This sudden team, although it insisted on going all out to deal with that strange thing.

Judging from the situation just now, the other side does not seem to be willing to cooperate with the authorities.

This has been done twice, and this team will take the initiative to attack this strange thing after the official personnel are dispatched.

Advanced firearms, their meticulousness and the cooperation of the team members have reached the point of pure fire.

To be sure, this team does not belong to the government, and it is impossible for the private sector to privately cultivate a team with such high equipment.

This is not only in terms of power and chaebols, but even the equipment in the official ranks is not up to that level.

Surprised by the sudden arrival of the other party, but also surprised by the absence of the other party.

In such a short period of time, he was able to force that strange thing to leave.

It is conceivable that as soon as the lethality of that strange thing came up, the entire Eastern power was destroyed.

Perhaps, with the help of this team, that strange thing can be eliminated.

The Zhao team thought twice and decided to start with this team.

As long as they can be found, strange things can be caught quickly.


Li Xiaomo was still brushing his mobile phone, and he heard the ring ring.

[Request for assistance to the SCP Foundation to shelter the SCP-682 Immortal Lizard and turn this crisis to zero.] 】

When Li Xiaomo saw this news, his heart was pounding.

“Wow haha, the mysterious side circle has given itself a task, this is his first task, you can’t mess it up.”

Li Xiaomo bounced off the bed with his mobile phone.

You know, the soul of the live broadcast has passed the popularity of hundreds of millions, relying on live broadcast to make money fast, I have no feeling.

Today’s task is equivalent to the mysterious side circle giving itself the opportunity to test.

This is the first mission in history that he has entered the mysterious side circle.

Previously, they had gone with their girlfriend Liu Xiaoling to complete the tasks given by the mysterious side circle.

Be sure to do it carefully.

Good girlfriends naturally want to be together.

Subsequently, Li Xiaomo told Liu Xiaoling about this matter.

Even she was happy to be Yazi.

The two agreed to discuss the next thing at Liu Xiaoling’s house.

I only knew about the scp-682 immortal lizard from the Internet, except for those videos, the rest knew nothing.

As soon as Li Xiaomo entered the door, he saw Liu Feng sitting in the hall.

Before she could greet Liu Feng, she was hugged by Liu Xiaoling Bear.

“Brother, the mysterious side circle has given Xiao Mo a task.”

Liu Feng saw these two ladies looking at themselves with a fresh look, as if they were going to do a very great thing.

Sadly smiled and asked, “What mission?” ”

Li Xiaomo let Liu Feng look at the information on his bracelet.

“Brother, you said that if the official Scp-682 Immortal Lizard can’t be done, if it is obeyed by us, sigh.” Liu Xiaoling now thinks about it and feels beautiful.

Liu Feng didn’t dare to speak his heart, let them know that these were all levels he had set, and then he wouldn’t do it.

That who earns surprise points for themselves.

Although you may not be able to directly set the horror scene, you can charge the scare points in the horror scene.

However, the propaganda in the live broadcast platform can spread the horror scene to a greater extent.

Her little sister and her girlfriend have been popular for hundreds of millions of people in the cat’s tooth detective live broadcast, which will bring enough surprises to themselves.

And the official side also needs tool people to confuse them, to be comprehensive, in order to hide themselves in the end.

Assisting the SCP Foundation in rescuing the entire city of Tianhai, that huge thing needed a great force to obey it.

The mysterious side power of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo was not enough to destroy the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

But combined with the power of the SCP Foundation, it is enough to contain the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“Brother, we…” Liu Xiaoling motioned for the two of them to discuss.

Liu Feng nodded accordingly.

I don’t give them advice on these things.

Previously, a protective body was set up on Xiao Ling’s body, and now it is also on Li Xiaomo’s body.

However, it only appears at critical times.

This is also the key to Liu Feng not worrying about the two, this so-called terrorist incident is step by step according to his previous settings.

Generally there will be no errors.

Naturally, if something goes wrong, you can shoot and drag the horror scene to the original set route.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo really just did it.

The two decided to start the Spirit Quest Live first, attracting the eyes of the SCP Foundation.

The other party is too mysterious, and the mysterious side circle does not tell the information about the mysterious side circle.

However, the other side seems to be observing the place where the scp-682 immortal lizard is located.

Wait for an opportunity to take in the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Only when the eyes of the SCP Foundation are attracted will they take the initiative to find cooperation.

Simply by looking for them, you will certainly not be able to find.

Even the officials were looking for the team, but they couldn’t find it, and the strength of the two people alone was not enough to find it.

And show their strength, in order to let them take the initiative to come.

A thousand remarks are not as effective as those shown in practice.

“Xiao Mo, do you think we will be killed by the scp-682 immortal lizard?” Liu Xiaoling remembered that the scp-682 Immortal Lizard was the size of a body, and the fierce expression had been hanging on his face.

Li Xiaomo smiled and said, “Impossible.” ”

Li Xiaomo also did not know where the courage came from, and directly denied Xiaomo’s words.

Together, the two wait for the reappearance of the scp-682 immortal lizard, which is as difficult as finding the SCP Foundation.

The speed of the scp-682 immortal lizard is too fast, and if it is not determined to stay somewhere, it does not have enough strength to destroy it.

The scp-682 immortal lizard will not be easily found.

However, Liu Xiaoling was ready to take the initiative to find the Zhao team, so that he could know the location of the scp-682 immortal lizard at the first time.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the two of them to reappear as the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

However, the Zhao team also learned about the scp-682 immortal lizard from Liu Xiaoling’s mouth.

Not much, that is, just know a name.

After all, it has always been called a strange thing, and it is not good.


What does this mean?

How it feels so much like the combination of organization and code, the immortal lizard behind it is its name.

This idea was half-buried in Zhao Team’s mind, and then he thought that maybe it was really as he thought, it was a code.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo begged the Zhao team for a long time.

Both soft and hard, the two talents were personally carried by the Zhao team to the scene of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The two men came to the scene only to learn how big the scp-682 immortal lizard really was.

Before, it was through the screen, you can feel its huge.

But I saw with my own eyes that it was taller than ten floors, so huge that even the street where he stood barely managed to fit it.

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