Li Xiaomo nodded to receive the video, and what caught his eyes was that a man who looked very much like an old and sophisticated man appeared in the video.

“Hello, I’m the director of the SCP Foundation, just call me Ph.D.” The man held his eyes and spoke directly and preconceivedly.

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling nodded slightly, “Doctor, hello.” ”

“Yes, I sincerely ask you to assist the members of the SCP Foundation in sheltering the SCP-682 Immortal Lizard, and we will work together for peace in Tianhai City.” The doctor’s words were very pertinent, and the smile on his face was very good, and he could not find anything inappropriate.

The two continued to nod, then looked at each other.

“Yes, we also hope to cooperate with your organization to protect the tranquility of Tianhai City, but we have not even seen the SCP Foundation, this…” Li Xiaomo did not say all the next words, and wanted to say it without saying it more clearly.

“Oh, yes, at three o’clock this afternoon, we will send someone to invite you two to come to the SCP Foundation exhibition and watch the SCP Foundation.”


In just a few words, cooperation will be achieved.

“This SCP Foundation is still quite clever, and has not been revealing its own information, just saying something superficial.” Liu Xiaoling complained.

Li Xiaomo nodded, but what could it be, this was a task issued by the mysterious side circle, and he definitely needed to do his best to complete it.

Liu Xiaoling took advantage of this gap to return home.

“Brother, why are you here?” As soon as Liu Xiaoling entered the door, he watched his elder brother sitting in the living room, quietly.

Sometimes I feel that my brother, who is only a year older than myself, is a bit precocious, not in appearance but in mind.

It’s too calm, and the temperament on the body feels a lot different.

Is this the big guy of the mysterious side circle?!

Liu Xiaoling felt that his brother…

It seems a little strange.

But it’s familiar…

It felt weird.

“Well, I’m back.” Liu Feng did not answer Liu Xiaoling’s question, but pressed her to the sofa.

“Brother?” Liu Xiaoling tentatively looked at his brother’s face and asked in a low voice, afraid that his brother would be angry because of yesterday’s events.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Liu Feng didn’t say anything, just drank the tea in his hand.

She knew everything about her sister and her girlfriend’s confrontation with the scp-682 Immortal Lizard yesterday.

However, the two of them can not be too mixed up in the matter.

“It’s okay, it’s just that these two days I need to complete the task of the mysterious side circle with Xiao Mo, so…”

“Well, be careful.” Willow Wind instructed.

“Thank you brother.” Li Xiaomo pounced on Liu Feng, and then left in a daze.

I don’t want the elder brother to know how miserable things were yesterday, so I have to disguise it, anyway, now things have a frown.

Li Xiaomo once again entered the notes given by Liu Feng, and a little bit of thoroughness was like pulling out seedlings to promote growth.

If you have mixed martial arts as a foundation, it will naturally not be very bad.

Here “to stop the war with the martial arts, but to settle the fight; Harmony with heaven and earth in one breath, and self-improvement…” Is it to let yourself know the goal of cultivating martial arts?

It should also be that those who later cultivate martial arts should not focus on force, and martial arts cultivation extremely needs people with very good foundations to cultivate, which is really suitable for themselves.

However, martial arts cultivation is divided into ten realms, and each realm is eight star levels.

It’s so far away, now I don’t even have enough of the first realm of one star level, and the road ahead is very long.

Li Xiaomo put down the notebook, his hands turned up and down, left and right, condensing the heavens and the earth in one breath mixed in the palm of his hand, and finally converged in the position of Dantian.

Dantian, that is, it is necessary not to expand and forge its own endurance, only the basic kung fu reaches a certain level, then the later martial arts cultivation has nothing to stop.

The state of mind suddenly calmed down, Li Xiaomo felt the condensed Heaven and Earth Qi in his palm, and then he was carried by his arm to his own Dantian.

However, his own Dantian was not able to preserve it at all, and the gathered Heaven and Earth Qi all dissipated.

How can this be, is there a problem with his own dantian?

Li Xiaomo was a little anxious, and the notebook given by Brother Liu also mentioned that if Dan Tian could not condense the qi of heaven and earth, it would not be able to open the first step of cultivating martial arts.

So depressed!

Li Xiaomo could only withdraw from cultivation, and although he had just felt the changes in his body, if he didn’t have the right method, he would only be in vain today.

Forget it, take the time to ask Brother Liu.

“Little foam, here.” Liu Xiaoling looked at his girlfriend who was a little frustrated, “What’s wrong, just wasn’t it still very happy, this moment the void has become like this.” ”

“Xiao Ling, I have just been studying martial arts cultivation again, and I feel the gathered power physically, but Dantian can’t save the power that was not easy to gather, and it dissipates very quickly.” Li Xiaomo said sullenly.

Li Xiaomo knew that his girlfriend was cultivating the mysterious side power, and he didn’t know if there was a connection between the martial arts and the mysterious side power.

“Ah, I don’t understand this, when you come back, ask my brother, let’s not speculate.” In the novels that Liu Xiaoling read, he often saw people who suddenly died violently on the way to cultivation.

Just as the two were talking on the side of the road, a very formally dressed man came to Li Xiaomo and them with two bodyguard-like people.

The man leaned over slightly and said, “Miss Li and Miss Liu, hello, I am the director of the SCP Foundation with two distinguished people. ”

After the two got into the car, the car quickly opened, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling entered a coma, and the speed of the car was so fast that they could not see the scenery outside.

When the two woke up, they only thought they were asleep, “I actually fell asleep?” ”

It’s okay for one person to be asleep, but if both are asleep, there is something wrong, not doubting the identity of the other, but distrust.

“Well, you’re too tired.” Li Xiaomo did not say that he was also asleep, which did not need to be noticed, but as a condition, “Director, we should be able to do live broadcasts here, right?” ”

“Nature is possible, but we can’t talk about the location of the SCP Foundation and the evil way of leaking important information.” The supervisor replied.

But the two also don’t know where the SCP Foundation is, and they are asleep from getting on the bus to getting off.

Li Xiaomo quickly pulled out the mobile phone in his pocket, and Liu Xiaoling entered the role of anchor.

“Hello everyone, this is a mysterious organization in Tianhai City, but we need to introduce it as we walk, let’s see where this mysterious organization is mysterious!”

Liu Xiaoling and the supervisor are at the forefront, and the supervisor mainly introduces the SCP Foundation, but it is all superficial information and does not involve central information.

Li Xiaomo followed, followed by two SCP Foundation members.

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