“It’s all right, my heart is still there, my head is still there, my money is still there.”

“Oh, it’s good to see the sun.”

“Work well in the future and don’t complain about others.”

After the scp-682 immortal lizard was gone, the big stone in the hearts of all the people finally fell to the ground.

I almost got killed by that weird thing.

Fortunately, these rangers, otherwise this strange thing would be looking for itself.


Team Zhao raised his arms and slammed them against the steering wheel.


The sound of the car’s whistle suddenly appeared, and the bodies of the people who had just calmed down a little suddenly shrunk.

“Team Zhao, did you just see that thing?” The inspector asked.


Team Zhao thought about the scene just now, not because he closed his eyes for fear.

That thing was so fast, the whole thing was that instantaneous time.

I didn’t have time to react and went straight to attack the huge strange thing.

That loud noise, of course, is what it brings.

But what, don’t know!

What is its purpose, do not know!

Everything is like a mystery.

Just like this huge strange thing, it simply appeared out of nowhere.

The Zhao team really wanted to cut off their heads and apologize, what crime had been committed in Tianhai City recently.

One trouble after another, first of all, this trouble is not an ordinary human crime.

“Alas, I really know now that I am not promoted, but demoted.”

After speaking, Team Zhao twisted the patrol hat on his head and began the next inquiry.

This time, not a ghost, but a monster.

The whole huge body, like the Ultraman that I used to watch as a child.

Crimson eyes, foul-smelling mouth, and hard white hard-armored body.

It’s exactly like Ultraman’s nemesis.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as Ultraman in this world.

Team Zhao returned to his office and made himself a cup of fine Tieguanyin tea.

Smelling the rich aroma of tea, the tension in your heart will slowly decrease.

In front of everyone, I can’t show my confused expression.

You have to pretend to be calm and self-assured.

Privately, he slowly digested the fear in his heart and gradually faded the shadow in his heart.

Take a sip of tea, full of tea aroma intruding into the nose.

“Jingle Bells…”

There was still a second sip of the drink, when the office phone suddenly rang.

Put down the cup in your hand and run to the table.

“Room so-and-so.”


The other side said a lot, which made Zhao Team’s face suddenly change.

“Okay, rest assured.”

After the Zhao team said this, the phone in his hand slowly put down.

What the hell is that weird thing trying to do?

Thinking of the mysterious side force that had just gone up to let go full coordination with the upcoming faction.

That was the Mysterious Side Force that had been cultivated in the officially cultivated army.

It was able to cause a sensation somewhere, and sure enough, this time it was another big trouble.

Throw away the teacup in your hand, pick up the patrol hat and walk outside.

I kept thinking about Liu Xiaoling’s little girl.

Not that there was anything else, but at this juncture, in addition to the officially cultivated power that could contact the mysterious side, it was her.

Why not?

Team Zhao touched his chin, as if thinking about something.

“Oh, no, the above certainly does not agree.”

Even if Liu Xiaoling could contact the mysterious side power, even if she used the mysterious side power.

But the safety of her life needs to be protected by the state.

Moreover, it was made clear above that Liu Xiaoling would not be asked to help unless he had to.

Alas, let’s go about the video thing first.

The car quickly got out of position.

In the phone call just now, it was not only mentioned that if things continued to develop, the official would mobilize the members of the official army who had cultivated the mysterious side force.

Another thing, the video of the strange thing that just happened hurting the patrolman and wagging his tail was posted on major websites.

At this time, someone even took a video.

, isn’t it fragrant to be alive?

Do you have to take advantage of the chaos to make a fierce material, so that you can eat and drink enough?

Thinking like this, the Zhao team was even more angry, and the fire in his heart was not grounded.

You can only drag it towards your own hair.

“What kind of ghost is this?” So big? Are you sure you’re not filming Ultraman? ”

“Do you dare to let the entire municipal area fall into a panic?”

“Upstairs, silly fork, you can’t see the location?”

“It’s true, I’m on the scene, it’s really terrible, that thing is not afraid of guns at all, and there is a patrolman in the middle who almost died, if someone hadn’t saved him, he would have really died.”

“Upstairs, you all said that this strange thing can’t hurt guns, so what can hurt it?” Don’t be blind here, grinning all day. ”

“You still don’t believe it, fuck you, whatever you want, one day that weird thing will run to your house and kill you.”

The videos on major websites are not continuous, just sporadic clips.

However, these have caused a social sensation.


Of course, there are not only powerful ghosts in this world, but also such strange things.

The original values were very, very normal, but now little by little they are collapsing.

In the past few months, Tianhai City has not been peaceful.

Starting from the 367th bus of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s two girlfriends, one after another.

Make people big, let people crash.

The whole network is filled with ghosts and supernatural events every day.

If this had been put before it, everyone’s spit star would have been sprayed to death.

And now it’s a bunch of discussions about ghosts and monsters.

Thoughts are terrifying.

“Jingle Bells…”

The phone in Team Zhao’s pocket rang.



“Well, I am.”


“No interviews.”

Closing the phone, the whole person’s hands clasped together.

Alas, let’s solve the problem online.

“Alas, Team Zhao.”


Coming to the network inquiry place, Zhao Team greeted the people here familiarly.

I am afraid that the network inquiry is that in addition to the house and at home, I count the diligence of the people who come here.

“Xiao Liu, this time I’m here again.”

“Team Zhao, the power of this matter is very large, so many netizens secretly keep it in electronic devices.”

“Is the exchange of information in the network channel clean here?”

“It’s almost here, but there’s a rekindle of momentum that comes up from time to time.”

“What do you say?”

Xiao Liu immediately pointed to the network code of Tianhai City with a pen, and all the flowers and green colors looked particularly dazzling.

“Here, here, and here, they are all from the source, so you need the Zhao team to cut off the source.”

Team Zhao nodded, hitting the snake seven inches.

And this spread can only cut off the source and replace the intermediate communication.

Team Zhao suddenly thought of a thing, what if someone photographed that thing.

Oops, my pig brain, I thought, I can miss this important information.

Turning around and coming to Xiao Liu’s side, “Xiao Liu, help me copy the surveillance of xx places in Tianhai City.” ”

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