Li Xiaomo thought about it faster and faster, and the short spring knife in his hand had already tried its power the first time it was used.

The right hand holding the spring knife trembled slightly.

Not because of fear, but because of attacking such a huge opponent, the whole body is full of excitement.


The scp-682 Immortal Lizard was dissatisfied that someone had tried to challenge its own power, and opened its mouth to roar at Li Xiaomo.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard was dodging Li Xiaomo’s attack, and its entire tail was as flexible as a water snake.

Without any ambiguity, he whipped Li Xiaomo’s arm, as long as he hit his body, this person would become a waste if he did not die.

Li Xiaomo watched the other party’s tail fall down, and his entire body fell down.

Everyone exclaimed, originally thinking that Liu Xiaoling would succeed in diverting the attention of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

The scp-682 Immortal Lizard takes all its actions in its own eyes and never lets any attack hurt it.

In the live broadcast, the team of the SCP Foundation has been automatically eliminated, and their whole body is like air in the video.

A team that never appeared, everyone was surprised by the official team and Liu Xiaoling’s battle between the two of them.


The whole sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole Tianhai City fell into a dim state, and the whole thing was depressing.

Soon, a few thunderclaps flashed in the sky, carrying a few drops of rain.

One by one.

The location of the lightning strike was extremely low, and the blue and purple light illuminated the entire scene like a hellfire of eerieness.

The dense thunder and lightning tore the originally calm sky into pieces.

The sound of the crackling caused the whole scene to rush around, and they did not have the courage to accept the intimidation of thunder and lightning.

It was also the thunderous sound that attracted the consciousness of the scp-682 immortal lizard.

“Oh my God, God bless you with peace, Amen!”

“Little Foam’s wife, let me see Little Foam’s wife.”

“Hey, how did the live stream stop? Open it soon! ”

“Yikes! The power went out at a critical moment. ”

“Fark, damn, pay me back….”

The power supply system of the entire Tianhai City was affected by this sudden lightning and fell into chaos, and the users entered the blackout one after another.

The water friends who were originally guarding the live broadcast room were all waiting for this exciting matchup.

This battle for the defense of mankind is like arousing the heroic dream in the hearts of everyone from childhood to adulthood, pinning on the team and Liu Xiaoling.

Now, darkness creeps up on the heart!

A person’s waiting magnifies the fear infinitely, but there is nothing he can do, and he can only choose to wait in place for the dawn.

Naturally, Li Xiaomo’s mobile phone was also shut down by Zhao Team, and the mobile phone seemed so terrible at this moment.

In the center street, they are still facing each other.

After Li Xiaomo fell from the waist height of the scp-682 Immortal Lizard, the stick in his left hand quickly inserted itself towards the second-floor restaurant next to it.

The whole body uses the force to cushion the gravity down, and finally Ann lands down the second floor along the open-air pipe.

This process is like a cloud of water, and even these trained men want to give Li Xiaomo a thumbs up.

The scp-682 immortal lizard did not care about them anymore, and this lightning and thunderous weather actually made it even more irritable.

Soon, it chose to leave.

Everyone thought that the scp-682 Immortal Lizard would carry out the next round of attack.

Turn around and go, no one can catch up, take off into the sky in an instant, and leave without stopping.

“Whew, it’s finally gone.”

“Heaven, it’s too hard, I just want to live now, it’s good to be alive.”

“Let’s go home, let’s go home, and see if the rain will stop for the time being.”

“When the time comes to catch the strange thing, don’t let it harm people.”

Everyone saw that the scp-682 immortal lizard had left, and all of them became bold and began to discuss the thoughts in their hearts.

The team of the SCP Foundation disappeared by the time the SCP-682 Immortal Lizard was extinguished.

They proceeded to the next step of tracking to prevent the next attack of the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“Xiao Mo, are you all right?” It scared me to death. Liu Xiaoling just saw his girlfriend’s bold action, and his heart ached.

Lest Li Xiaomo be injured or something.

Fortunately, she was able to turn the crisis into nothing.

Li Xiaomo was far more rational than Liu Xiaoling, and she now doubted the relationship between the so-called SCP Foundation and the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

Similarly, the prefix has scp, like an organization that gives code to the research object.

But this idea Li Xiaomo did not say directly, now there are so many people on the scene, in case someone listens to the past, and then pass it out, it will bring unnecessary trouble.

Liu Xiaoling looked around for traces of the SCP Foundation, and seeing that there was no trace of it, Liu Xiaoling gave up.

“You’re scared to death, if you two make a mistake, why should I explain it?” Zhao Team’s kung fu is good, but in the scp-682 Immortal Lizard is a small skill of carving insects, but he also has a very high IQ.

“Hey, whatever, next time not.” Liu Xiaoling did feel that he had pleaded with the Zhao team to come to the scene before.

However, after arriving at the scene, the two were completely out of his sight and directly went into battle.

“Okay, don’t be poor, go check it out.” Although the Zhao team’s tone was not very good now, his heart was really worried about these two girls.

Pushing the two men into the checkup, afraid of getting a little damage in the match just now.

Even though Liu Xiaoling is the spokesperson for the launch of the mysterious side circle, she is not so hard that she cannot hurt her with anything, and Li Xiaomo does not have the mysterious side power on her.

In this case, the Zhao team is simply a grasshopper on the panel ready to be tormented.

Li Xiaomo, who was on the sidelines, kept watching the live broadcast replay, and what she wondered now was that the people about the SCP Foundation did not even have a shadow in the live broadcast.

Could it be the shooting perspective? Impossible, obviously the mobile phone camera is heading towards the panorama.

Suddenly thinking of another possibility, Li Xiaomo quickly patted Liu Xiaoling beside him and signaled to hurry home.

“Oh, Zhao Team, we’re both fine, you see it’s all right, we’ll go back first.” Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo automatically circled in circles.

The two men pulled out their legs and hurried away.

“Xiao Mo, what’s wrong?” Xiao Mo was in such a hurry to come back, there must be something urgent.

Only to see Li Xiaomo stuff the mobile phone with the live broadcast playback in her hand, and when she finished watching it, she also found an abnormality.

He narrowed his eyes and asked, “What’s going on, how come there aren’t them?” No, isn’t it already filmed? ”

Liu Xiaoling is not suspicious of Xiaomo’s technology, but feels magical, a sense of science fiction.

“I don’t know, it may be that the SCP Foundation won’t let them reveal their whereabouts, and I have seen that the videos circulating on the Internet before are not theirs.” Speaking, Liu Xiaomo will play the video of the special treatment.

This kind of video is officially not allowed to be disseminated at will, but some people still spread it privately, but not on the surface.

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