The stones did not crack out, and were all trampled on the ground by the heavy feet of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

When the right foot of the scp-682 immortal lizard was raised, a deep pit appeared.

If Liu Xiaoling didn’t react so quickly, then…

Everyone did not dare to imagine that a little girl was so bold that even those who had trained did not dare to say that they could be rescued 100%.

It is possible that even with oneself, it will be lost here.

Even the team at the SCP Foundation thought the girl and child had been trampled to death by the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Although the full force has been made, accidents will always happen.

But, this girl is the girl who has just appeared.

He actually took the initiative to save the child.

Liu Xiaoling’s move has already attracted the attention of members of the SCP Foundation.

This scene was all recorded, and through live broadcasting, the righteousness of this heroic girl was put on the cat’s tooth platform.

And the woman who had just roared watched her child being swept up in Liu Xiaoling’s arms and dodging this thrilling disaster.

His eyes rolled and he fainted.

“That’s Liu Xiaoling?” Can anyone tell me if this is Liu Xiaoling? ”

“Good show, Xiao Ling is simply an angel sent by heaven.”

“First of all, she’s a girl, isn’t it good to stay at home and study?”

“How many centuries has this been, and is it still a husband and a godson?” Dog stuff, get out of here. ”

Everyone was stunned and watched Liu Xiaoling’s divine operation.

It is simply a god-like worship, there will be some spoken language in the bullet screen before, and now it is simply treated like a person who is very admired.

Li Xiaomo also took a breath from the thrill just now.

Watching the live broadcast barrage has been repeatedly bombarded, the popularity is constantly approaching 400 million popularity.

Rounded, that’s four hundred million.

But this is the beginning, and the next step is definitely to break through the mark of 400 million.

Although Li Xiaomo did not approve of this move of his girlfriend.

But she also knows that the things she has decided are something that no one can change.

Liu Xiaoling was busy holding the child and quickly getting up from the ground, really too late to even look at the back, and ran directly to the front.

If you can’t run, you will be trampled to death, and if you run away, you will win.

This was the thought in Liu Xiaoling’s heart.

Almost, I still have the self-preservation spell set up by my father.

Although it can only be used once, at this critical juncture, I will at least not regret it.

The team of the SCP Foundation is in unison to delay the footsteps of the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

One by one, they directly held the huge guns in their arms and began the first round of attacks.

Coincidentally, Liu Xiaoling was given plenty of time to escape from the dangerous place.

Liu Xiaoling gave the child to Team Zhao and began to feel great fear in his relief.

How could you not worry that you would really be trampled to death by the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Just see a living life in front of you, if you really die.

This is probably the haze that has become Liu Xiaoling’s life.

Fortunately, in the end, the protective charm was not used, and the child and himself were safely withdrawn from that dangerous situation, Liu Xiaoling thought.

The Zhao team quickly sent the child and the child’s mother to be treated.

This mother and son are afraid that they need psychological relief, and such a thrilling scene is very detrimental to the future growth of the child.

Li Xiaomo stared at Liu Xiaoling quietly, “Liu Xiaoling, are you completely sure?” ”

Liu Xiaoling shook his head, “But I’m absolutely sure I’ll survive.” ”

“And those people are the team sent by the SCP Foundation.” Liu Xiaoling spoke to Li Xiaomo in a voice that the two people could hear.

The purpose of this time is to let the members of the SCP Foundation start to pay attention to themselves and Xiaobuo.

Taking the initiative to come to the door, this is the real purpose of this trip.

The rescue of the child is an accident within an accident, but it is also a help to yourself.

That is, relying on this psychology to be able to run hard towards the place that seems to be looking for death in the eyes of others.

Li Xiaomo saw that Liu Xiaoling was still going to enter the match, thought about it, and let the mobile phone in his hand be held by the Zhao team.

One person takes risks, where there is another reason to retreat in the back.

The two men went into battle together.

“Xiao Mo, or this knife, much sharper than ordinary weapons, is in your hand.”

Liu Xiaoling knew that his girlfriend was just beginning to contact martial arts, and it would definitely not be easy to use.

Li Xiaomo naturally knew the girlfriend’s kindness, and did not shirk it, taking it and holding it in his hand.

By the time the Zhao team reacted, the two had already entered the battle circle.

“Hurry, call on friends and family to see, it is simply a realistic version of the female warrior.”

“We must bless Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo’s wife for the safe return.”

“Wouldn’t the two of them be sent by God to save mankind?”

“Grandpa asked me about my dream when I grew up, and I calmly replied: Become a heroine like Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, add bets, at this moment I am very calm.”

Live broadcast once again rose in popularity, because this scp-682 immortal lizard repeatedly disturbed the normal life of Tianhai City.

After breaking through the 400 million mark, even the number of flushes in the bullet was much more than before.

Even if many people are afraid, they still endure the jealousy in their hearts to watch the live broadcast.

Stimulate! Unpack!

Liu Xiaoling directly took out a metal short stick and entered the team of the SCP Foundation with Li Xiaomo.

The Scp Foundation apparently did not know that a girl had dared to come back to the fight.

There was another girl brought with him.

The two of them looked like the children of a rich family, how could they be so bold.

Ordinary people were directly frightened to the ground, and the two of them were better off going straight into the battle.

Don’t think about anything else, protect them both as much as possible.

However, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have not yet waited for the members of the SCP Foundation to protect them both.

The two men first attacked the scp—682 Immortal Lizard.

As long as you just hide behind the SCP Foundation, that previous efforts are in vain.

Thinking like this, the two of them fought harder towards the soles of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Liu Xiaoling was very cautious in using his Yin Xuan power, and if something happened, he could also use it to retreat from himself and Xiao Mo.

Li Xiaomo rewarded Liu Xiaoling for pinning the spring knife he gave to his waist.

The right leg lifted the stick at his feet into his hand, and his eyes never left the body of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The body of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard is too large to be attacked all the time, and it is impossible to make progress.

With the help of the elasticity of the stick, Li Xiaomo tried to attack its weakness as long as it reached mid-air.

As can be seen in her online video, the SCP-682 Immortal Lizard is difficult to be invaded by firearms.

The white hard armor on the scp-682 immortal lizard is a stubborn shell that blocks attacks from the outside.

However, there is no weakness in the scp-682 immortal lizard.

Don’t believe it, absolutely not!

Pole vaulting, this is Li Xiaomo’s regular training project.

The stick was violently propped up, and Li Xiaomo’s body was bounced in the air by the elastic force given by the stick.

Li Xiaomo’s brain has been kept awake.

The spring knife pinned behind him was taken out while the stick was held in his left hand.

Just one moment, just this one.

Li Xiaomo attacked the place he had suspected for a long time.

Not the eyes, but the mouth where the secretions flow.



ps: push a book “One Piece: Please Don’t Make Up Your Brain”

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