The whole head was shaken with a headache.

The progress of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard was interrupted by the attack of the shell and did not continue to advance.

After the smoke from the shells dissipated.

Those bright red eyes appeared again, the same poisonous, adding more weirdness.


The scp-682 Immortal Lizard approached the patrolman who was lying on the ground after being hit by the sniper cannon.

The Rangers smashed the sniper cannon, which was no longer in the hands of the shells, at the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

His right hand supported the ground, holding on to this little force, and his whole body leaned back and kept retreating backwards.

The eye-reflecting scp-682 immortal lizard constantly drips secretions from its mouth.

The stench of the smell smoldered the venue.


The suppressed roar was all sprayed in the ears of the people, and they trembled with shock.

The head of the scp-682 immortal lizard is close to the patrolman who fell to the ground.

The foul-smelling mouth was wide open, large enough to see the throat eye of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The patrolman slowly touched his calf position, and his right hand held the handle of the sharp knife.

Waiting for an opportunity.

A little closer, a little closer.

The Rangers stared dead into the eyes of the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“Go and die.”

The Rangers lifted themselves up and quickly headed towards the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Or was it dodged by the scp-682 immortal lizard.

This time, the patrolman was directly thrown to the ground by the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

The scp-682 would obviously not let the patrolman go, and walked step by step toward him who fell to the ground.

The physical pain, tens of thousands of knives stuck in their chests.

The fishy sweet taste gets stuck in the position of the throat eye.

The patrolman tried to struggle to get up, but to no avail.

The whole body was very painful even to move.

The Rangers waited for the scp-682 Immortal Lizard to crush itself whole.

With his bones and blood, he swallowed them all.

A chilly feeling enveloped the entire city of Tianhai.

Little by little, the disgusting but warm feeling grew stronger.

“Ah, what to do, what to do, he’s going to die, whoops, what to do.”

“It’s disgusting, don’t look at it.”

“Close your eyes, don’t want to look.”

“Won’t anyone be able to save you?”

The crowd watched in horror as the monster in front of them attacked the patrol to the ground.

Then he closed his eyes tightly, unwilling to see this bloody scene.


The sound of a gun attack sounded again.

The patrolman lying on the ground waited for the next pain, but waited for a long, long time, and did not wait for the pain in his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the scp-682 immortal lizard, which had just been in front of him, had left him.

Only to see the strange thing fall to the ground.

What happened specifically, everyone was delayed by the emptiness that had just blinked.

“That ghost thing is gone?”

“That strange thing can be a big sight if it can be obeyed.”

“Run, what are you waiting for?”

“Yes, run.”

The crowd roared in full voice, telling the patrolman, who was still motionless on the ground, to run away.

The patrolman turned his head to see the hint given outside.

The patrolman quickly got up, gritting his teeth to ignore the pain in his body, and his eardrums were injured by the sound of the sniper cannon bombardment.

Run with all your strength towards where the patrol car is parked.

Increase the horsepower, two legs is not a brisk feeling.

Instead, it was heavy, the feeling after death, the weakness of the legs.

However, the patrolman bit the back tooth groove and ran desperately in the direction of the patrol car.

This fierceness supported the patrol to successfully escape the threat of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

“Huh, are they all safely evacuated?” The patrolman asked as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Well, the last batch is about to be evacuated.” Team Zhao looked at the young patrolman in front of him with an appreciative look.

“That’s it.”

The inspector looked at his palms wet, sweaty.

Without hesitation, he wiped it on his pants.

The whole body lay in the patrol car, eyes looking at the roof of the car.

Thinking back to the scene just now, I was very afraid.

If not?

What the hell was going on that ghost thing that fell to the ground.

A thing of the behemoth, he seems to have been attacked by something.

How else could it have let itself go?

I thought hard about what I had just done, but I had no idea.

Close your eyes, and then the patrol is taken to the hospital.

And that scp-682 immortal lizard came back from the attack just now.

Its eyes are like sword needles, just by looking at it, you can feel the tingling sensation in your body.

The crowd had not yet withdrawn from the scene of the first horror, and now they were once again facing the trembling eyes.

Although the strange thing was quite far away from him, he didn’t rush up and hurt himself at once.

But inexplicably, he wanted to kneel down and confess to this strange thing.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard used its afterglow to look for what had just attacked it.

The crimson eyes saw the depression in his abdomen, and his eyes were cold.

Spinning a huge body, the entire tail was swinging in the air, three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation.

The same thick tail, on which is also covered with white hard armor.

The hard tail destroys the surrounding obstacles.

Everything around it was flicked by its own tail and flew in the air.


All the obstacles were thrown fifty meters away, and the power carried by them was naturally very large.


“Sleeper, run!”

“Get out of the way, don’t get in my way.”


“My hand, you mother is looking for death.”


The whole scene was crowded and bustling, and everyone continued to run towards the southwest with all their might.

From time to time, there is a roar and scolding.

The whole is still moving southwest.

“Everybody leave in an orderly manner, leave in an orderly manner.”

Looking at the whole chaotic scene, the Zhao team took the loudspeaker and arranged it directly.

However, the scp-682 Immortal Lizard is not specifically attacking these people.

Instead, these eye-catching obstacles are all removed.

The mouth of the scp-682 immortal lizard opens from time to time, and the sound is uneven.

The rangers continued to stare at the strange thing, waiting for the authorities to continue to send more forces to support.

But who knows when the next wave of force support will come.

None of this is accurate!

The danger of the scp-682 immortal lizard is too high for everyone to approach at will.

Even members of the SCP Foundation did not dare to approach them at will.

The scp—682 Immortal Lizard looks for something that has just attacked itself, or finds it.

Even if all the obstacles around him were destroyed, they were still not found.

The scp-682 immortal lizard no longer lingers in place.

There is no difference between its intelligence and human intelligence, and what human beings have considered, it can still be.

The huge body turned and ran in a northern direction.

So fast that before the patrol car could start the engine, it was gone.

“Sleeper, this guy can fly!”

“Mom, I thought I couldn’t survive, really, too scary.”



ps: In order to avoid the river crab problem, so some official agency professional vocabulary, I will replace it with other words… I’m sorry if it affected the viewing experience!

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