pawnshop and ran away.

Shit money!

Shit woman!

My life is almost gone!

What else do you do with that?

The fat body, with his movements, the fat flesh of the white flower trembled.


The behemoth rushed to the ground in its entirety, exposing itself to everyone.

A pair of red eyes, glaring at himself underneath.

Later foundations are also tracking the trajectory of stopping the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

However, it still failed to prevent the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard from invading the strata.

This is simply a thousand points of damage, and the entire upper layer of the SCP Foundation seems to have been cleansed once.

In a dilemma.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard swept toward the tall buildings that blocked it, and its entire tail swept through these tall buildings.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard continued to attack the unpleasant modern instruments on the ground.

Everywhere you go, nothing is intact.

“Uh woo woo woo woo…”

The patrol car sped fast on the main road, and the car whistled from afar.

Hear the voice.

The breath hanging in everyone’s heart finally eased a lot.

“Hey: 001 and 006, 001 and 006, in? Hear please answer, hear please answer. ”

“001 in, 001 in.”

“006 in 006 in.”

“Listen to the instructions and hold the sniper small gun newly developed by the official research institute.”


This incident completely shook the authorities, and a monster ran into the city, which is not a good sign!

One of the rangers who received the instructions came to the scene and learned that it was such a big strange thing.


“Please indicate, please indicate.”


The communication machine is full of “feeding” sounds, and there is no person holding the conveyor here.

“Ah, help, help.”

“Oh my God, that ranger…”

“Dad, look at that uncle.”

“If you can do it, the officials can’t help this strange thing.”

“Not necessarily, right? Don’t you see that the officials are all sending patrolmen? ”

“Well, you…”

The patrolman, who was about to be grabbed by the scp-682 immortal lizard, touched the conveyor he pinned to his waist.


And 006 has turned in another direction, and it is certainly not possible to save himself.

Unable to contact the patrolman at headquarters, he shook his fist.

Fingers pressed and groped the sniper cannon in his hand, tiny.

This is the latest weapon developed by the government, at first it was to deal with the ghosts, but it seemed to be useless, but it was very useful for living things, and it was extremely powerful, and now it was taken out to kill the ghosts on the other side.


The opening prompt sound made the scp-682 immortal lizard even more angry.

It was these nasty humans who locked themselves in that disgusting cage.

Looking at the patrolman’s eyes was like spitting venom, and the fierce eyes stared at the patrolman in front of him sullenly.

Thick hind legs, carrying their own tails, rushed angrily toward the patrollers.

“Strange things, really terrible, not afraid of guns.”

The inspector looked at the behemoth in front of him and thought of the frightened people behind him.

Thinking of their fearful eyes, and the whole safety of the sea market on this day.

At first, the little fear gradually dissipated because of the faith in the heart.

Clenching the sniper cannon in his hand, the calm brain kept thinking about how to subdue the other party.

The Rangers’ cold eyes were determined, but they had no effect at all in the eyes of the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

The scp-682 immortal lizard continued toward the half-crouched patrolman.

The patrolman holding the sniper cannon watched as the strange thing walked away toward him.

Saying that it was coming, this disgusting guy was a step a little five meters away.

The hind legs of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard are not long enough, but its running speed is absolutely fast.

The footsteps were tight, and the half-squatted legs were waiting for the perfect opportunity to subdue this strange thing.

Looking at the scp-682 immortal lizard did not have the slightest intention of stopping.

The Rangers stomped the ground with their right foot on the side, dodging the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard Ear attack with the help of elasticity.

Reflexively grab the small tree next to the scp-682 immortal lizard and bounce off the jump.

Shoot the entire patrol at the head of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

Yes, the soles of the feet are directly facing the eyes of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

It is said that the eyes are the most vulnerable place, and this behemoth can’t fight hard, and can only be outsmarted.

But the long tail of the scp-682 immortal lizard swept straight away at its patrol.

This power is irresistible, after all, he is an ordinary person after all, and he is better at best.

The patrolman then grabbed the stone pillar with his arm to prevent his body from continuing to throw itself toward the ground.

Years of training are vividly stimulated today.

The Rangers stared at the scp-682 Immortal Lizard with both eyes as it watched its next move.

I don’t know how the evacuation is now.

Hang on!

The patrolman saw the scp-682 immortal lizard facing southwest, which was a crowded place.

No, it must be stopped.

The entire sniper cannon was attacking in the direction of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“Suddenly: Abrupt”

The sound of the bombardment vibrates the eardrum, as if the eardrum will burst next.

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