Even its mouth was completely cracked, able to swallow the truck into its stomach.

“Tick tick”

This eerie sound is particularly harsh in this coming war.

Its smelly secretions fall down the ground along its mouth and eventually drip onto the ground.

The diamond horns on his head glowed green, contrasting with the crimson eyes.

I only felt that there was an imminent outbreak of mania around me.

With the low roar of the scp-682 immortal lizard, the whole scene fell into chaos.

This time was different from the previous two times, and there were still people around chattering about the scene.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard descended to the commercial and trade center of Tianhai City, where the population was extremely concentrated.

It came like a demon sweeping through this bustling city.

“Help, how did this strange thing come again, how did I get so unlucky, the third time..”

“Mom, whoops.. Mom..”

“Run, you’re an idiot who doesn’t run.”

“Child, my child..”

Everyone was red-eyed, and everything was flustered.

The patrolman’s thoughts, the order of the scene, the noisy sounds, all of them were wretched.

One glance, only one glance.

Liu Xiaoling faced the scp-682 Immortal Lizard’s crimson eyes.

The whole body is surrounded by a furious breath, and the whole spray is on this street, and the oppression makes people breathless.

Even with the first frontal attack last time in the Thorn Cliff Asylum.

Liu Xiaoling still felt his body trembling continuously, and the eyes of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard stared at his scalp tingling.

Li Xiaomo has opened the mobile phone in his hand and started the live broadcast.

As soon as it was launched, many people immediately entered the live broadcast room.

“Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo’s wife are actually online.”

“It looks like the two of them are moving again.”

“Sleeper, isn’t this the ugly thing that’s going on fire on the Internet these days?”

“It has seen it, and its next step will not be to attack both of them.”

“Run, take away the little foam wife.”

The barrage in the cat’s tooth live broadcast has completely entered a crazy flashing state.

The backstage operator quickly adjusted ten people to pick up the live broadcast of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

I have to say that the popularity of the two is too high, and the live broadcast room must continue to expand to prevent the room from collapsing.

“You two keep me here, don’t shoot!” Team Zhao scolded.

The Zhao team was also afraid that something would happen to Liu Xiaoling and the two of them.

Liu Xiaoling is currently the object of official close attention, in case something goes wrong.

Directly taking one’s head as a ball can not make up for the loss.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo obediently nodded, indicating that they knew.

“If Liu Xiaoling doesn’t move, I’ll take out all my private money and give it to my wife.”

“Upstairs, your wife may be in this live broadcast room.”

“I also agree, the two of them can’t just come to see the hilarity, Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo’s wife are so powerful.”

“But the officials sent people, and it is said that many of them were seriously injured.”

In the barrage, it is all revealed that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo will not obediently stay where they are and watch this amazing story.

Liu Xiaoling would only sneak away from Team Zhao’s eyes and fight against the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

However, the two of them knew how strong they were, and they would not face the attack on the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Liu Xiaoling was a 0.7-star cultivator, and it was enough to deal with the ghosts that had just risen, but like the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard, it was impossible to defeat it by his own strength.

Liu Xiaoling silently nodded to Li Xiaomo, and then touched the two metal short roots in his backpack.

Scp-682 is not a ghost, and the charm cannot work on it.

All hope rests on these two metal short roots.

The Jizo Yin Technique has already begun, and the assistance of the Yin Fire Force can last for a while.

In fact, Liu Xiaoling is gambling.

Bet on your own strength to support the team of the SCP Foundation.

Li Xiaomo can only hold the mobile phone as close as possible, so that he can photograph many scenes.

Li Xiaomo also wanted to play, but the other side was too strong.

But if Xiao Mo encounters any danger… No.

“Oh my God, the little spirit is really on the scene, is she not going to die?”

“Maybe before, in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, Xiao Ling wasn’t very powerful?”

“She’s going to go and save that kid?”

“Upstairs, are you stupid?” Everyone can see that Xiao Ling went to save the child. ”

Liu Xiaoling quickly withstood the scp-682 immortal lizard’s anger and quickly ran towards the child who was still looking for his mother.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard appeared from Liu Xiaoling, and his eyes were already fixed on her.

By feeling, she and the members of the SCP Foundation brought her the same uncomfortable feelings.


The scp-682 immortal lizard strode toward the child.

It saw that the woman in front of it was coming for this child, and that she had to trample the child to death.

The two legs continued to walk in the direction of the crying child.

The thick tail swung behind him, and the whole eyes were fixed on Liu Xiaoling’s body.

The right leg of the scp-682 immortal lizard is raised.

As soon as its soles of the foot fall, the child will immediately turn into a meat loaf.

“My child, ah…”

“Don’t… Dead things, you must not die well. ”

The woman struggled with the others to take her hand and desperately rushed to the front.

On the way, she was stopped by the patrol and prevented from going.

The other rangers quickly began to rush towards the child in front, and the official team that had cultivated the mysterious side power also rushed towards the child in unison.

The three forces prepared to rescue the child who was already frightened and unconscious, lying on the ground.

Liu Xiaoling’s reaction speed was not as fast as the specially trained rangers and teams.

Fortunately, she and the scp-682 immortal lizard were much closer than they were.

She committed herself to running fast and running towards the body of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The crowd watched as the strange thing’s right leg fell.


Even if it is not his own child lying on the ground, he still sees a life being cruelly destroyed.

The hearts of the people ached.

But no one came to the rescue, they themselves were people without the power of the chicken.

How to save?

Honestly staying where you are, not dying, is already not adding to the official chaos.

And Liu Xiaoling looked up at the foot of the scp-682 immortal lizard while running.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard’s paws fell with a huge wind, and it was divided into lines that blocked Liu Xiaoling’s advance.

Facing the wind, the whole person lies on the ground, taking advantage of the inertia of the body.

The body is constantly rolling, and the child who is about to approach the child, lying on the ground and no longer dares to move.

Finally, at hand was the child who was already frightened and pale.

Curled up in his arms, he continued to roll their bodies to safety.


It was really the soles of the feet that passed by and landed on the ground paved with stones.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard used all its strength to prepare to trample the two people to death together.

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